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Configuring the SAS interactive development environment. Display manager and startup. SAS icon, autoexec and mouse mappings. Keywords: sas sql join merge big data analytics macros oracle teradata mysql sas communities stackoverflow statistics artificial inteligence AI Python R Java Javascript WPS Matlab SPSS Scala Perl C C# Excel MS Access JSON …


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SAS icon, autoexec, sas classic editor and mouse mappings /* T007870 Fast point and shoot programming(PART II the Fast Part)

%let pgm=utl_perpac;                                                                                                           
A Performance package                                                                                                          
 _ __   ___ _ __ _ __   __ _  ___                                                                                              
| '_ \ / _ \ '__| '_ \ / _` |/ __|                                                                                             
| |_) |  __/ |  | |_) | (_| | (__                                                                                              
| .__/ \___|_|  | .__/ \__,_|\___|                                                                                             
|_|             |_|                                                                                                            
Fast point and shoot programming(PART II the Fast Part)                                                                        
Works best classic editor, parts will work in EE, none                                                                         
of it will work in EG.                                                                                                         
This message is in                                                                                                             
  associated files are in                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (does not hev the lates set of utilities see PARTI.                                                                 
  files in archive (64 bit Win Pro/Full SAS 9.4M2 64bit)                                                               - command macros                                                                                          - my autoexec                                                                                           
     config.cfg        - config                                                                                                
     profile.sas7bcat  - profile                                                                                               
     utl_perpackey.txt - function keys                                                                                         
     utl_PerPacLft.jpg - left doc                                                                                              
     utl_PerPacRgt.jpg - right doc                                                                                             
     utl_PerPacInv.txt - SAS invocation                                                                                        
     profile.cpt       - for 32bit                                                                                             
     cutouts.txt       - keyboard cutouts                                                                                      
  I think I have optimized SAS for an enviroment dominated by sequential                                                       
  reads of data partitioned SAS datasets with SPDE and parallelism.                                                            
  Not so good for frequent small random writes.                                                                                
  Basically if you rename your profile.sas7bdat and copy mine you will                                                         
  get most of my setup.                                                                                                        
    * my invocation                                                                                                            
    -work c:\wrk                                                                                                               
    -sasuser c:\etc                                                                                                            
    -autoexec c:\oto\                                                                                              
    -sasinitialfolder  .                                                                                                       
    -autosaveloc c:\ver\                                                                                                
    -config c:\cfg\config.cfg                                                                                                  
    -sasautos c:\oto                                                                                                           
    -awscontrol notitle                                                                                                        
    -emailsys SMTP                                                                                                             
    -awscontrol notitle                                                                                                        
*            _                                                                                                                 
  __ _ _   _| |_ ___   _____  _____  ___                                                                                       
 / _` | | | | __/ _ \ / _ \ \/ / _ \/ __|                                                                                      
| (_| | |_| | || (_) |  __/>  <  __/ (__                                                                                       
 \__,_|\__,_|\__\___/ \___/_/\_\___|\___|                                                                                      
/* this autoexec is located in &_r/oto/ */                                                                          
* generally I do not like to set nofmterr but client has many datasets with missing user formats;                              
options ls=171 ps=65 cmdmac nofmterr nocenter nodate nonumber noquotelenmax validvarname=upcase                                
compress=no FORMCHAR='|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*';                                                                                   
|                                                                |                                                             
| Versioning _q provides starting suffix                         |                                                             
|                                                                |                                                             
/* number of seconds into the day for versioning */                                                                            
%Let _q=%sysfunc(int(%sysfunc(time())));                                                                                       
* change root for other systems;                                                                                               
%let _r=&_r;   * root;                                                                                                         
%let _p=&_r/utl; * program directory;                                                                                          
%let _o=&_r/oto; * user autocall folder;                                                                                       
%let letters=%str(                                                                                                             
"A" ,"B" ,"C" ,"D" ,"E" ,"F" ,"G" ,"H" ,"I" ,"J" ,"K" ,"L"                                                                     
,"M" ,"N" ,"O" ,"P" ,"Q" ,"R" ,"S" ,"T" ,"U" ,"V" ,"W" ,"X"                                                                    
,"Y" ,"Z");                                                                                                                    
%let numbers=%str(1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9, 10);                                                                              
%let months="JAN" ,"FEB" ,"MAR" ,"APR" ,"MAY" ,"JUN" ,"JUL" ,"AUG","SEP" ,"OCT" ,"NOV" ,"DEC";                                 
