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Angular Numbro.js filter

This is an Angular.js filter that applies Numbro.js formatting.

How to Use

  1. Include Numbro.js in your project

  2. Include either the minified or non-minified javascript file from the /dist/ folder:

    <script src="angular-numbro.js"></script>
  3. Inject the ngNumbro filter into your app module:

    var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ngNumbro']);
  4. Apply the filter with the desired format string:

        {{ price | numbro:'$0,0.00' }}

Advanced Usage

You can configure ngNumbro during Angular's configuration phase using the $numbroConfigProvider:

var app = angular.module('exampleApp', ['ngNumbro']);

app.config(['$numbroConfigProvider', function ($numbroConfigProvider) {
    // place configuration here

Numbro.js must be already loaded in the browser prior to using $numbroConfigProvider.

Named Formats

$numbroConfigProvider.setFormat(name, formatString) - defines a named format which can be used in place of the format string in the filter.

app.config(['$numbroConfigProvider', function ($numbroConfigProvider) {
    $numbroConfigProvider.setFormat('currency', '$ 0,0.00');

In markup,

    {{ price | numbro:'currency' }}

Default Format

Numbro.js defines the default format as '0,0', so this format is used if none is provided to the filter.

$numbroConfigProvider.setDefaultFormat(format) - overrides the built-in default format.

app.config(['$numbroConfigProvider', function ($numbroConfigProvider) {
        $numbroConfigProvider.setFormat('float', '0.00');
        $numbroConfigProvider.setFormat('currency-no-sign', '0,0.00');
        $numbroConfigProvider.setFormat('currency-no-cents', '$0,0');

In markup,

    {{ price | numbro }}     <!-- will produce 15.5 $ -->

Custom Languages

$numbroConfigProvider.setLanguage(langId, definition) - adds new language definitions to Numbro.js. See the available list here: languages.

app.config(['$numbroConfigProvider', function ($numbroConfigProvider) {
    var language = {
        delimiters: {
            thousands: ' ',
            decimal: ','
        abbreviations: {
            thousand: 'k',
            million: 'm',
            billion: 'b',
            trillion: 't'
        ordinal: function (number) {
            return '.';
        currency: {
            symbol: '€'

    $numbroConfigProvider.setLanguage('de', language);

Languages can be loaded directly into Numbro.js as well, e.g. by loading the language files after Numbro.js is loaded. Angular-numbro can use these languages even if they are not set via this provider.

Select Language

$numbroConfigProvider.setCurrentLanguage(langId) - selects the current language. The language must be loaded either by $numbroConfigProvider.setLanguage() or by loading the Numbro.js language file.

app.config(['$numbroConfigProvider', function ($numbroConfigProvider) {


Check out example/simple and example/config for reference.


This filter can be installed via Bower with the following dependency in the bower.json file.

"dependencies": {
    "angular-numbro": "^1.0"


This project is published in NPM as angular-numbro.

"dependencies": {
    "angular-numbro": "^1.0"

The example/browserify folder has a working example with Browserify and Grunt. To build this project, install Grunt and Browserify and run the following:

cd example/browserify
npm install
grunt build

Then open example/browserify/dist/index.html in a browser.


  1. Install Grunt CLI and Node.js

  2. Install Node packages

     npm install
  3. Build via Grunt

     grunt build

    The /dist/ folder contains the regular and minified Javascript files.

  4. Tests are automatically run during the build, but they can be run manually as well

     grunt test


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