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NetworkManager not populating resolv.conf

Use following command and answer YES to enable dynamic updates:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf

gpg linux kernel


gpg --recv-keys 6092693E

if above doesn’t work (firewall etc.) gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 6092693E

show key gpg --fingerprint 6092693E

these didn’t worked: apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 6092693E gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 6092693E

Alternative: Go here…​rch=0x517D0F0E Copy and paste the key into a file, say, kernel.key. Then import it using gpg --import kernel.key


xz -cd linux-3.9.3.tar.xz | gpg --verify linux-3.9.3.tar.sign -

no bc

cave resolve -x bc

uefi or bios

[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS

cave resolve world -cx

glib and python

dev-libs/glib needs python repo if recommended_tests is set cat /var/db/paludis/repositories/arbor/packages/dev-libs/glib/glib-2.36.2.exheres-0

cave resolve repository/python -x

! gnome-bindings/pygobject Reasons: dev-libs/glib-2.36.2:2::arbor (test), dev-python/dbus-python-1.2.0:0::python (test)

cave resolve repository/gnome -x

! x11-misc/shared-mime-info Reasons: dev-libs/glib-2.36.2:2::arbor (test)

cave resolve repository/x11 -x

Cannot proceed without: being reconfigured

I cannot proceed without being permitted to do the following:

u dev-libs/libxml2:2.0::arbor 2.9.1 to ::installed replacing 2.9.0 Need changes for: python No changes needed: -doc -examples build_options: symbols=split jobs=8 -dwarf_compress recommended_tests -trace work=tidyup Reasons requiring changes: restarted because of x11-dri/mesa-9.1.2:0::x11 Reasons: app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.2-r1:4.2::arbor, app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.3-r1:4.3::arbor, app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.4-r1:4.4::arbor, 6 more Cannot proceed without: being reconfigured

Solution: echo "dev-libs/libxml2 python" >> /etc/paludis/options.conf

dependency cycle

use --explain

[11:08] <SardemFF7> Read at the end of the resolve: glib needs dbus-python and pygobject for tests [11:09] <SardemFF7> pygobject requires gobject-introspection [11:09] <SardemFF7> and gobject-introspection requires glib [11:10] <Caelian> SardemFF7: is obviously has better cave-fu than i do :)) [11:10] <SardemFF7> Disable tests for glib, install it, reenable them, install it again, then update [11:11] <rofrol> SardemFF7: How did figuredthis out? I don’t see this [11:14] <SardemFF7> Search for "I cannot provide a legal ordering for the following:" [11:14] <SardemFF7> This part is a summary of the cycle

I cannot provide a legal ordering for the following:

u dev-libs/glib:2::arbor 2.36.2 to ::installed replacing 2.34.2 [cycle 4] bash-completion -gtk-doc -man-pages build_options: symbols=split jobs=8 -dwarf_compress recommended_tests -trace work=tidyup Reasons: dev-libs/dbus-glib-0.100.2:1::arbor, dev-libs/glib-networking-2.36.2:0::arbor, dev-util/desktop-file-utils-0.21-r1:0::arbor, 8 more In unsolvable cycle with app-admin/eclectic:0, app-arch/xz:0, app-doc/gtk-doc-autotools:0, app-misc/ca-certificates:0, app-shells/bash:0, app-shells/bash-completion:0, app-text/build-docbook-catalog:0, app-text/docbook-xml-dtd:4.2, app-text/docbook-xml-dtd:4.3, app-text/docbook-xml-dtd:4.4, app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets:0, app-text/sgml-common:0, app-text/xmlto:0, dev-lang/perl:5.14, dev-lang/python:2.7, dev-lang/tcl:0, dev-libs/dbus-glib:1, dev-libs/glib:2, dev-libs/gmp:5, dev-libs/libffi:0, dev-libs/libgcrypt:0, dev-libs/libgpg-error:0, dev-libs/libusb:1, dev-libs/libxml2:2.0, dev-libs/libxslt:0, dev-libs/mpc:0, dev-libs/mpfr:3, dev-libs/pcre:0, dev-perl/Locale-gettext:0, dev-perl/XML-Parser:0, dev-python/dbus-python:0, dev-tcl/expect:0, dev-util/dejagnu:0, dev-util/desktop-file-utils:0, dev-util/elfutils:0, dev-util/intltool:0, dev-util/pkg-config:0, gnome-bindings/pygobject:3, gnome-desktop/gobject-introspection:1, media-libs/fontconfig:0, media-libs/libpng:0, net-misc/wget:0, sys-apps/attr:0, sys-apps/bc:0, sys-apps/coreutils:0, sys-apps/dbus:0, sys-apps/gawk:0, sys-apps/help2man:0, sys-apps/kbd:0, sys-apps/kmod:0, sys-apps/pciutils:0, sys-apps/pciutils-data:0, sys-apps/sed:0, sys-apps/systemd:0, sys-apps/texinfo:0, sys-apps/usbutils:0, sys-apps/usbutils-data:0, sys-apps/util-linux:0, sys-devel/autoconf:2.5, sys-devel/automake:1.11, sys-devel/automake:1.12, sys-devel/automake:1.13, sys-devel/binutils:0, sys-devel/bison:0, sys-devel/flex:0, sys-devel/gcc:4.7, sys-devel/gettext:0, sys-devel/libtool:0, sys-devel/m4:0, sys-libs/cracklib:0, sys-libs/glibc:0, sys-libs/libcap:0, sys-libs/libcap-ng:0, sys-libs/pam:0, sys-libs/zlib:0, virtual/pkg-config:0, virtual/usb:1, x11-dri/libdrm:0, x11-dri/mesa:0, x11-libs/cairo:0, x11-libs/libICE:0, x11-libs/libX11:0, x11-libs/libXau:0, x11-libs/libXdamage:0, x11-libs/libXdmcp:0, x11-libs/libXext:0, x11-libs/libXfixes:0, x11-libs/libXxf86vm:0, x11-libs/libxcb:0, x11-libs/pixman:1, x11-libs/xtrans:0, x11-misc/shared-mime-info:0, x11-proto/damageproto:0, x11-proto/dri2proto:0, x11-proto/fixesproto:0, x11-proto/glproto:0, x11-proto/inputproto:0, x11-proto/kbproto:0, x11-proto/xcb-proto:0, x11-proto/xextproto:0, x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto:0, x11-proto/xproto:0, x11-utils/util-macros:0 n dev-python/dbus-python:0::python 1.2.0 to ::installed [cycle 4] "Python bindings for the D-Bus messagebus" build_options: symbols=split jobs=8 -dwarf_compress recommended_tests -trace work=tidyup Reasons: dev-libs/glib-2.36.2:2::arbor (test) n gnome-bindings/pygobject:3::gnome 3.8.2 to ::installed [cycle 4] "Python Bindings for GObject" -cairo build_options: symbols=split jobs=8 -dwarf_compress (-recommended_tests) -trace work=tidyup Reasons: dev-libs/glib-2.36.2:2::arbor (test), dev-python/dbus-python-1.2.0:0::python (test) n gnome-desktop/gobject-introspection:1::gnome 1.36.0 to ::installed [cycle 4] "Tools for GIR" -doctool -gtk-doc build_options: symbols=split jobs=8 -dwarf_compress recommended_tests -trace work=tidyup Reasons: gnome-bindings/pygobject-3.8.2:3::gnome

Solution: echo "dev-libs/glib build_options: -recommended_tests" >> /etc/paludis/options.conf

Note about kernel headers

maybe after download manualy kernel put it somewhere, so cave won’t redownload it?

mkdir: cannot create directory '/dev/shm': File exists

mkdir: cannot create directory '/dev/shm': File exists

!!! ERROR in sys-apps/skeleton-filesystem-layout-0.82::arbor: !!! In edo at line 1250 !!! mkdir -p /dev/shm failed

ls -ld /dev /dev/shm /run /run/shm ls: cannot access /run/shm: No such file or directory drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4320 May 21 07:15 /dev lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 May 10 11:51 /dev/shm → /run/shm drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Feb 17 23:45 /run

