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This repository is a dynamic collection that grows as I learn, test, and update my programming skills. It includes tasks from platforms like CodeWars, where developers enhance their coding abilities through gamified challenges, as well as various simple projects I’ve created.

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Python Utility Functions

This repository contains multiple Python functions designed to solve distinct problems, listed below:

Converting a Binary Array to a Decimal Number - binary_array_decoder


This function converts a binary array (series of 0s and 1s) to its corresponding decimal (base-10) value.


  • Handles binary arrays of any length.
  • Efficiently calculates the decimal value using bitwise operations.

Finding the Complementary DNA Strand


Automates finding the complementary DNA strand based on base pairing rules:

  • A pairs with T
  • C pairs with G


  • Takes a DNA strand (string) as input.
  • Outputs the complementary DNA strand.
  • Handles both uppercase and lowercase letters.

Paino Tiles Game Bot


Automates playing the Paino Tiles game by detecting black pixels at user-specified click locations.


  • Allows the user to define click coordinates.
  • Analyses the screen for black pixels at those coordinates.

No Duplicates Script


Ensures a sequence (list or array) contains no duplicate elements by comparing each element to the previous ones.


  • Takes a sequence of elements as input.
  • Removes any duplicate elements from the sequence.
  • Maintains the order of unique elements.

Highest and Lowest Numbers


The high_and_low function takes a string of numbers separated by spaces and returns the highest and lowest numbers in the sequence.


  • Input: Accepts a string of numbers separated by spaces.
  • Output: Returns a string containing the highest and lowest numbers separated by a space.
  • Error Handling: Assumes valid input format (numbers separated by spaces).
  • Efficiency: Utilises Python's built-in min() and max() functions for optimal performance.
  • String Formatting: Uses Python's f-string for clear and concise output formatting.

Hashtag Generator


Generates a hashtag from a given string.


  • Removes spaces from the input string.
  • Capitalises the first letter of each word.
  • Ensures non-empty input for hashtag generation.

Index Position


Converts each alphabetic letter in the input text to its corresponding position in the alphabet.


  • Iterates over each character in the string.
  • Checks if the character is an alphabetic letter.
  • Converts each alphabetic letter to lowercase.
  • Computes the position using the ASCII value.
  • Returns the list of alphabetic positions.

Space Identifier


The solution function in Python converts a camelCase formatted string into a spaced format where each uppercase letter (except the first) is preceded by a space.


Call solution(s) where s is the camelCase string you want to convert. It returns the converted string.


  print(solution("camelCasing"))  # Output: "camel Casing"

This function is useful for formatting camelCase strings into a more readable format, often used in display or user interface contexts where separation between words is needed.

The perfect square


The find_next_square function calculates and returns the next perfect square greater than a given number sq or returns -1 if sq is not a perfect square.


  • Identifies the next perfect square greater than a given number.
  • Returns -1 if the input number is not a perfect square.

Example usage:

  print(find_next_square(1234))  # Output: 1296 (36^2)

This function is handy for scenarios where determining the next perfect square number is required, such as in mathematical computations or algorithms.

Tail Swap


This is a Python function that swaps the parts of two input strings after the colon (:). The function takes a list of two strings as input and returns a list of two strings with the parts after the colon swapped.


  • Efficiently swaps the parts after the colon in two strings.
  • Utilizes list comprehensions for concise and readable code.
  • Demonstrates the use of list indexing and string manipulation in Python.


Given the input ["abc:123", "cde:456"], the function will return ["abc:456", "cde:123"].

RGB to HEX Color Converter


This project provides a simple Python function to convert RGB color values to their hexadecimal (HEX) representation. The function ensures the RGB values are within the valid range (0-255) and accurately converts them to a two-digit hexadecimal format for each color component.


  • Converts individual RGB values to a two-digit hexadecimal string.
  • Ensures RGB values are clamped within the 0-255 range.
  • Combines the hexadecimal values of Red, Green, and Blue components into a single HEX color code.
  • Easy to integrate and use in other Python projects.

Example Usage

<p>Below are examples demonstrating the usage of the RGB to HEX color converter function:</p>

<h3>Example 1: Convert RGB (255, 255, 255) to HEX</h3>

def rgb(r, g, b): def to_hex(value): # Ensure the value is within the range 0-255 value = max(0, min(value, 255)) # Convert the integer part to a hexadecimal string digit1 = value // 16 # Convert the remainder to a hexadecimal string digit2 = value % 16 # Convert both to hexadecimal characters and combine them return f'{digit1:X}{digit2:X}'

# Combine all three parts
return to_hex(r) + to_hex(g) + to_hex(b)

Example 1

hex_value = rgb(255, 255, 255) console.log(RGB (255, 255, 255) converts to HEX: ${hex_value}); // Output: FFFFFF

<h3>Example 2: Convert RGB (0, 128, 192) to HEX</h3>

// Example 2 hex_value = rgb(0, 128, 192) console.log(RGB (0, 128, 192) converts to HEX: ${hex_value}); // Output: 0080C0


This repository is a dynamic collection that grows as I learn, test, and update my programming skills. It includes tasks from platforms like CodeWars, where developers enhance their coding abilities through gamified challenges, as well as various simple projects I’ve created.







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