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Wundero edited this page Sep 5, 2017 · 11 revisions

Available placeholders:


%player% - Get the player's name.
%player_name% - Get the player's name.
%player_displayname% - Get the player's display name.
%player_uuid% - Display the player's unique universal ID (UUID).
%player_ping% - Get the player's latency.
%player_prefix% - Get the player's prefix.
%player_suffix% - Get the player's suffix.
%player_world% - Get the name of the world the player is in.
%player_option_{option}% - View a player's option (Like %rank_option_{option}%)
%player_perm_{permission}% - Check to see a player's permission status (Like %rank_perm_{permission}%)
%player_language% - Get the player's chosen language.
%player_can_fly% - Whether the player has fly mode enabled.
%player_flying% - Whether the player is flying.
%player_health% - Get the player's health (rounded).
%player_max_health% - Get the player's maximum health (rounded).
%player_saturation% - Get the player's saturation level (rounded).
%player_food% - Get the player's food level.
%player_gamemode% - Get the player's current game mode.
%player_x% - Get the player's x position.
%player_y% - Get the player's y position.
%player_z% - Get the player's z position.
%player_direction% - Get the player's cardinal direction (North, Southeast, etc.)
%player_exp% - The player's current exp on their level.
%player_exp_total% - The player's total exp.
%player_exp_to_next% - The amount of exp the player needs to level up.
%player_level% - The player's exp level.
%player_first_join% - When the player first joined the server. (Note: if you use date formatting with the time placeholder, this will take that format)
%player_fly_speed% - The player's flight speed. (This tends to be a strange number)
%player_walk_speed% - The player's walking speed. (As with flight speed, this is a strange number)
%player_max_air% - The maximum amount of air the player has underwater.
%player_remaining_air% - The amount of air the player has left underwater.
%player_item_in_main_hand% - The item in the player's main hand. This will show the item's details if hovered over by mouse.
%player_item_in_off_hand% - The item in the player's offhand. This will show item details as well.
%player_time_played% - This will show the total time played in the highest unit, up to days, possible. Example: 1 h 13 m 56.45 s.
%player_time_played_ticks% - This will show the total time played in ticks.
%player_time_played_seconds% - This will show the total time played in seconds.
%player_time_played_minutes% - This will show the total time played in minutes.
%player_time_played_hours% - This will show the total time played in hours.
%player_time_played_days% - This will show the total time played in days.
%rel_player_distance% - Get the distance between the source and the observer.
%rel_player_distance_x% - Get the difference in x value between the source and observer.
%rel_player_distance_y% - Get the difference in x value between the source and observer.
%rel_player_distance_z% - Get the difference in x value between the source and observer.
%rel_player_visible% - This will show whether the observer can see the source.
%rel_player_audible% - This will show whether the observer can see the source's chat messages.


%statistic_<statistic>% - Show the player's statistic under that id.

(See here for examples with statistics)


%server_online% - Get the current number of players on the server.
%server_max_players% - Get the maximum number of players that can join the server.
%server_motd% - Get the server's MOTD.
%server_ram_used% - Get the amount of RAM the server is using.
%server_ram_free% - Get the amount of RAM the server is not using.
%server_ram_total% - Get the total amount of RAM the server has currently allocated.
%server_ram_max% - Get the maximum amount of RAM the server can allocate.
%server_cores% - Get the available processor cores.
%server_unique_players% - Get the number of unique players on the server
%server_tps% - Get the server's ticks per second.
%server_uptime% - Get the uptime as a percentage.
%server_uptime_percent% - Get the uptime as a percentage (same as %server_uptime%).
%server_uptime_total% - Get the total time the server has been online.


%rank% - Get the name of the rank.
%rank_name% - Get the name of the rank.
%rank_prefix% - Get the rank's prefix. Shorthand for %rank_option_prefix%.
%rank_suffix% - Get the rank's suffix. Shorthand for %rank_option_suffix%.
%rank_option_{option}% - Get the current value for the option.
%rank_perm_{permission}% - Check to see whether the rank has the permission.
%rel_rank_greater_than% - Return whether the observer's rank is a parent of the source's.
%rel_rank_less_than% - Return whether the source's rank is a parent of the observer's.


%javascript_{script}% - Execute a javascript script and print the returned value.

(See here for how to make scripts)


%time% - Get the current date and time, formatted as specified in the config.

Economy - Requires a valid economy plugin to work.

%economy_baltop_<number>_[currency]% - Get the top <number> of players, ranked by balance, on the server.
%economy_balance_[currency]% - Get the balance of the player. (e.g. "1234.56")
%economy_balformat_[currency]% - Get the balance of the player and format it. (e.g. "$1,234.56")
%economy_display_[currency]% - Get the singular display name for the currency. (e.g. "Dollar")
%economy_pluraldisplay_[currency]% - Get the plural display name for the currency. (e.g. "Dollars")
%economy_symbol_[currency]% - Gets the symbol for the currency. (e.g. "$")

([currency] is optional, will use default currency if not specified.)


%sound_{sound-id}_{volume}_{pitch}% - Plays the sound at the player's location.
%sound_all_{sound-id}_{volume}_{pitch}% - Plays the sound to all players at their locations.