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Adding expansions

Wundero edited this page Sep 5, 2017 · 17 revisions

There are two primary ways to add an expansion to PlaceholderAPI. Because PlaceholderAPI provides a service, PlaceholderService, it is fairly simple to add placeholders.

@Plugin(name = "Example", id = "example", version = "1.0", dependencies = {
		@Dependency(id = "placeholderapi", version = "[4.0,)") })
// @Listening -> Include this annotation if the class is not a plugin class but
// you want to register listeners.
@ConfigSerializable // Include this annotation if you want @Setting annotated fields filled by
					// PlaceholderAPI's config.
public class Example { // The class to load placeholders from, if using load or loadAll, MUST be public.

	PlaceholderService s; // Make sure you add PlaceholderAPI to your gradle/maven dependencies

	public void onStart(GameStartingServerEvent e) {
		// I use provideUnchecked but it is recommended to use provide instead, unless
		// you can guarantee the existence of the service
		s = Sponge.getServiceManager().provideUnchecked(PlaceholderService.class);
		// The load all method acquires every method that is annotated with @Placeholder
		// in the 'holder' class, the first object provided, and creates a builder for
		// it. This is particularly nice because you can stream the builders nicely and
		// it can handle numerous placeholders at once.
		s.loadAll(this, this).stream().map(builder -> { // This is one way of loading placeholders, you could also load
														// each one individually or create from other sources.
			switch (builder.getId()) {
			case "multi":
				return builder.tokens("a", "b", null).description("Parse the token for a player!");
			case "msg":
				return builder.description("Send a message!");
			case "random":
				return builder.description("Generate a random number, from 0 to the number provided"
						+ ", or if no number is given, either 0 or 1.");
			return builder;
		}).map(builder ->"Wundero").version("1.0")).forEach(builder -> {
			try {
				builder.buildAndRegister(); // buildAndRegister takes care of everything you want for you, so this is
											// all that is needed.
			} catch (Exception ex) {
		// If you do not load from an object, you must specify plugin, id and function
		// for it to work.

		// The generic types here are necessary, and the builder() method will throw an
		// exception if they are not provided. They are not required for the load and
		// loadAll methods since they are provided by the methods being loaded.

		// The builder provides numerous parsing method functions by default.
		try {
			// The generic types of the Source and the Observer (the first two types) must
			// be one of, or a subclass/subinterface of:
			// Locatable, MessageReceiver, DataHolder or Subject.
			// The return type can be anything.
			s.<CommandSource, MessageReceiver, Void>builder().id("function").plugin(this).author("Wundero")
					.description("Execute a function.").consumeDual((s, r) -> r.sendMessage(Text.of(s.getName())))
		} catch (Exception ex) {

	// Any method annotated with the @Placeholder annotation must also be public.

	// Since the class is annotated with ConfigSerializable AND we called the
	// load/loadAll method on it, this will be filled.
	private String internalMsg = "Hello!";

	@Placeholder(id = "random") // Id must be specified, however this annotation and id are the only two
								// requirements.
	public int rand(@Token @Nullable Integer range) { // If the token's class is not a String or Optional<String>, an
														// attempt will be made to parse the token. If the attempt
														// fails, the token will be null.
		// If the nullable annotation is not specified, the parameter is GUARANTEED to
		// be non-null. (The placeholder will simply not parse if the parameter is null)
		if (range == null || range < 1) {
			return (int) Math.round(Math.random());
		return (int) Math.round((Math.random() * range));

	// The return type can be anything, primitives, arrays, objects, void, you name
	// it.

	@Placeholder(id = "source") // using '_' or ' ' is not recommended and should be avoided.
	public String getName(@Source CommandSource source) {
		return source.getName();

	@Placeholder(id = "constant") // Ids must be unique within their own relational or non-relational group.
	public String constant() { // No parameters need to be specified.
		return "Wahoo!";

	@Placeholder(id = "msg")
	public void msg(@Source MessageReceiver src, @Nullable @Token String message) {
		if (message == null) {
			message = internalMsg;
		message = message.replace("_", " ");
		src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.AQUA, message));

	@Placeholder(id = "msg")
	@Relational // This annotation means that it will use the rel_msg placeholder as the placeholder. No other 
	            // guarantees are made, however relational and non-relational placeholder ids are stored separately, so it is possible 
	            // to have msg as both a relational and a non-relational id.
	public void relMsg(@Source CommandSource src, @Observer @Nullable MessageReceiver sendTo,
			@Nullable @Token Text message) {
		if (sendTo == null) {
			sendTo = src;
		if (message == null) {
			message = Text.of(TextColors.GREEN, src.getName() + " says hello!");

	@Placeholder(id = "multi") // "Fix" means to make the string all lower case.
	public Object multi(@Source Player src, @Nullable @Token(fix = true) String token) {
		if (token == null) {
			return src.getName();
		switch (token) {
		case "a":
			return src.getName() + " A";
		case "b":
			return src.firstPlayed();
		return null;


There are additional methods for adding extra functionality, such as reload listeners and separation of config/listener objects from the placeholder, provided by the builder as well. See the builder's documentation on each method to see if you need or want to use it.

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