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Discord Menus

With the recent news that `` will no longer be mainainted, as well as my own bot being moved over to Rust w/ Twilight for several months now, this project will no longer be maintained.

Simplified menus for developers.

Version Docs Python Version

user creates an embed, reaction buttons are added, and user navigates the
menu by clicking the buttons

Table of Contents

The Book
API Docs


dpymenus is an unofficial add-on for the library that lets you quickly compose various styles of menus which react to user input.

  • Handles text & button input, normalization, and validation
  • Easy-to-build menus with paginated data, multiple choices, and polls
  • Template system for quickly defining a cohesive style for your menus
  • User-defined callbacks & event hooks for complex use-cases
  • Awesome examples and documentation to get rolling quickly

Quick Start

pip install dpymenus

Read "Installation" from The Book for further information.


from discord.ext import commands
from dpymenus import Page, PaginatedMenu

class Demo(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client

    async def demo(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        page1 = Page(title='Page 1', description='First page test!')
        page1.add_field(name='Example A', value='Example B')

        page2 = Page(title='Page 2', description='Second page test!')
        page2.add_field(name='Example C', value='Example D')

        page3 = Page(title='Page 3', description='Third page test!')
        page3.add_field(name='Example E', value='Example F')

        menu = PaginatedMenu(ctx)
        menu.add_pages([page1, page2, page3])

def setup(client):

The examples directory contains working examples for almost every feature of the library.

In addition, the chapter on "Examples" walks you through setting up the built-in example runner.


If you are looking for support on how to use particular library functions, please ask in the discussions tab.

If you've encountered a bug, submit an issue.

In addition, feel free to add me on Discord @ Rob (롭)#0013 -- I am open to discuss the library and assist when I am free, but I prefer you use the GitHub options as it may help other people as well.


dpymenus is open-source for a reason -- I welcome all additions, bug fixes, and changes if they fit within the scope of the library. Please see the chapter on "Contributing" in the book for detailed information. Don't be shy!

Have you found this library useful? Please leave a ⭐ on the project -- it means a lot to me!

Check out my other utility: cogwatch -- Automatic hot-reloading for your command files.