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This repos is intended to contain helper scripts and commands for the tools that are gonna get used frequently.

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This repository is a record of personal notes and scripts that helps me being productive in my day to day job.

Tools/Plugins/Extensions that I work with:

  • Homebrew as package manager.
    • Brew Packages
      • jq(CLI Json Parser)
      • watch(refreshes/re-executes the same commands. Say if you looking for creation of a new file in directory, change of logs etc.)
      • htop(process manager similar to top)
      • tree(shows the nested directory structures in CLI.)
      • z(helps navigate to most frequently used directories. So no more remembering and re-typing cd /abc/def/geh/dafuq)
      • fortune | cowsay | lolcat for some quotes of the day and some fun.
      • lf, git, neofetch, wine, winetricks, gcc, cmatrix, thefuck, fzf, coreutils, ncdu
      • Beautify git diffs with diff-so-fancy
        • Old value for core.pager (less -FMRiX). In case you need to revert.
  • Xcode xcode-select --install
  • Enable Maximize functionality for windows on Mac.
  • Sublime Text 3.
    • Plugins
      • Local History.(Have lost my un-saved work a couple of times. Its really annoying.)
      • Pretty Json.
      • Various Themes(like Solarized Dark etc.)
      • How to use Macros in Sublime text?
  • Iterm2 as the terminal.
  • ZSH as the Shell.brew install zsh.
  • Aliases for frequently used github commands.
  • f.lux for brightness control and yellow light @ night.
  • Divvy as the windows manager on Mac.
  • Alfred as replacement for mac's Spotlight for local search of files and things.
  • Evernote as the note taking app. Could also try
  • Google Docs for Work tracker and 1-1s.
  • Database client can use?
    • DBeaver(currently using.)
    • Jetbrain's DataGrip.
  • IDE
    • JetBrain's Goland(Go)
    • IntelliJ(Java)
      • Plugins
        • Presentation Assistant
        • saveActions(for auto-format and organize imports on save.)
        • String Manipulations - For Efficient converting of strings b/w various forms/cases.
        • Grep Console - Might help finding the needle in the haystack.
      • Fix Option-f|b|d keywords to work transparently in Jetbrains terminal as iterm.
      if [[ "$TERMINAL_EMULATOR" == "JetBrains-JediTerm" ]]; then
        bindkey "" backward-word # Option-b
        bindkey "ƒ" forward-word # Option-f
        bindkey "" delete-word # Option-d
      • Enable Auto-Import Intellij to fix un-ambiguious imports and organize on the fly.
  • API Testing
    • REST
      • Postman
    • gRPC
      • grpcurl
      • grpcui
  • stern
    • Colorful logs for k8s.
  • k9s
    • A light weight frontend for K8s commands.
  • vscode other projects.
    • Using IntelliJ Idea keybindings in Vscode. UUID-To-Binary
uuid-to-binary() {
for uuid in "$@";
        binary=$(echo "$uuid" | sed -e 's/-/ /g' | xxd -r -p | base64)
        echo "UUID is : $uuid, base64 binary encoded : $binary"

binary-to-uuid() {
for binaryuuid in "$@";
        uuid=$(echo "$binaryuuid" | base64 --decode | xxd -p | awk '{print substr($1,1,8) "-" substr($1,9,4) "-" substr($1,13,4) "-" substr($1,17,4) "-" substr($1,21) }' )
        echo "BINARY UUID is : $binaryuuid, Decoded UUID: $uuid"

How to setup development environment on a newer machine? Automated scripts?

  • Preferences amongst different apps, like IDE key bindings, fonts, color preferences etc?


This repos is intended to contain helper scripts and commands for the tools that are gonna get used frequently.







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