Solution: rm /dev/shm mkdir /dev/shm sudo chmod 1777 /dev/shm

tests failed

echo "sys-apps-util-linux build_options: -recommended_tests" >> /etc/paludis/options.conf echo "gnome-desktop/dconf build_options: -recommended_tests" >> /etc/paludis/options.conf echo "net-misc/curl build_options: -recommended_tests" >> /etc/paludis/options.conf

post install

cave update-world app-arch/libarchive app-editors/vim app-editors/e4r app-text/wgetpaste net-misc/dhcpcd app-arch/zip sys-boot/grub cave purge -x


mkdir /mnt/orig mount / /mnt/orig -o bind tar -C /mnt/orig -cf /mnt/backup/mybackup_$(date -I).tar ./

browse backup mksquashfs /mnt/orig/ /mnt/backup/mybackup.squashfs mkdir /mnt/squash mount /mnt/backup/mybackup.squashfs /mnt/squash -o loop

backup stats

tar -C /mnt/orig -cf /mnt/backup/mybackup_$(date -I).tar ./ tar: ./tmp/ssh-Osio7o3EgT/agent.15672: socket ignored tar: ./tmp/ssh-gNioKfLRXp/agent.15683: socket ignored

real 4m8.210s user 0m0.680s sys 0m5.644s

ls -lh backup/mybackup_2013-05-22.tar -rw-r—​r-- 1 root root 2.1G maj 22 08:45 backup/mybackup_2013-05-22.tar

add repository

masked by repository scm

echo "net-www/elinks scm" >> /etc/paludis/package_unmask.conf


graphics card

lspci | grep -i vga 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)


echo "/ VIDEO_DRIVERS: intel" >> /etc/paludis/options.conf cave resolve xorg-server echo "x11-dri/libdrm VIDEO_DRIVERS: intel" >> /etc/paludis/options.conf cave resolve x11-dri/libdrm -1x cave resolve xorg-server x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel X -retro

cave resolve xinit --suggestions take -x #twm didn’t work cave resolve fluxbox -x echo "exec fluxbox" >> ~/.xinitrc echo "xrdb ~/.Xresources" >> ~/.xinitrc echo "x11-libs/cairo X" >> /etc/paludis/options.conf cave resolve cairo -x1 startx

fluxbox-generate-menu -h fluxbox-generate_menu -is -ds

cave show net-www/*

$HOME/.fluxbox/init RootMenu, iconbar, systemtray, clock


make -j8 -j1 DESTDIR=/var/tmp/paludis/build/app-speech-speechd-0.8/image/ install^M libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish /usr/lib64'^M libtool: install: warning: `../../../src/api/c/' has not been installed in `/usr/lib64'

edit /var/db/paludis/repositories/media/packages/app-speech/speechd/speechd-0.8.exheres-0 after src_install(){ default

add edo rmdir "${IMAGE}/usr/lib64/speech-dispatcher"

cave resolve speechd -x

time rsync -aHW --exclude 'backup' --exclude 'home' --exclude 'exherbo' --delete /mnt/ubuntu/ /mnt/ubuntu/backup/ubuntu_2013-05-24/


cave resolve gpm systemctl enable gpm systemctl start gpm



Xresources or .Xdefaults

URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,abbed

item in lxde menu

/usr/share/applications/urxvt.desktop lub ~/.local/share/applications/urxvt.desktop

Name=Urxvt Comment=Terminal emulator TryExec=urxvt Exec=urxvt Icon=terminal Type=Application Categories=GNOME;GTK;Utility;TerminalEmulator;System; StartupNotify=true


vim ~/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml <applications> …​ <application name="urxvt"><maximized>yes</maximized></application> </applications>


urxvt -fn 'xft:Droid Sans Mono:pixelsize=17:Regular'

fonts put here: ~/.fonts


/aaa 2>&1 | tee -a log.txt


cave import --location testkit-lite_2.3.5_all tizen/testkit-lite 2.3.5 0 --execute


cave resolve dmenu -x .fluxbox/keys Mod4 r :ExecCommand dmenu_run



chown -R :users /var/lib

prepare target - not in sudoers

visudo ## Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command # %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL or echo 'rfrolow ALL=(ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers

chown -R :users /opt/testkit/lite/ chown -R rfrolow:frolow /opt/testkit/lite/


  cd /etc/network
  vi interfaces
  i tam zamieniasz dhcp na static
  dodajesz linijki
  (pod iface)
  address (twoje IP)
  poxniej musisz zrestarowac iface
 poxniej musisz zrestarowac iface
  te zmainy dokonaj dla prawdopodobnie eth0 - czyli pierwszej karty sieciowej zwyklej
  restart interfejsu sieciowego:
sudo ifdown eth0
sudo ifup eth0
  wiem ze mozna jeszcze uzywajac service ale juz nie pamietam


hostnamectl set-hostname AMDC1818


take using --purge

below example will uninstall packages not used by firefox anymore and down dependency tree

cave resolve firefox --purge '*/*'

cave uninstalls /opt

qu7uux | wow, I wanted to uninstall libjpeg-turbo, and since it was the only thing in /opt, paludis wanted to delete /opt, which is unfortunately a separate partition…​ Should x impulze | paludis be able to uninstall directories in / ? x Ingmar zlin | yes x inty zlin | it may be that it could handle its failure to do so more gracefully though. maybe ask in #paludis x io2 zlin | the quick workaround is to touch /opt/.keep


