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Very Simple AWK Examples

1. IF we find hello on stdin => print whole line

awk '/hello/{print $0}'

2. Script from file

awk -f script1.awk

3. Simple print

awk 'BEGIN { print "hello" }'

4. Simple print ' using octal escape sequence

awk 'BEGIN { print "John\47s cat"} '

5. Simple print ' using escape ' between ''

awk 'BEGIN { print "John'\''s cat"} '

6. Simple print ' using var

awk -v char="'" 'BEGIN { print "John"char"s cat"} '

7. Simple search string in line

awk '/awk/ { print $0 }' $0

8. Simple search string in line, omitting action (so print all)

awk '/awk/' $0

9. Show line having length > 50 using pattern

awk 'length($0)>50' $0

10. Show line having length > 50 using action

awk '{ if (length($0) > 50) print }' $0

11. print longest record

awk ' { if (length($0) > length(max)) max=$0 } END { print max" "length(max) }' $0

12. print rows having more that 10 columns

awk 'NF > 10' $0

13. Show, for each row, ROW Number FIELD Number

awk 'NF > 0 { print NR,FNR,NF }' $0

14. Set Output Field Separator

awk 'BEGIN { OFS="->"} { print $1,$2,$3,$4 }' $0

15. NOT + AND Conditions

awk '!/# awk/&&(NF>1) { print $0 }' $0

16. Set Output Record Separator

awk 'BEGIN { ORS="|\n"} { print $0 }' $0

17. Set stdin and file

awk '{ print "Row: ",$0 }' $0 -

18. Sed alternative: replace awk -> gawk

awk '{ gsub("awk","gawk"); print $0}' $0

19. Use script1.awk, which includes script2.awk

awk -f script1.awk $0

20. Use awk extensions (library)

gawk -lordchr 'BEGIN { print chr(65) }'

21. cut alternative (substr) (from 1st to 20th char | 21th till end)

awk '{ print substr($0,1,20) "|" substr($0,21) }' $0

22. Search string position (searching for BEGIN)

awk '{ print index($0,"BEGIN"),$0 }' $0

23. Change Input Field Separator inline: 1. print left of "." and second word

    on right of "." using " " as separator
awk '{ FS="."; first=$1; $1=""; split($0,a," "); print first,a[2] }' $0

24. Match/No Match regexp

awk '($2~/awk/) && ($0!~/gawk/) {print $0}' $0

25. Ignore case Match

awk 'tolower($0)~/begin/' $0
awk -v IGNORECASE=1 '/begin/' $0
awk 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE=1 } /begin/' $0

26. Match index odd and even numbers

awk '/^# [0-9]{0,1}[13579]\./' $0
awk '/^# [0-9]{0,1}[^13579]\./' $0
awk '/^# [0-9]*[^13579]\./' $0

27. Match index odd just with at least 2 numbers

awk '/^# [0-9]+[13579]\./' $0

28. Match index just with at just 0 or 1 number

awk '/^# [0-9]?\./' $0

29. Match all lines not containing digits using DYNAMIC Regular Expression

awk 'BEGIN{RE="[0-9]"} (NF>0 && $0!~RE)' $0

30. Conversion "{" in "{\n" and "}" in "\n}\n", INDENT

awk '{ gsub(/{/,"{\n\t"); gsub(/}/,"\n}\n"); print }' $0

31. Change Record Separator

awk -v RS="." // $0

32. Array Example (Sorted)

awk '/^# [0-9]+\./ {
  print $0
  split($0,vett," ")
  for (i in vett)
    print i ": " vett[i]
  print "WORDS COUNT: " length(vett) "\n"
}' $0

33. FIELDWIDTHS example

echo "12345ABCDE1234567890ABC"|awk 'BEGIN{FIELDWIDTHS="5 5 10 3"} {
  print \
    "Initial String:",$0,"\n"\
    "Using FIELDWIDTHS to extract Fixed Width Fields","\n"\
    "First 5 Numbers:",$1,"\n"\
    "First 5 Chars:",$2,"\n"\
    "First 10 Numbers:",$3,"\n"\
    "First 3 Chars:",$4,"\n"\

34. getline read-ahead same file example

awk '{
  while (getline temp) {
    print "$0:",$0," getline:",temp
}' $0

35. getline read same file in parallel

awk -v FILENAME=$0 '{ \
  getline temp < FILENAME; \
  print $0 " | " temp \
}' $0

36. redirecting first 2 columns to single files /tmp/1 and /tmp/2, use system to exec

awk '{ \
  print $1 > "/tmp/1"
  print $2 > "/tmp/2"
} END { \
  print "First column"
  system("cat /tmp/1")
  print "Second column"
  system("cat /tmp/2")
}' $0

37. range between { and } (on/off feature)

awk '/{/,/}/' $0

38. next example

awk 'NF > 3 {next} // {print "NF:",NF,$0}' $0

39. exit example

awk 'NR > 10 { exit } // { print "NR:",NR,$0}' $0

40. argc and argc example

awk 'BEGIN {
  for (i in ARGV)
    print i":",ARGV[i];
  print "ARGC:",ARGC
}' $0

41. FILENAME example

awk ' { print FILENAME; exit }' $0

42. PROCINFO and isarray() example

awk 'BEGIN {
  for(i in PROCINFO) {
    if (isarray(PROCINFO[i]))
      for(j in PROCINFO[i])
        print i,j,PROCINFO[i][j]
      print i,PROCINFO[i]
}' $0

43. match example using on filter, printing and showing return, from a variable containing regular expression

awk '
    REG=" ..\\."
  match($0,REG) > 0 {
' $0

44. strtonum example

awk '$2 ~ /..\./ {
  num = $2
  n = strtonum(num);
  print "strtonum("num"*10) = " n*10," ",$0
}' $0

45. sysdate(epoch),mktime,strftime

awk 'BEGIN {
  print "systime():",systime()
  print "mktime(\"2000 01 01 00 00 00\"):",mktime("2000 01 01 00 00 00")
  print "strftime(\"%d %m %Y %H %M %S\",946681200):",strftime("%d %m %Y %H %M %S",946681200)
}' $0

46. User defined function example, return strtonum and quadratic

awk '
  function toNumAndQuadratic(s) {
    return strtonum(s)^2
    NumExpr="^# [0-9]+\\."
  match($0,NumExpr) > 0 {
    print "toNumAndQuadratic(\""$2"\"): " toNumAndQuadratic($2)," " $0
' $0

47. Indirect function calls

awk '
function odd() {
  return "called function odd";
function even() {
  return "called function even";
  NumExpr="^# [0-9]+\\."
match($0,NumExpr) > 0 {
  num = strtonum($2)
  t = num % 2 != 0 ? "odd" : "even"
  print "num:",num ",","type:",t ",",@t()
' $0

48. split / join example

awk '
  NumExpr="^# [0-9]+\\."
match($0,NumExpr) > 0 {
  print "ORIGINAL LINE READ: " $0;
  split($0,a," ");
  b = ""
  for (i in a)
    b = b a[i] " "
  print "AFTER SPLIT / JOIN: " b,"\n"
' $0

49. Convert this shell file to for github

awk '
  print "# Very Simple AWK Examples"
/#!\/bin\/bash/ { next }
/^# [0-9]*\./ {
  if (NOT_FIRST)
    print "```"
    NOT_FIRST = 1
  $1 = "##"
  print "```"
  sub(/^# /,"",$0)
  print "```"
' $0


Very simple AWK Examples







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