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Master in Computer Vision - M5 Visual recognition

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Scene Understanding for Autonomous Vehicles

Master in Computer Vision, Barcelona (2017-2018) - M5 Visual Recognition

About us

Name of the group: TEAM 03
Roger Marí. Email:
Joan Sintes. Email:
Àlex Palomo. Email:
Àlex Vicente. Email:


This 5-week project presents a series of experiments related to scene understanding for autonomous vehicles.
Deep learning is employed to face 3 main tasks: object recognition, object detection and semantic segmentation.

Project report

You can check our Overleaf report here.

Project slides

You can check our slides here.

Weights of the trained architectures

You can download the weights associated to each experiment here. Experiment names and description can be found here.

Weeks 1-2. Object recognition

Evaluation and comparison of the performance of the VGG-16 and the ResNet-50 architectures for object recogniton.
The TSingHua-TenCent 100K (TT100K) dataset [3] and the Belgium Traffic Sign (BelgiumTS) dataset [4] are used to train for traffic sign recognition. The KITTI dataset [5] is used to train for recognition of vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists.
See this README to gain further insight about how to run the code for the different experiments.
You can find our summary of the VGG paper here [1].
Also, find our summary of the ResNet paper here [2].

Completed tasks:

  1. Train VGG using TT100K dataset
  • Train from scratch.
  • Analyze train/validation/test sets and interpret results.
  • Comparison between crop and resize to feed the net.
  • Transfer learning to BelgiumTS dataset.
  1. Train VGG using KITTI dataset
  • Train from scratch.
  • Fine-tunning based on the ImageNet weights [6].
  1. Train ResNet using TT100K dataset
  • Implementation of ResNet-50 with Keras and integration to the framework.
  • Train from scratch.
  • Fine-tunning based on the ImageNet weights.
  1. Boost perfromance of the network
  • Retrain all layers of ResNet-50 using ImageNet weights as initialization.
  • Use data augmentation to boost the performance.
  • Experiment with a mixed architecture (conv. net from ResNet-50 + fully connected layers from VGG-16).

Contributions to the code:

  • code/models/ ResNet-50 implementation (build_resnet50) + mixed architecture (build_resnet50_v2).
  • other_scripts/ Analyzes the elements per class in the train/validation/test splits of a dataset.
  • other_scripts/ Bash script to execute all experiments on object recognition.
  • code/config/*. The configuration files of all the conducted experiments can be found in this folder.

Weeks 3-4. Object detection

Evaluation and comparison of the performance of the YOLO and the Faster R-CNN architectures for object detection.
The TSingHua-TenCent 100K (TT100K) dataset (for detection) [3] is used to train for traffic sign detection, while the Udacity annotated driving dataset is used to train for detection of pedestrians, cars and trucks.
See this README to gain further insight about how to run the code for the different experiments.
You can find our summary of the YOLO paper here [7].
Also, find our summary of the Faster R-CNN paper here [8].

Completed tasks:

  1. Train YOLO using TT100K_detection dataset
  • ImageNet weights for initialization + re-train all layers for 10 epochs.
  • Analyze train/validation/test sets and visualize/interpret results.
  • Compute F-score and FPS.
  1. Train YOLO using Udacity dataset
  • ImageNet weights for initialization + re-train all layers for 40 epochs.
  • Analyze train/validation/test sets and visualize/interpret results.
  • Compute F-score and FPS.
  1. Train Faster R-CNN using TT100K_detection dataset
  • Implementation of Faster R-CNN based on ResNet-50 with Keras and integration to the framework.
  • ImageNet weights for initialization + re-train all layers for 30 epochs.
  • Adjustment of detection threshold to keep a good compromise between Precision and Recall.
  1. Train Faster R-CNN using Udacity dataset
  • ImageNet weights for initialization + re-train all layers for 30 epochs.
  • Adjustment of detection threshold to keep a good compromise between Precision and Recall.
  1. Boost perfromance of the network
  • Use data augmentation to boost the performance of YOLO.

