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lukastaegert committed Oct 11, 2022
1 parent d1a825a commit 25d9b50
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 0 deletions.
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,5 +1,135 @@
# rollup changelog

## 3.0.0


### Breaking Changes

#### General Changes

- Rollup now requires at least Node 14.18.0 to run (#4548 and #4596)
- The browser build has been split into a separate package `@rollup/browser` (#4593)
- The node build uses the `node:` prefix for imports of builtin modules (#4596)
- Some previously deprecated features have been removed (#4552):
- Some plugin context functions have been removed:
- `this.emitAsset()`: use `this.emitFile()`
- `this.emitChunk()`: use `this.emitFile()`
- `this.getAssetFileName()`: use `this.getFileName()`
- `this.getChunkFileName()`: use `this.getFileName()`
- `this.isExternal()`: use `this.resolve()`
- `this.resolveId()`: use `this.resolve()`
- The `resolveAssetUrl` plugin hook has been removed: use `resolveFileUrl`
- Rollup no longer passes `assetReferenceId` or `chunkReferenceId` parameters to `resolveFileUrl`
- The `treeshake.pureExternalModules` option has been removed: use `treeshake.moduleSideEffects: 'no-external'`
- You may no longer use `true` or `false` for `output.interop`. As a replacement for `true`, you can use "compat"
- Emitted assets no longer have an `isAsset` flag in the bundle
- Rollup will no longer fix assets added directly to the bundle by adding the `type: "asset"` field
- Some features that were previously marked for deprecation now show warnings when used (#4552):
- Some options have been deprecated:
- `inlineDynamicImports` as part of the input options: use `output. inlineDynamicImports`
- `manualChunks` as part of the input options: use `output. manualChunks `
- `maxParallelFileReads`: use `maxParallelFileOps
- `output.preferConst`: use `output.generatedCode.constBindings`
- `output.dynamicImportFunction`: use the `renderDynamicImport` plugin hook
- `output.namespaceToStringTag`: use `output.generatedCode.symbols`
- `preserveModules` as part of the input options: use `output. preserveModules `
- You should no longer access `this.moduleIds` in plugins: use `this.getModuleIds()`
- You should no longer access `this.getModuleInfo(...).hasModuleSideEffects` in plugins: use `this.getModuleInfo(...).moduleSideEffects`
- Configuration files are only bundled if either the `--configPlugin` or the `--bundleConfigAsCjs` options are used. The configuration is bundled to an ES module unless the `--bundleConfigAsCjs` option is used. In all other cases, configuration is now loaded using Node's native mechanisms (#4574 and #4621)
- The properties attached to some errors have been changed so that there are fewer different possible properties with consistent types (#4579)
- Files in `rollup/dist/*` can only be required using their file extension (#4581)
- The `loadConfigFile` helper now has a named export of the same name instead of a default export (#4581)
- When using the API and sourcemaps, sourcemap comments are contained in the emitted files and sourcemaps are emitted as regular assets (#4605)
- Watch mode no longer uses Node's EventEmitter but a custom implementation that awaits Promises returned from event handlers (#4609)
- Assets may only be deduplicated with previously emitted assets if their source is a `string` (#4644)
- By default, Rollup will keep external dynamic imports as `import(…)` in commonjs output unless `output.dynamicImportInCjs` is set to false (#4647)

#### Changes to Rollup Options

- As functions passed to `output.banner/footer/intro/outro` are now called per-chunk, they should be careful to avoid performance-heavy operations (#4543)
- `entryFileNames/chunkFileNames` functions now longer have access to the rendered module information via `modules`, only to a list of included `moduleIds` (#4543)
- The path of a module is no longer prepended to the corresponding chunk when preserving modules (#4565)
- When preserving modules, the `[name]` placeholder (as well as the `` property when using a function) now includes the relative path of the chunk as well as optionally the file extension if the extension is not one of `.js`, `.jsx`, `.mjs`, `.cjs`, `.ts`, `.tsx`, `.mts`, or `.cts` (#4565)
- The `[ext]`, `[extName]` and `[assetExtName]` placeholders are no longer supported when preserving modules (#4565)
- The `perf` option no longer collects timings for the asynchronous part of plugin hooks as the readings were wildly inaccurate and very misleading, and timings are adapted to the new hashing algorithm (#4566)
- Change the default value of `makeAbsoluteExternalsRelative` to "ifRelativeSource" so that absolute external imports will no longer become relative imports in the output, while relative external imports will still be renormalized (#4567)
- Change the default for `output.generatedCode.reservedNamesAsProps` to no longer quote properties like `default` by default (#4568)
- Change the default for `preserveEntrySignatures` to "exports-only" so that by default, empty facades for entry chunks are no longer created (#4576)
- Change the default for `output.interop` to "default" to better align with NodeJS interop (#4611)
- Change the default for `output.esModule` to "if-default-prop", which only adds \_\_esModule when the default export would be a property (#4611)
- Change the default for `output.systemNullSetters` to `true`, which requires at least SystemJS 6.3.3 (#4649)

#### Plugin API Changes

- Plugins that add/change/remove imports or exports in `renderChunk` should make sure to update `ChunkInfo.imports/importedBindings/exports` accordingly (#4543)
- The order of plugin hooks when generating output has changed (#4543)
- Chunk information passed to `renderChunk` now contains names with hash placeholders instead of final names, which will be replaced when used in the returned code or `ChunkInfo.imports/importedBindings/exports` (#4543 and #4631)
- Hooks defined in output plugins will now run after hooks defined in input plugins (used to be the other way around) (#3846)

