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To do list for APCS. Students will add a date field to the "to do" items
The program should add the following functionality
  • Edit the date field when editing the item
  • Display the date in ddd mm/dd format (i.e. Wed 11/03)
  • Sort the to do list by date in forward OR reverse order
  • Sort order should be selected by two buttons labeled "Sort v" (earliest to latest date) and "Sort v" (latest to earliest date)
Additional requirements
  • All classes and methods must be documented to normal JavaDoc standards
  • Code must be formatted appropriately
  • Variable names must be appropriate for their purpose
  • Modified program must be fully tested prior to submission
Installing the datepicker component in NetBeans

Tutorial at

Netbeans datepicker component can be found at this file path:

This Computer / Windows 8OS (C:) / Program Files / Netbeans 8.0 / ide / modules / ext / swingx_all_#.#.#.jar

Useful references


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