ods results off;                                                                                                               
* set up reversible weak encryption;                                                                                           
%let cmplib = %sysfunc(getoption(cmplib));                                                                                     
options cmplib = (work.functions &cmplib);                                                                                     
options fmtsearch=(work.formats mta.mta_formats_v1f mta.var2des);                                                              
proc fcmp outlib=work.functions.hashssn;                                                                                       
function encrypt(ssn);                                                                                                         
    length rev $17;                                                                                                            
    ssn_remainder = mod(ssn, key);                                                                                             
    ssn_int       = round((ssn - ssn_remainder)/key,1);                                                                        
    * 8192  ssn_remainder = 1 and ssn_int = 1 ie 1*key + 1 = original value;                                                   
    ssn_big   = ssn_int*100000 + ssn_remainder;                                                                                
    if substr(rev,1,1)=0 then rev=cats('-1',substr(rev,2));                                                                    
proc fcmp outlib=work.functions.hashssn;                                                                                       
function decrypt(ssn);                                                                                                         
    length rev $17;                                                                                                            
    if index(rev,'-')>0 then substr(rev,index(rev,'-')-1)='0 ';                                                                
    ssn_decrypt   = round(ssn_big/100000,1)*key + mod(ssn_big,10000);                                                          
/* encrypt decrypt (weak moderate size integer encryption) */                                                                  
/* sha is better                                                                                                               
data encrypt;                                                                                                                  
  put ssn= ssn_encrypt=;                                                                                                       
  put ssn_encrypt=  ssn_decrypt=;                                                                                              
SSN=123456789          SSN_ENCRYPT=9433007051                                                                                  
SSN_ENCRYPT=9433007051 SSN_DECRYPT=123456789                                                                                   
* missing populated;                                                                                                           
proc format;                                                                                                                   
  value num2mis                                                                                                                
   . = 'MIS'                                                                                                                   
   0 = 'ZRO'                                                                                                                   
   0<-high = "POS"                                                                                                             
   low-<0 = 'NEG'                                                                                                              
   value $chr2mis                                                                                                              
   'Unknown',' ','UNK','U','NA','UNKNOWN','Missing','MISSING','MISS' ='MIS'                                                    
/* Tom Abernathy message on/off capability; */                                                                                 
/* note because of sungle quotes the macro is only unquoted after macro var messages is defined */                             
data _null_;                                                                                                                   
  call symputx('msgput','&messages.putlog','G');  * Use &msg inside of data steps for execution messages;                      
  call symputx('msgMput','%&messages.put','G');   * Use &macmsg for compile time messages;                                     
%let messages=*;  * turn messages off ;                                                                                        
%let messages=;   * turn messages on  ;                                                                                        
/* EXAMPLES OF TOMS CLEVER TECHINQUE AT COMPILE TIME                                                                           
%let messages=;   * turn messages on  ;                                                                                        
&msgMput Roger You Made an Error;                                                                                              
   Roger You Made an Error                                                                                                     
%let messages=*;   * turn messages off  ;                                                                                      
&msgMput Roger;    * does not print anything to the log ;                                                                      
/* EXAMPLES OF TOMS CLEVER TECHINQUE AT DATASTEP EXECUTION TIME                                                                
%let messages=;    * turn messages on ;                                                                                        
data msg;                                                                                                                      
   array nums[10] (&numbers);                                                                                                  
   do i=1 to 10;                                                                                                               
      if i=5 then do;                                                                                                          
          &msgput "ERROR  "  i=;                                                                                               
ERROR  I=5                                                                                                                     
%let messages=*;    * turn messages off ;                                                                                      
* examples ;                                                                                                                   
data msg;                                                                                                                      
   array nums[10] (&numbers);                                                                                                  
   do i=1 to 10;                                                                                                               
      if i=5 then do;                                                                                                          
          &msgput "ERROR  "  i=;                                                                                               
nothing in log                                                                                                                 
* hiding a password (weak encryption);                                                                                         
data _null_;                                                                                                                   
 call symputx('opassp','47306C6466217368'x,'G');                                                                               
* use with systask;                                                                                                            
%let _s=&_r\PROGRA~1\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\sas.exe -sysin nul -log nul -work &_r\wrk                                       
