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- install last docker version
- run in console next cmds:
    cd ${path} /
    docker-compose up -d

Commands in docker

connect with docker container ritmby--mariadb:latest

    Generate REST API controller:
    nest g resource ${name}

Usage: nest generate|g [options] <schematic> [name] [path]

Generate a Nest element.
  Schematics available on @nestjs/schematics collection:
    │ name          │ alias       │ description                                  │
    │ application   │ application │ Generate a new application workspace         │
    │ class         │ cl          │ Generate a new class                         │
    │ configuration │ config      │ Generate a CLI configuration file            │
    │ controller    │ co          │ Generate a controller declaration            │
    │ decorator     │ d           │ Generate a custom decorator                  │
    │ filter        │ f           │ Generate a filter declaration                │
    │ gateway       │ ga          │ Generate a gateway declaration               │
    │ guard         │ gu          │ Generate a guard declaration                 │
    │ interceptor   │ itc         │ Generate an interceptor declaration          │
    │ interface     │ itf         │ Generate an interface                        │
    │ library       │ lib         │ Generate a new library within a monorepo     │
    │ middleware    │ mi          │ Generate a middleware declaration            │
    │ module        │ mo          │ Generate a module declaration                │
    │ pipe          │ pi          │ Generate a pipe declaration                  │
    │ provider      │ pr          │ Generate a provider declaration              │
    │ resolver      │ r           │ Generate a GraphQL resolver declaration      │
    │ resource      │ res         │ Generate a new CRUD resource                 │
    │ service       │ s           │ Generate a service declaration               │
    │ sub-app       │ app         │ Generate a new application within a monorepo │

  -d, --dry-run                      Report actions that would be taken without writing out results.
  -p, --project [project]            Project in which to generate files.
  --flat                             Enforce flat structure of generated element.
  --no-flat                          Enforce that directories are generated.
  --spec                             Enforce spec files generation. (default: true)
  --spec-file-suffix [suffix]        Use a custom suffix for spec files.
  --skip-import                      Skip importing (default: false)
  --no-spec                          Disable spec files generation.
  -c, --collection [collectionName]  Schematics collection to use.
  -h, --help                         Output usage information.


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