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Orchestra Bundle

Orchestra is a Naked Object implementation on top of Symfony2 Available as a Symfony2 Bundle

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Why Orchestra?

Naked Object is a powerful pattern first described by Richard Pawson.
It states that business objects, if correctly modelled, are sufficient to create an application, the technical code being generic enough to be automatically generated.

Orchestra aims to be such an admin generator: a library that helps you focusing on modelling the Domain right, and do all the "boring code" for you.

Maybe you will want to personalize it further, then it's ok, Orchestra is not about restraining you but helping you quickly create a starter application, that may be used as a prototype, a proof-of-concept, or for discussions with business experts... Note that Orchestra application are made to be production-ready, safe to use, and to offer decent performances. Everything is done by reflection (eventually cached), no direct code generation in here.

Roadmap / version


  • 0.8 (current): functional but still beta version. Using is OK, but extending may change
  • 0.9 : production-ready. Several code optimizations are needed
  • 1.0 : first stable version. Some refactors have to occur before, but not after before a 2.0 version.


Install bundle using composer: composer require romaricdrigon/orchestra-bundle

Register the bundle and the vendor we use in app/AppKernel.php:

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...

            new RomaricDrigon\OrchestraBundle\RomaricDrigonOrchestraBundle(),
            new Knp\Bundle\MenuBundle\KnpMenuBundle(),

Import our routes (both the XML and our custom type):

# app/config/routing.yml
    resource: '@RomaricDrigonOrchestraBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml'
    prefix: /admin

    prefix: /admin
    resource: .
    type: orchestra

Getting started

With Orchestra admin generator you will have to focus only on 2 objects: Entities and Repositories. All those objects must be placed within a valid Symfony2 bundle.

TL;DR: you can find a working example at Orchestra-example


Entities are the basic Domain objects of your application. Even if we will see later that they are persisted, they may be differ than Doctrine entities.

Basic entity

By convention, place those in your bundle Entity folder.

They must implement RomaricDrigon\OrchestraBundle\Domain\Entity\EntityInterface: Orchestra must be able to get a unique ID for each entity instance.

use RomaricDrigon\OrchestraBundle\Domain\Entity\EntityInterface;

class SomeEntity implements EntityInterface
    public function getId()
        return ...

Naked Object follow a DDD mindset. We strike not to have an Anemic Domain Model. A few guidelines and advices:

  • entities properties are private or protected, not public,, in compliance with encapsulation
  • entities must have public getters for the properties you will want to expose, for example in the views
  • they expose methods corresponding to actions on the objects, leading to modification of its internal state, but not public setters
  • you may want to add private setters, in order to achieve self-encapsulation, it's up to you

Displaying the entity in listing

If you want your entity to be displayed in the default listing page, it must implement ListableEntityInterface:

use RomaricDrigon\OrchestraBundle\Domain\Entity\EntityInterface;
use RomaricDrigon\OrchestraBundle\Domain\Entity\ListableEntityInterface;

class SomeEntity implements EntityInterface, ListableEntityInterface
    public function viewListing()
        return ['some data', 'some more', '...'];

The data returned by viewListing will be displayed in the same order in each listing row. It can be an array or a QueryInterface object. You will learn more about queries in the next sections.

Command and queries

Entities apply the Command-Query Separation principle.


Any entity method can return an array (simpler, preferred) or an object implementing QueryInterface. Orchestra will generate from it an action, a web page displaying the data from the returned object.

Note: QueryInterface extends \Traversable. It means that a Query will have to either extend \Iterator or IteratorAggregate Watch out, as of PHP 5.4.30, interface implementation order counts, you must implement one those 2 interfaces before implementing QueryInterface.


Any entity method can accept an object implementing CommandInterface. Such method will be transformed into a web page with a Form.

A Command is typically a simple data container, with public properties. Those public properties will be mapped to Orchestra-generated Form.

Note: A Command will be called either by calling its constructor (in that case it should receive no argument), either you can designate a factory method on the entity. In that case, use the CommandFactory annotation on your Command class.


