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Evaluation in Spark: Unlike Scala Collections!

Rohit edited this page Mar 17, 2017 · 6 revisions

In this session we're going to talk about evaluation in Spark and in particular, reasons why Spark is very unlike Scala Collections.

Why is Spark Good for Data Science?

We saw Spark has Transformation laziness and Action eagerness which allow it to aggressively minimize network operations for addressing latency concerns. Also this allows Spark to use more in-memory computation which is much faster.

Most data science problems involve iteration.

First lets look at iteration in Hadoop:


As seen each iteration has a map/reduce step, and result data is written between each iteration, also read by the next iteration. Thus there is a lot of time spent in IO. Spark can avoid upto 90% of this time.

Iteration in Spark:


As seen, data is read once, and then it stays on memory where its iterated over and over. This also provides good fault tolerance due to significantly reduced IO.

Iteration example: Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression is an algorithm used for classification (classify given data-points into clusters) and here the classifiers weights are iteratively updated based on a training dataset.

Here is the algorithm:

val points = sc.textFile(...).map(parsePoint)
var w = Vector.zeros(d)
for (i <- 1 to numIterations) {
    val gradient = { p =>
        (1 / (1 + exp(-p.y * -1_ * p.y * p.y
    }.reduce(_ + _)
    w -= alpha * gradient

As seen above, action reduce is being called inside the for-loop. Hence the transformation map will be applied twice times the number of iterations (twice because there is one map outside the for-loop which is not applied as we have already learned.). The use of inner map transformation is intentional, but the outer map transformation gets unintentionally used mulitple times inside the iteration. So here we are doing IO like Hadoop, lots of it during every iteration.

Note: Spark allows you to control what is cache in memory by using persist() or cache() on a RDD.

Caching and Persistance

Lets revisit our previous example:

val lastYearsLogs: RDD[String] = ...
val logsWithErrors = lastYearsLogs.filter(_.contains("ERROR"))
val firstLogsWithErrors = logsWithErrors.take(10)  // action 1
val numErrors = logsWithErrors.count()             // action 2

Here an action is applied on logsWithErrors twice. Hence the transformation is alos applied twice. To resolve this, we modify the above as:

val lastYearsLogs: RDD[String] = ...
val logsWithErrors = lastYearsLogs.filter(_.contains("ERROR")).persist() // <------------------ persist
val firstLogsWithErrors = logsWithErrors.take(10)  // action 1
val numErrors = logsWithErrors.count()             // action 2

Here we cache logsWithErrors in memory. So its computed only once, and then for rest of the references, it is used from the memory.

Similarly, we can also re-write the Logistic Regression algorithm, so that the outer map transformation is only computed the first time and persisted.

val points = sc.textFile(...).map(parsePoint).persist() // <------------------ persist 
var w = Vector.zeros(d)
for (i <- 1 to numIterations) {
    val gradient = { p =>
        (1 / (1 + exp(-p.y * -1_ * p.y * p.y
    }.reduce(_ + _)
    w -= alpha * gradient

There are many ways to configure how the data is persisted:

  • in memory as regular java objects (just like a regular Java program - least used elements are evaculated by JVM)
  • on disk as regular java objects
  • in memory as serialize Java objects (more compact since uses byte arrays)
  • on disk as serialize Java objects (more compact since uses byte arrays)
  • both in memory and on disk (spill over to disk to avoid re-computation)

cache(): Shorthand for using default storage lever, which is in memory only as regular Java objects.

persist(...): Persistence can be customized with this methods. Pass the storage level you'd like as a parameter. Storage levels:

Level                   Space used          CPU time          In memory          On disk

MEMORY_ONLY (default)   High                Low               Y                  N
MEMORY_ONLY_SER         Low                 High              Y                  N
MEMORY_AND_DISK*@       High                Medium            Some               Some
MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER*&   Low                 High              Some               Some
DISK_ONLY               Low                 High              Y                  N

*@ = Spills to disk if too much data to fit in memory *& = Spills to disk if too much data to fit in memory. Stores serialized representation in memory.

Key Takeaway

Despite similar-looking API to Scala Collections, the evaluation of Spark RDDs is very unlike them.

People (newcomers) unknowing re-evaluate several transformations when caching could be used.