 -rsasuser -autoexec &_r\oto\ -nosplash -sasautos &_r\oto -RLANG -config &_r\cfg\sasv9.cfg;                         
* my command macros over 50;                                                                                                   
%inc "&_o/";                                                                                                     
/* put this in your autocall library and type xit on command line when leaving SAS                                             
%macro xit/cmd                                                                                                                 
  des="Save last program so it can be restored next time you start SAS";                                                       
  home;save pgm_last r;%sysfunc(sleep(1,1));bye;                                                                               
%mend xit;                                                                                                                     
* last program worked on in previous classic editor;                                                                           
* will automatically be retried next time you open SAS;                                                                        
dm "home;pgm;home;copy pgm_last";                                                                                              
 _ __ ___   ___  _   _ ___  ___                                                                                                
| '_ ` _ \ / _ \| | | / __|/ _ \                                                                                               
| | | | | | (_) | |_| \__ \  __/                                                                                               
|_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___/\___|                                                                                               
 _ __ ___   __ _ _ __  _ __ (_)_ __   __ _ ___                                                                                 
| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` / __|                                                                                
| | | | | | (_| | |_) | |_) | | | | | (_| \__ \                                                                                
|_| |_| |_|\__,_| .__/| .__/|_|_| |_|\__, |___/                                                                                
                |_|   |_|            |___/                                                                                     
* you may need to do this?                                                                                                     
tools>options>program editor>(make sure include blank space is checked)                                                        
 1. Point and shoot with mouse actions(fastest)  ie push 2nd middle mouse button proc means hi-lited dataset                   
This type of 'fast' programming is only supported by the old text editor with the simple                                       
clean command line on all windows.                                                                                             
How to map macros to the mouse and keyboard and remember actions to follow,                                                    
Utilities mapped to Logitech MX310 mouse                                                                                       
   *                                       *                                                                                   
  *                                         *                                                                                  
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *   LMB                    RMB              *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *   FOCUS & POINTING       SUBMIT           *                                                                                 
 *   BLOCH SUBMIT          SHF RMB ls40a     *                                                                                 
 *                         CTL RMB ls40ha    *                                                                                 
 *        MMB                                *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *        MMB(F1) Verson                     *                                                                                 
 *        SHF MMB(F1) dmpa                   *                                                                                 
 *        CTL MMB(F1) dmpha                  *                                                                                 
 *        ALT RMB(F1) vuh                    *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *        MMB2                               *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *        MMB2 avgha                         *                                                                                 
 *        SHF F2 lsala                       *                                                                                 
 *        CTL F2 lsalha                      *                                                                                 
 *        ALT F2 vua                         *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *   LEFT SIDE BUTTON     RIGHT SIDE BUTON   *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *   LSB(F11)             RSB(F12)           *                                                                                 
 *   LSB debugha          F12 magic string   *                                                                                 
 *   SHF F11 cona         SHF F12 frqva      *                                                                                 
 *   CTL F11 conha        CTL F12 cntva      *                                                                                 
 *   ALT F11 xlsha        ALT F12 unva       *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
  *                                          *                                                                                 
   *                                        *                                                                                  
Here is sample of the utilities in the package  (* most used or most critical)                                                 
You can build on these macros they are just minimal SAS code.                                                                  
  avgh     proc means last dataset                                                                                             
  cnt      cnt name*sex - last dataset number unique combinations                                                              
  cnth     cnt name*sex - hi-lited dataset                                                                                     
  cntv     cnt hi-lited variable last dataset                                                                                  
  con      contents last dataset                                                                                               
  conh     contents hi-lited dataset                                                                                           
 *debugh   macro debug hi-lited                                                                                                
 *dmp      contents with sample data                                                                                           
 *dmph     contents with sample data hi-lited dataset                                                                          
 *frq      freq sex*age last dataset                                                                                           
 *frqh     freq sex*age hi-lited dataset                                                                                       
  frqv     freq hilited variable last dataset                                                                                  
  iota     column of consecutive integers                                                                                      
 *ls40     40 obs last dataset                                                                                                 
 *ls40h    40 obs hi-lited dataset                                                                                             
  lsal     all obs last dataset                                                                                                