Usually, they are persisted. Orchestra supports Doctrine ORM through its Symfony2 bridge. You will have to do their mapping, using Doctrine annotations, YAML (advised) or XML as you want. For this part, please refer to Symfony documentation.


Events are objects implementing EventInterface. An Entity can emit Events.

A method emitting en Event must return either an Event or null (in that case nothing will happen). The Event will be passed to the corresponding Repository receive method (it must implement ReceiveEventInterface). You can then decide what to do.


Those are NOT Doctrine repositories! We stick to the original Repository pattern (Fowler, 2002), "a collection-like interface for accessing domain objects".

Their name will be the name of the Entity suffixed by Repository but you're free to do otherwise.

Each Repository must have a corresponding Entity, with the same slug (lowercase name without suffix): for a FooBar entity, you must have a FoobarRepository, or FooBarRepository or FooBar (though this last is less readable).

Basic repository

We advise you to place those, by convention, in your bundle within a Repository folder.

They must implement RomaricDrigon\OrchestraBundle\Domain\Repository\RepositoryInterface:

use RomaricDrigon\OrchestraBundle\Domain\Repository\RepositoryInterface;
use RomaricDrigon\OrchestraBundle\Annotation\Name;

class MyRepository implements RepositoryInterface

They must be declared as services, tagged with orchestra.repository and indicating the corresponding entity class:

<!-- your bundle services.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<container xmlns=""

        <service id="romaric_drigon_example.my_repository" class="My\Repository\Class\Path">
            <tag name="orchestra.repository" entityClass="Acme\Demo\Entity\SomeEntity" />

Fetching Doctrine repository

An Orchestra Repository is a Symfony2 service, so you can inject it dependencies.

Orchestra can automatically resolve and inject to your service the corresponding Doctrine repository. They will also receive a copy of Orchestra ObjectManager. To benefit from this, just implement RomaricDrigon\OrchestraBundle\Domain\Doctrine\DoctrineAwareInterface.

For simplicity, you can extends the provided BaseRepository class. You will then have access to the corresponding Doctrine repository, and we provide a generic listing method.

use RomaricDrigon\OrchestraBundle\Domain\Doctrine\BaseRepository;
use RomaricDrigon\OrchestraBundle\Annotation\Name;

class MyRepository implements BaseRepository
    public function someMethod()
        $objectManager = $this->objectManager;

        $doctrineRepository = $this->doctrineRepository;


Customize displayed name

The name displayed for the Repository can be automatically generated, from the class name, or optionally personalized using the @Name annotation.

use RomaricDrigon\OrchestraBundle\Domain\Repository\RepositoryInterface;
use RomaricDrigon\OrchestraBundle\Annotation as Orchestra;

 * @Orchestra\Name("CustomName")
class MyRepository implements RepositoryInterface

Hiding a method

You can add an Entity or Repository method from the menu by adding it a @Hidden annotation.

use RomaricDrigon\OrchestraBundle\Domain\Repository\RepositoryInterface;
use RomaricDrigon\OrchestraBundle\Annotation as Orchestra;

class MyRepository implements RepositoryInterface
     * @Orchestra\Hidden
    public function hiddenMethod()

Note this does not work on interface, only child classes.


Orchestra fully integrates with Symfony2 Security component, and does not try to interfere with it.

As a convenience, you can add @Security annotations to an Entity or Repository method to restrict access to the corresponding page. The content of this annotation is a valid Symfony2 Expression, identical to those used by the SensioFrameworkExtraBundle

Moreover you can access Orchestra objects, such as repository, entity which an EntityReflection or object the eventual current EntityInterface (but not the Request object directly).


You can configure the Bundle by putting those settings in your config.yml:

# app/config/config.yml
    app_title: Orchestra # default. Will be used as title (prefix) for pages


IE8 is not supported by provided templates. Twitter Bootstrap is missing its JS polyfills, and we are using jQuery 2.0


Twitter Bootstrap integration have been realized using templates from Braincrafted Bootstrap bundle

Security annotation are supported in a very similar way to SensioFrameworkExtraBundle


Naked Object implementation on top of Symfony2







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