If you want to mask specifc wersion of package add this to /etc/paludis/package_mask.conf for subversion >= 1.8


not the best version

If you see sth like:

sys-apps/upower:0::desktop (not the best version)

use explain

--explain sys-apps/upower

Probably you would need to add --permit-old-version to cave resolve:

cave resolve installed-slots -c -Cs --permit-old-version sys-apps/upower

Update all packages

#cave resolve installed-slots -c -Cs
cave resolve installed-slots -c -Ci
#--suggestions take
#--dl-reinstall if-use-changed

or 'world' set, if it’s in good condition.

depclean perform upgrades/downgrades that break deps.

-U '*/*' -d '*/*' -P '*/*'

permit old versions

Maybe add '--permit-old-version /' For cases when there is newer version but some package requires older.

Unsuitable candidates

Probably package moved to another repository

Look for the package in output of:

cave report

stick to specific veresion of package

in /etc/paludis/package_mask.conf add i.e.:


Show verbose info about package


cave show -c dev-lang/v8

glibc fails building

I had to comment this in ~/.bash_profile:


[ 601.818522] mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged

It’s not a hardware error and that kernelpatch just removed those messages.

removing gnome

show packages from gnome set (light green - installed currently), then remove gnome-desktop etc.

cave show gnome
cave uninstall gnome-desktop/gnome-desktop --remove-if-dependent 'gnome-desktop/*' --purge '*/*' -x
cave uninstall gnome-desktop/gnome-themes-standard -x
cave uninstall gnome-desktop/gnome-bluetooth -x
cave uninstall gnome-desktop/seahorse --purge '*/*' -x

Now the same wit gnome-platform

cave show 'gnome-platform/*::installed'
cave uninstall gnome-platform/libgnome --remove-if-dependent '*/*' --purge '*/*' -x

Anything left with gnome in name?

cave show '*/*::installed' | grep gnome

Now let’s purge all unnecessary packages/add needed to world set.

cave purge
cave update-world dev-lang/ruby net-libs/webkit
cave purge -x

Fix linkage

cave fix-linkage -x

Can’t locate in @INC (you may need to install the Error module)

I got this error when running 'git difftool'. It’s because I didn’t have perl Error module installed. dev-perl/Error a suggestion for 'dev-scm/git', but cpan’s module are more recent, so let’s install it with cpan:

cpan Error

This will test if you have perl module installed.

perl -e 'use Error;'

uninstall set

cave uninstall $(cave print-packages <set>)
cave update-world -r <set>

gcc version

14:27:23 Philantrop | Caelian: Rule of thumb - if there’s a new gcc slot, switch to it.

check deps of a binary

readelf -d /usr/bin/pulseaudio" says it neets

ldd ?

Firefox and h264

10:20:10 mrothe | so I am pretty sure the only way to get h264 working is installing gst-plugins-good and gst-ffmpeg (maybe in addition to gst-plugins-base, but that is a dependency of gst-plugins-good) 10:42:57 pyromaniac | fx 30 or so will get gstreamer 1.x

suggestions.conf and recommendations.conf

17:38:41 rofrol | How can I prevent "cave resolve installed-slots -c -Cs" to install gtk+? Output of cave 17:40:32 rofrol | It seems that is the chain: systemd → glib → glib → dconf → gtk+ 17:43:26 rofrol | I got. --explain dconf shows it just a recommendation for glib. So I have uninstalled it 17:47:32 eternaleye | rofrol: you can use suggestions.conf to prevent it from being pulled in again 17:47:52 eternaleye | rofrol: dev-libs/glib -whatever/dconf 17:48:05 eternaleye | rofrol: recommendations are on by default, suggestions are off by default 17:48:25 eternaleye | rofrol: You can change that with --recommendations show (default is take)

Permit downgrade

`cave resolve llvm -x --permit-downgrade 'dev-lang/llvm'


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