### Features

- Functions passed to `output.banner/footer/intro/outro` are now called per-chunk with some chunk information (#4543)
- Plugins can access the entire chunk graph via an additional parameter in `renderChunk` (#4543)
- Chunk hashes only depend on the actual content of the chunk and are otherwise stable against things like renamed/moved source files or changed module resolution order (#4543)
- The length of generated file hashes can be customized both globally and per-chunk (#4543)
- When preserving modules, the regular `entryFileNames` logic is used and the path is included in the `[name]` property. This finally gives full control over file names when preserving modules (#4565)
- `output.entryFileNames` now also supports the `[hash]` placeholder when preserving modules (#4565)
- The `perf` option will now collect (synchronous) timings for all plugin hooks, not just a small selection (#4566)
- All errors thrown by Rollup have `name: RollupError` now to make clearer that those are custom error types (#4579)
- Error properties that reference modules (such as id and ids) will now always contain the full ids. Only the error message will use shortened ids (#4579)
- Errors that are thrown in response to other errors (e.g. parse errors thrown by acorn) will now use the standardized cause property to reference the original error (#4579)
- If sourcemaps are enabled, files will contain the appropriate sourcemap comment in `generateBundle` and sourcemap files are available as regular assets (#4605)
- Returning a Promise from an event handler attached to a RollupWatcher instance will make Rollup wait for the Promise to resolve (#4609)
- There is a new value "compat" for output.interop that is similar to "auto" but uses duck-typing to determine if there is a default export (#4611)
- There is a new value "if-default-prop" for esModule that only adds an `__esModule` marker to the bundle if there is a default export that is rendered as a property (#4611)
- Rollup can statically resolve checks for `foo[Symbol.toStringTag]` to "Module" if foo is a namespace (#4611)
- There is a new CLI option `--bundleConfigAsCjs` which will force the configuration to be bundled to CommonJS (#4621)
- Import assertions for external imports that are present in the input files will be retained in ESM output (#4646)
- Rollup will warn when a module is imported with conflicting import assertions (#4646)
- Plugins can add, remove or change import assertions when resolving ids (#4646)
- The `output.externalImportAssertions` option allows to turn off emission of import assertions (#4646)
- Use `output.dynamicImportInCjs` to control if dynamic imports are emitted as `import(…)` or wrapped `require(…)` when generating commonjs output (#4647)

### Bug Fixes

- Chunk hashes take changes in `renderChunk`, e.g. minification, into account (#4543)
- Hashes of referenced assets are properly reflected in the chunk hash (#4543)
- No longer warn about implicitly using default export mode to not tempt users to switch to named export mode and break Node compatibility (#4624)
- Avoid performance issues when emitting thousands of assets (#4644)

### Pull Requests

- [#3846]( [v3.0] Run output plugins last (@aleclarson)
- [#4543]( [v3.0] New hashing algorithm that "fixes (nearly) everything" (@lukastaegert)
- [#4548]( [v3.0] Deprecate Node 12 (@lukastaegert)
- [#4552]( [v3.0] Remove actively deprecated features, show warnings for other deprecated features (@lukastaegert)
- [#4558]( [v3.0] Convert build scripts to ESM, update dependencies (@lukastaegert)
- [#4565]( [v3.0] Rework file name patterns when preserving modules (@lukastaegert)
- [#4566]( [v3.0] Restructure timings (@lukastaegert)
- [#4567]( [v3.0] Change default for makeAbsoluteExternalsRelative (@lukastaegert)
- [#4568]( [v3.0] Change default for output.generatedCode.reservedNamesAsProps (@lukastaegert)
- [#4574]( [v3.0] Better esm config file support (@lukastaegert)
- [#4575]( [v3.0] Show deprecation warning for maxParallelFileReads (@lukastaegert)
- [#4576]( [v3.0] Change default for preserveEntrySignatures to exports-only (@lukastaegert)
- [#4579]( [v3.0] Refine errors and warnings (@lukastaegert)
- [#4581]( [v3.0] Use named export for loadConfigFile (@lukastaegert)
- [#4592]( [v3.0] Port doc changes from #4572 and #4583 to 3.0 (@berniegp)
- [#4593]( [v3.0] Browser build (@lukastaegert)
- [#4596]( [v3.0] Use "node:" prefix for imports of node builtins (@lukastaegert)
- [#4605]( [v3.0] Better sourcemap emission (@lukastaegert)
- [#4609]( [v3.0] Custom awaiting watch emitter (@lukastaegert)
- [#4611]( [v3.0] Improve interop defaults (@lukastaegert)
- [#4621]( [v3.0] Always try to load config files via Node if possible (@lukastaegert)
- [#4624]( [v3.0] Remove warning when using implicit default export mode (@lukastaegert)
- [#4631]( [v3.0] Use ASCII characters for hash placeholders (@lukastaegert)
- [#4644]( [v3.0] Improve performance of asset emissions (@lukastaegert)
- [#4646]( [v3.0] Basic support for import assertions (@lukastaegert)
- [#4647]( [v3.0] Keep dynamic imports in CommonJS output (@lukastaegert)
- [#4649]( [v3.0] Change default for systemNullSetters (@lukastaegert)
- [#4651]( [v3.0] use compiler target ES2020 (@dnalborczyk)

## 2.79.1

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