  parh     does hi-lited code have matched paraentheses                                                                        
  proch    syntax for the proc - hi-lite 'proc reg' and get syntax with example                                                
 *prtw     prtw 'sex="M"' - last dataset subset printed                                                                        
 *prtwh    prtw 'sex="M"' - hi-lited dataset subset printed                                                                    
  sumh     statistics on hi-lited column of numbers                                                                            
  sumv     statistics on hi-lited variable last dataset                                                                        
  unv      proc univariate on variable in last dataset                                                                         
  vu       viewtable last dataset                                                                                              
  vuh      viewtable hi-lited dataset                                                                                          
 *xlsh     view and edit hi-lited dataset in excel (may need a sleep w slow systems)                                           
 *xplo     xplo SUBaSUM put exploded chars in past buffer                                                                      
* you can use the code below to list function keys                                                                             
  proc cimport infile="c:\utl\profile.cpt" cat=work.profile;                                                                   
  filename key catalog "sasuser.profile.dmkeys.keys";                                                                          
   data key;                                                                                                                   
     infile key ;                                                                                                              
     if _n_=1 then input;                                                                                                      
     input key $8. len ib4. ;                                                                                                  
     if len > 0 then input val $varying132. len;                                                                               
   proc print width=min;                                                                                                       
Obs    KEY        LEN    VAL                                                                                                   
  1    F1          71    pgm;file &;file c:\ver\&pgm.&;%let _q=%eval(0&_q +1);                                  
  2    F2          30    store;note;notesubmit '%avgha'                                                                        
  3    F3           6    left 3                                                                                                
  4    F4           7    right 3                                                                                               
  5    F5          30    store;note;notesubmit '%dmpa;'                                                                        
  6    F6          31    store;note;notesubmit '%dmpha;'                                                                       
  7    F7          67    log;file "./&pgm..log";note zx;notesubmit "%utl_logcurchk(./&pgm);"                                   
  8    F8           5    rfind                                                                                                 
  9    F9           7    rchange                                                                                               
 10    F11         33    store;note;notesubmit '%debugha;'                                                                     
 11    F12         73    ~;;;;/*'*/ *);*};*];*/;/*"*/;%mend;run;quit;%end;end;run;endcomp;%utlfix;                             
 12    SHF F1      24    note;notesubmit '%dmpa;'                                                                              
 13    SHF F2      25    note;notesubmit '%lsala;'                                                                             
 14    SHF F6      67    ~n ? "hil";n=*"PFil Mason";n gt:"Phil";n le:"Phim"; sql - eqt    */                                   
 15    SHF F7      67    ~libname x excel ".xls";proc sql;update x;set y=2;where n="Roger"*/                                   
 16    SHF F8      12    :a;copy box;                                                                                          
 17    SHF F9      12    :a:copy hdr;                                                                                          
 18    SHF F10     70    ~options minoperator;%macro t(x=a)/minoperator;%if &x in (a b c) %then                                
 19    SHF F11     24    note;notesubmit '%cona;'                                                                              
 20    SHF F12     31    store;note;notesubmit '%frqva;'                                                                       
 21    CTL F1      31    store;note;notesubmit '%dmpha;'                                                                       
 22    CTL F2      32    store;note;notesubmit '%lsalha;'                                                                      
 23    CTL F3      10    ~available                                                                                            
 24    CTL F11     31    store;note;notesubmit '%conha;'                                                                       
 25    CTL F12     31    store;note;notesubmit '%cntva;'                                                                       
 26    ALT F1      30    store;note;notesubmit '%vuha;'                                                                        
 27    ALT F2      28    vt _last_ colheading=names;"                                                                          
 28    ALT F3      64    ~proc report data=c nowd named list wrap;columns _all_;run;quit;                                      
 29    ALT F11     31    store;note;notesubmit '%xlsha;'                                                                       
 30    ALT F12     30    store;note;notesubmit '%unva;'                                                                        
 31    CTL B        3    :tf                                                                                                   
 32    CTL D       10    ~available                                                                                            
 33    CTL E       10    ~available                                                                                            
 34    CTL G        8    note g.g                                                                                              
 35    CTL H        8    note h.h                                                                                              
 36    CTL I        3    :lc                                                                                                   
 37    CTL J        3    :uc                                                                                                   
 38    CTL K        4    :mcu                                                                                                  
 39    CTL L        4    :mcl                                                                                                  
 40    CTL M       79    ~proc format;value $a;proc catalog cat=work.formats;modify a.formatc(desc=dea);                       
 41    CTL Q        9    ~aailable                                                                                             
 42    CTL R       11    wattention;                                                                                           
 43    CTL T       73    ~proc tabulate data=class;class sex age;table age,sex*(n pctn<age>)/rts=8                             
 44    CTL U       80    ~do until(last.s);set c;by s;a+ag;end;do until(last.s);set c;by s;output;end;a=0                      
 45    CTL W       10    ~available                                                                                            
 46    CTL Y       34    ~where name like "B_B" "%B%" "B%B"                                                                    
 47    RMB         53    log;clear;out;clear;pgm;submit;home;rec;home;log;z;z;                                                 
 48    SHF RMB     25    note;notesubmit '%ls40a;'                                                                             
