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Known Issues

Rob Hruska edited this page Feb 16, 2016 · 2 revisions

Undocumented Slack API Usage

CalendarToSlack uses an undocumented Slack API to set the user's last name to a custom message. Given that, it could potentially break at any time. The API being used is rate limited more aggressively as well, so there's a generous 1.5 second delay in between each attempt to use the API to make sure we're respecting Slack's rate limits.

Because of that, there's essentially an upper-bound to the number of users that can be supported; the poll/update loop is every 60 seconds, which means about a 60 / 1.5 ~= 40 user limit.

The current plan is just to wait for Slack to add custom message support. It's allegedly in the works, but there's no timeline for it.

Last name (custom message) won't change and/or /back not working

Sometimes the app hits Slack's rate limit when making API calls to change a user's last name, and I'm not sure how long the rate limit cooldown period is. The recommendation is just to wait 5-10 minutes and try again. See Undocumented Slack API Usage above.

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