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update mgmt interface accurately in initrock. Fixes #1701
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schakrava committed Apr 27, 2017
1 parent f0d81b0 commit 4af1c22
Showing 1 changed file with 54 additions and 72 deletions.
126 changes: 54 additions & 72 deletions src/rockstor/scripts/
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
import logging
import sys
import re
import time
import json
from tempfile import mkstemp
from django.conf import settings
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,41 +75,54 @@ def delete_old_kernels(logging, num_retain=5):'Deleted old Kernel: %s' % ml_kernels[i])

def init_update_issue():
def inet_addrs(interface=None):
cmd = [IP, 'addr', 'show']
if interface is not None:
o, _, _ = run_command(cmd)
ipaddr_list = []
for l in o:
if (re.match('inet ', l.strip()) is not None):
inet_fields = l.split()
if len(inet_fields) > 1:
ip_fields = inet_fields[1].split('/')
if len(ip_fields) == 2:
return ipaddr_list

def current_rockstor_mgmt_ip(logger):
# importing here because, APIWrapper needs postgres to be setup, so
# importing at the top results in failure the first time.
from smart_manager.models import Service
from storageadmin.models import NetworkConnection

ipaddr = None
port = 443
so = Service.objects.get(name='rockstor')
if (so.config is not None):

if so.config is not None:
config = json.loads(so.config)
port = config['listener_port']
ipaddr = NetworkConnection.objects.get(
except NetworkConnection.DoesNotExist:
if (ipaddr is None):
default_if = None
o, e, c = run_command([IP, 'route'])
for i in o:
if (re.match('default via', i) is not None):
rfields = i.split()
if len(rfields) > 4:
default_if = rfields[4]
print('default_if = {0}'.format(default_if))
if (default_if is not None):
o2, e, c = run_command([IP, 'address', 'show', default_if])
for i2 in o2:
if (re.match('inet ', i2.strip()) is not None):
inet_fields = i2.split()
if len(inet_fields) > 1:
ip_fields = inet_fields[1].split('/')
if len(ip_fields) == 2:
ipaddr = ip_fields[0]
print('ipaddr = {0}'.format(ipaddr))
ipaddr_list = inet_addrs(config['network_interface'])
if len(ipaddr_list) > 0:
ipaddr = ipaddr_list[0]
except Exception as e:
# interface vanished.
logger.exception('Exception while gathering current management '
'ip: {e}'.format(e=e))

return ipaddr, port

def init_update_issue(logger):
ipaddr, port = current_rockstor_mgmt_ip(logger)

if ipaddr is None:
ipaddr_list = inet_addrs()

with open('/etc/issue', 'w') as ifo:
if (ipaddr is None):
if (ipaddr is None and len(ipaddr_list) == 0):
ifo.write('The system does not yet have an ip address.\n')
ifo.write('Rockstor cannot be configured using the web interface '
'without this.\n\n')
Expand All @@ -119,35 +131,25 @@ def init_update_issue():
'configure your network using nmtui, then reboot.\n')
ifo.write('\nRockstor is successfully installed.\n\n')
ifo.write('You can access the web-ui by pointing your browser to '
'https://%s\n\n' % ipaddr)
if ipaddr is not None:
port_str = ''
if port != 443:
port_str = ':{0}'.format(port)
ifo.write('web-ui is accessible with this link: '
'https://{0}{1}\n\n'.format(ipaddr, port_str))
ifo.write('web-ui is accessible with the following links:\n')
for i in ipaddr_list:
return ipaddr

def update_nginx(logger):
# importing here because, APIWrapper needs postgres to be setup, so
# importing at the top results in failure the first time.
from smart_manager.models import Service
from storageadmin.models import NetworkConnection
ip = None
port = 443
so = Service.objects.get(name='rockstor')
if (so.config is not None):
config = json.loads(so.config)
port = config['listener_port']
ip = NetworkConnection.objects.get(
except NetworkConnection.DoesNotExist:
logger.error('Network interface(%s) configured for rockstor '
'service does not exist' %
ip, port = current_rockstor_mgmt_ip(logger)
services.update_nginx(ip, port)
except Exception as e:
logger.error('Exception occured while trying to update nginx')
logger.exception('Exception while updating nginx: {e}'.format(e=e))

def set_def_kernel(logger, version=settings.SUPPORTED_KERNEL_VERSION):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -434,27 +436,7 @@ def main():

shutil.copyfile('/etc/issue', '/etc/issue.rockstor')
for i in range(30):
if (init_update_issue() is not None):
# init_update_issue() didn't cause an exception and did return
# an ip so we break out of the multi try loop as we are done.
# execute except block with message so we can try again.
raise Exception('default interface IP not yet configured')
except Exception as e:
# only executed if there is an actual exception with
# init_update_issue() or if it returns None so we can try again
# regardless as in both instances we may succeed on another try.
logging.debug('Exception occurred while running update_issue: %s. '
'Trying again after 2 seconds.' % e.__str__())
if (i > 28):
logging.error('Failed to retrieve default interface IP address'
' necessary for remote administration. '
raise e

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