 49    CTL RMB     32    store;note;notesubmit '%ls40ha;'                                                                      
 50    MMB         13    ~mapped to F1                                                                                         
 51    SHF MMB     17    ~mapped to shf F1                                                                                     
 52    CTL MMB     17    ~mapped to ctl F1                                                                                     
Note '?' on the command line retrieves previous commands.                                                                      
*   *   ***   *   *   ***   *****                                                                                              
** **  *   *  *   *  *   *  *                                                                                                  
* * *  *   *  *   *   *     *                                                                                                  
*   *  *   *  *   *    *    ****                                                                                               
*   *  *   *  *   *     *   *                                                                                                  
*   *  *   *  *   *  *   *  *                                                                                                  
*   *   ***    ***    ***   *****;                                                                                             
* Right mouse button;                                                                                                          
****   *   *  ****                                                                                                             
*   *  ** **   *  *                                                                                                            
*   *  * * *   *  *                                                                                                            
****   *   *   ***                                                                                                             
* *    *   *   *  *                                                                                                            
*  *   *   *   *  *                                                                                                            
*   *  *   *  ****;                                                                                                            
data class ;                                                                                                                   
  set sashelp.class;                                                                                                           
  weight2 = weight * 2;                                                                                                        
RMB - Hold left mouse button down to hi-lite then hit Right Mouse button                                                       
      Or hold alt key down and drag to hi-lite block of text then hit RMB                                                      
SHF RBM  (40obs in output)                                                                                                     
Hi-lite sashelp.class then 'CTL RMB' (40 obs hi-lited)                                                                         
* Middle mouse button;                                                                                                         
*   *  *   *  ****                                                                                                             
** **  ** **   *  *                                                                                                            
* * *  * * *   *  *                                                                                                            
*   *  *   *   ***                                                                                                             
*   *  *   *   *  *                                                                                                            
*   *  *   *   *  *                                                                                                            
*   *  *   *  ****                                                                                                             
Push MMB and a timestamped version of your program will be save in c:\ver                                                      
and a production version in c:\utl                                                                                             
This requires %let; exist and %let _q be set to the time in autoexec.                                            
c:\ver and c:\utl need to exist,                                                                                               
data class ;                                                                                                                   
  set sashelp.class;                                                                                                           
  weight2 = weight * 2;                                                                                                        
SHF MMB                                                                                                                        
Middle Observation(9 ) of Last dataset = WORK.CLASS - Total Obs 19                                                             
 -- CHARACTER --                                                                                                               
NAME                             C    8       Jeffrey             NAME                                                         
SEX                              C    1       M                   SEX                                                          
 -- NUMERIC --                                                                                                                 
AGE                              N    8       13                  AGE                                                          
HEIGHT                           N    8       62.5                HEIGHT                                                       
WEIGHT                           N    8       84                  WEIGHT                                                       
WEIGHT2                          N    8       168                 WEIGHT2                                                      
CTL MMB same as above but hi-lited dataset                                                                                     
ALT MMB viewtable hi-lited dataset                                                                                             
* 2nd Middle mouse button;                                                                                                     
*   *  *   *  ****    ***                                                                                                      
** **  ** **   *  *  *   *                                                                                                     
* * *  * * *   *  *      *                                                                                                     
*   *  *   *   ***     **                                                                                                      
*   *  *   *   *  *   *                                                                                                        
*   *  *   *   *  *  *                                                                                                         
*   *  *   *  ****   *****;                                                                                                    
data class ;                                                                                                                   
  set sashelp.class;                                                                                                           
  weight2 = weight * 2;                                                                                                        
MMB2 (means of last dataset)                                                                                                   
The MEANS Procedure                                                                                                            
Variable     N             Sum            Mean         Minimum        Quartile          Median   ...                           
