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License: Apache 2.0 (except where explicitly stated otherwise)

Build Status Built with Grunt

Sqawsh is a toy project to test drive AWS microservices - implementing a basic serverless squash court booking service. More detailed documentation is available.

Building (tested on Mac, Amazon Linux, and Windows)

  • Ensure Java 8 JDK is installed
  • Clone the repo
  • From the repo's top level, run ./gw build (or gw build on Windows) to:
  • download gradle
  • build the project
  • run the Junit tests
  • create the JavaDocs in the build/docs/javadoc folder
  • create and in the build/distributions folder

Launching the booking service on AWS

  • Create a new S3 bucket and upload into it:
  • and from the build/distributions folder
  • Squash.template from the src/main/resources/squash/deployment/templates folder
  • Go to the Cloudformation console in your chosen region
  • Launch a stack:
  • using the uploaded Squash.template
  • specifying the parameters appropriately to point to the uploaded and
  • The stack should complete in a few minutes
  • The URL of the new court booking service will be provided as a stack output
  • Check logs in CloudwatchLogs to troubleshoot any problems
  • Delete the stack when no longer needed to avoid excess charges!

Running the Acceptance tests

  • There are rudimentary Cucumber WebDriver acceptance tests for several browsers
  • These are intended to be run against a real booking service as created above
  • You will also need to install:
  • the necessary webdrivers (see Selenium's instructions)
  • Appium if you want to run the iPad tests
  • For example, to run the Chrome tests, edit to set the SquashWebsiteBaseUrl property to the booking service's URL as specified in the stack output
  • Ensure there are no existing bookings on the service
  • Run as a Junit project

IDE support

  • From the repo's top level, run ./gw eclipse (or gw eclipse on Windows) to generate Eclipse project and classpath files