Contributions to the code:

  • frcnn/*. Faster R-CNN implementation as readapted from
  • other_scripts/create_gt_frcnn_*.py. Writes the labels of a dataset in the format required by the Faster R-CNN.
  • other_scripts/evaluate_frcnn_*.py. Computes F-score, Precision and Recall for Faster R-CNN.
  • other_scripts/analyze_dataset_*.py. Analyzes elements per class in the train/val/test splits of a given dataset
  • other_scripts/ Bash script to execute all experiments on object detection.
  • code/config/*. The configuration files of all the conducted experiments can be found in this folder.

Weeks 5-6. Semantic segmentation

Evaluation and comparison of the performance of the FCN8 and the Segnet-VGG16 architectures for object detection.
The Cambridge-driving Video Database (CamVid) and the KITTI vision benchmark (segmentation dataset) are used to train for segmentation between sky, buildings, trees, road, sidewalk, cars, pedestrians, cyclists and traffic signs among others.
See this README to gain further insight about how to run the code for the different experiments.
You can find our summary of the FCNs paper here [9].
Also, find our summary of the Segnet paper here [10].

Completed tasks:

  1. Train FCN8 using CamVid dataset
  • ImageNet weights for initialization + re-train all layers for a max of 1000 epochs (with early stopping).
  • Analyze train/validation/test sets from a quantitative and a qualitative point of view.
  • Compute Pixel accuracy, Jaccard coefficient (IoU) and FPS.
  1. Train YOLO using KITTI (segmentation) dataset
  • ImageNet weights for initialization + re-train all layers for a max of 1000 epochs (with early stopping).
  • Analyze train/validation/test sets from a quantitative and a qualitative point of view.
  • Compute Pixel accuracy, Jaccard coefficient (IoU) and FPS.
  1. Train SegNet using CamVid dataset
  • Two different SegNet architectures implemented: SegNet-VGG16 (full model) and SegNet-Basic (compact variant).
  • Train all layers from scratch a max of 1000 epochs (with early stopping).
  • Visualize resulting segmented images and compare with the rest of architectures.
  1. Train U-Net using CamVid dataset
  • Train all layers from scratch like in the previous task + data augmentation.
  • Visualize resulting segmented images and compare with the rest of architectures.
  1. Train SegNet using KITTI (segmentation) dataset
  • Train all layers from scratch with a larger LR (0.01) and a different optimizer (Adam).
  • Used a learning rate scheduler callback to decrease the LR at epochs 20, 40, 60 (decay rate = 5).
  • Visualize resulting segmented images and compare with the rest of architectures.

Contributions to the code:

  • code/models/ Implementation of SegNet-VGG16 and SegNet-Basic architectures.
  • code/models/ Implementation of SegNet-VGG16 able to load ImageNet weights.
  • code/models/ Implementation of U-Net architecture.
  • other_scripts/analyze_dataset_seg_*.py. Analyzes pixels per class in the train/val/test splits of a given dataset
  • other_scripts/ Bash script to execute all experiments on semantic segmentation.
  • code/config/*. The configuration files of all the conducted experiments can be found in this folder.


[1] Simonyan, Karen, and Andrew Zisserman. Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.1556 (2014).
[2] He, Kaiming, et al. Deep residual learning for image recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2016.
[3] Zhu, Zhe, et al. Traffic-sign detection and classification in the wild. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2016.
[4] Timofte, Radu, Karel Zimmermann, and Luc Van Gool. Multi-view traffic sign detection, recognition, and 3d localisation. Machine Vision and Applications 25.3 (2014): 633-647.
[5] Geiger, Andreas, Philip Lenz, and Raquel Urtasun. Are we ready for autonomous driving? The KITTI vision benchmark suite. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2012.
[6] Deng, Jia, et al. Imagenet: A large-scale hierarchical image database. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2009.
[7] J. Redmon, S. Divvala, R. Girshick, and A. Farhadi. You Only Look Once: Unified, real-time object detection. arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.02640, 2015.
[8] S. Ren, K. He, R. Girshick, and J. Sun. Faster R-CNN: Towards real-time object detection with region proposal networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.01497, 2015.
[9] Long, Jonathan, Evan Shelhamer, and Trevor Darrell. Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2015.
[10] Badrinarayanan, Vijay, Alex Kendall, and Roberto Cipolla. Segnet: A deep convolutional encoder-decoder architecture for image segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 39.12 (2017): 2481-2495.


Master in Computer Vision - M5 Visual recognition






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