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@ronaldsmartin ronaldsmartin released this 15 Sep 01:34
· 7 commits to master since this release

What's New

Since ~v1.4, updating the appdata has been a manual progress triggered via Swipe-to-Refresh. Now, however, opening the app triggers an update if a week has passed since the last usage to ensure data doesn't go stale.

Brother Mode

We built some filtering functionality into the querying API that gives the app access to our backend Spreadsheet. The app now takes advantage of filtered queries to reduce the amount of JSON de-serialization it handles and thus speed things up by a few seconds.

Additionally, the chapter passed some changes regarding the membership requirement for brothers. The membership point scheme (earned by attending events) has been replaced by compulsory attendance to a certain number of meetings per month. The UI is now updated to reflect this.
Brother Status with Meeting Requirement

Alumni Mode

The QuickReturnBar used to toggle directories was a little buggy, so we replaced it with makovkastar's FloatingActionButton. Since the FAB removes the directory indicator in the QuickReturnBar, we now use the ActionBar subtitle to distinguish which directory is currently in use.
Directory with FAB