AGE         19     253.0000000      13.3157895      11.0000000      12.0000000      13.0000000                                 
HEIGHT      19         1184.40      62.3368421      51.3000000      57.5000000      62.8000000                                 
WEIGHT      19         1900.50     100.0263158      50.5000000      84.0000000      99.5000000                                 
WEIGHT2     19         3801.00     200.0526316     101.0000000     168.0000000     199.0000000                                 
SHF MMB2 listing of all obs last dataset                                                                                       
CTL MMB2 listing of all obs hi-lited dataset                                                                                   
ALT MMB2 viewtable last dataset                                                                                                
* left side button;                                                                                                            
*       ***   ****                                                                                                             
*      *   *   *  *                                                                                                            
*       *      *  *                                                                                                            
*        *     ***                                                                                                             
*         *    *  *                                                                                                            
*      *   *   *  *                                                                                                            
*****   ***   ****;                                                                                                            
%macro errmke(dummy);                                                                                                          
    data class;                                                                                                                
       set sashelp.class(obs=1);                                                                                               
       if name=2 then sex='M';                                                                                                 
%mend errmke;                                                                                                                  
Hi-lite code and push left side button                                                                                         
This identifies the SAS statement with the error.                                                                              
1401 +data class;                                                                                                              
1402 +set sashelp.class(obs=1);                                                                                                
1403 +if name=2 then sex='M';                                                                                                  
ERROR: Character value found where numeric value needed at line 1403 column 4.                                                 
1404 +run;                                                                                                                     
data class ;                                                                                                                   
  set sashelp.class;                                                                                                           
  weight2 = weight * 2;                                                                                                        
SHF LSB contents last dataset;                                                                                                 
CTL LSB contents hi-lited dataset;                                                                                             
ALT LSB hi-lited dataset into excel                                                                                            
* right side button;                                                                                                           
****    ***   ****                                                                                                             
*   *  *   *   *  *                                                                                                            
*   *   *      *  *                                                                                                            
****     *     ***                                                                                                             
* *       *    *  *                                                                                                            
*  *   *   *   *  *                                                                                                            
*   *   ***   ****                                                                                                             
data class ;                                                                                                                   
  set sashelp.class;                                                                                                           
  weight2 = weight * 2;                                                                                                        
RSB Magic string also just hit F12                                                                                             
SHR RSB  frequency hi-lited variable in last dataset                                                                           
CTL RSB  distinct levels hi-lited variable in last dataset                                                                     
ALT RSB  univariate hi-lited variable in last dataset                                                                          
Example 1.  Which line in the macro is causing the error.                                                                      
 In the macro below variable 'name' is a character but a numeric variaqble is needed.                                          
 However SAS reports the error on the invocation line '%errmke'. We want SAS                                                   
 to tell us which line inside the macro is causing the problem.                                                                
 %macro errmke(dummy);                                                                                                         
     data class;                                                                                                               
        set sashelp.class(obs=1);                                                                                              
        if name=2 then sex='M';                                                                                                
  %mend errmke;                                                                                                                
 If you highlight the macro with invocation and type debugh you will see the following                                         
 in the log. Note SAS has identifies line 1403 columg 4 (position of name varable)                                             
 as the issue.                                                                                                                 
 1401 +data class;                                                                                                             
 1402 +set sashelp.class(obs=1);                                                                                               
 1403 +if name=2 then sex='M';                                                                                                 
 ERROR: Character value found where numeric value needed at line 1403 column 4.                                                
 1404 +run;                                                                                                                    
Example 2. I would like to view and edit the dataset in excel                                                                  
  data class;                                                                                                                  
     set sashelp.class;                                                                                                        
  Highlight class and type xlsh on the command line                                                                            
Example 3 I would like the first 20 integers in my editor.                                                                     
Just type 'ioata 10' on the command line                                                                                       
* I would like the statistics on the two numbers above.                                                                        
  Just highlite the coulumn of numbers and type sumh on command line                                                           
                                              Analysis Variable : X                                                            
                                               Lower                       Upper                                               
 N          Mean          Sum      Minimum     Quartile       Median        Quartile         Maximum                           
10     5.5000000   55.0000000    1.0000000    3.0000000    5.5000000       8.0000000      10.0000000                           
Example 4.                                                                                                                     
  I would like a vertical dump on the middle observation with type, length and labels                                          
       type dmph on the command line                                                                                           
       type dmp for last dataset                                                                                               
Middle Observation(20633 ) of sashelp.zipcode - Total Obs 41,267                                                               
 -- CHARACTER --                                                                                                               
ZIP_CLASS             C    1       ZIP Code Classifi                                                                           
CITY                  C    35      Ionia               Name of city/org                                                        
STATECODE             C    2       MI                  Two-letter abbrev. for state name.                                      
STATENAME             C    25      Michigan            Full name of state/territory                                            
COUNTYNM              C    25      Ionia               Name of county/parish.                                                  
AREACODES             C    12      616                 Multiple Area Codes for ZIP Code.                                       
TIMEZONE              C    9       Eastern             Time Zone for ZIP Code.                                                 
DST                   C    1       Y                   ZIP Code obeys Daylight Savings: Y-Yes N-No                             
PONAME                C    35      Ionia               USPS Post Office Name: same as City                                     
ALIAS_CITY            C    300                         USPS - alternate names of city separated by ||                          
ALIAS_CITYN           C    300                         Local - alternate names of city separated by ||                         
CITY2                 C    35      IONIA               Clean CITY name for geocoding                                           
STATENAME2            C    25      MICHIGAN            Clean STATENAME for geocoding                                           
 -- NUMERIC --                                                                                                                 
ZIP                   N    8       48846               The 5-digit ZIP Code                                                    
Y                     N    8       42.985392           Latitude (degrees) of the center (centroid) of ZIP Code.                
X                     N    8       -85.064142          Longitude (degrees) of the center (centroid) of ZIP Code.               
STATE                 N    8       26                  Two-digit number (FIPS code) for state/territory                        
COUNTY                N    8       67                  FIPS county code.                                                       
AREACODE              N    8       616                 Single Area Code for ZIP Code.                                          
GMTOFFSET             N    8       -5                  Diff (hrs) between GMT and time zone for ZIP Code                       
Example 5                                                                                                                      
Do my parenthesis match?                                                                                                       
    data class;                                                                                                                
      set sashelp.class(where=(sex='M' and name in ('John','Jane')) ;                                                          
    highlight first and last parens abd type parh on the command line                                                          
    Missing 1 ) parentheses                                                                                                    
last dataset    hilited dataset                                                                                                
frq sex*name    frqh sex*name     PROC FREQ                                                                                    
frq sex         frqh sex                                                                                                       
cnt sex         cnth sex          UNIQUE LEVELS                                                                                
cnt sex*name    cnth sex*name                                                                                                  
prtw 'sex="M"'  prtwh 'sex="M"'   PRINT SUBSET                                                                                 
Hilite and type frqh type*origin on command line                                                                               
Number of Variable Levels                                                                                                      
Variable      Levels                                                                                                           
TYPE               6                                                                                                           
ORIGIN             3                                                                                                           
                                             Cumulative    Cumulative                                                          
TYPE      ORIGIN    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent                                                           
Hybrid    Asia             3        0.70             3         0.70                                                            
SUV       Asia            25        5.84            28         6.54                                                            
SUV       Europe          10        2.34            38         8.88                                                            
SUV       USA             25        5.84            63        14.72                                                            
Sedan     Asia            94       21.96           157        36.68                                                            
Sedan     Europe          78       18.22           235        54.91                                                            
Sedan     USA             90       21.03           325        75.93                                                            
Sports    Asia            17        3.97           342        79.91                                                            
Sports    Europe          23        5.37           365        85.28                                                            
Sports    USA              9        2.10           374        87.38                                                            
Truck     Asia             8        1.87           382        89.25                                                            
Truck     USA             16        3.74           398        92.99                                                            
Wagon     Asia            11        2.57           409        95.56                                                            
Wagon     Europe          12        2.80           421        98.36                                                            
Wagon     USA              7        1.64           428       100.00                                                            
Example 6                                                                                                                      
 The commands with the h suffix work on highlited datasets(in pgm/log/output)                                                  
    type ls40h  list first 40 obs                                                                                              
         conh   contents                                                                                                       
         lsalh  list all obs                                                                                                   
xplo MAINaSORT                                                                                                                 
puts the following in the paste buffer                                                                                         
*   *    *    *****  *   *          ***    ***   ****   *****                                                                  
** **   * *     *    **  *         *   *  *   *  *   *    *                                                                    
* * *  *   *    *    * * *          *     *   *  *   *    *                                                                    
*   *  *****    *    *  **           *    *   *  ****     *                                                                    
*   *  *   *    *    *   *            *   *   *  * *      *                                                                    
*   *  *   *    *    *   *         *   *  *   *  *  *     *                                                                    
*   *  *   *  *****  *   *          ***    ***   *   *    *                                                                    
   *                                       *                                                                                   
  *                                         *                                                                                  
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *   LMB                    RMB              *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *   FOCUS & POINTING       SUBMIT           *                                                                                 
 *   BLOCH SUBMIT          SHF RMB ls40a     *                                                                                 
 *                         CTL RMB ls40ha    *                                                                                 
 *        MMB                                *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *        MMB(F1) Verson                     *                                                                                 
 *        SHF MMB(F1) dmpa                   *                                                                                 
 *        CTL MMB(F1) dmpha                  *                                                                                 
 *        ALT RMB(F1) vuh                    *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *        MMB2                               *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *        MMB2 avgha                         *                                                                                 
 *        SHF F2 lsala                       *                                                                                 
 *        CTL F2 lsalha                      *                                                                                 
 *        ALT F2 vua                         *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *   LEFT SIDE BUTTON     RIGHT SIDE BUTON   *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
 *   LSB(F11)             RSB(F12)           *                                                                                 
 *   LSB debugha          F12 magic string   *                                                                                 
 *   SHF F11 cona         SHF F12 frqva      *                                                                                 
 *   CTL F11 conha        CTL F12 cntva      *                                                                                 
 *   ALT F11 xlsha        ALT F12 unva       *                                                                                 
 *                                           *                                                                                 
  *                                          *                                                                                 
   *                                        *                                                                                  
last dataset    hi-lited dataset                                                                                               
frq sex*name    frqh sex*name                                                                                                  
frq sex         frqh sex                                                                                                       
UNIQUE LEVELS                                                                                                                  
cnt sex cnth    sex                                                                                                            
cnt sex*name    cnth sex*name                                                                                                  
prtw 'sex="M"'   prtwh 'sex="M"'                                                                                               
   RMB              MMB-F1    MMB2-F2  LSB-F11  RSB-F12                                                                        
    SUBMIT           VERSION   avgh     debug    magic                                                                         
    S ls40           S dmp     S lsal   S con    S frqv                                                                        
    C ls40h          C dmph    C lsalh  C conh   C cntv                                                                        
                     A vuh     A vu     A xlsh   A unv                                                                         
    RMB               F1        F2       F3      F4                                                                            
   F5        F6       F7      F8                                                                                               
   dmp      dmph    logchk    rfind                                                                                            
   F9        F10      F11     F12                                                                                              
   rchange          debugh    MAGIC                                                                                            


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