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Releases: roots/bud


19 May 09:25
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This patch prevents a js chunk from being emitted for entrypoints that only contain css.



17 May 08:45
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This release fixes multi-instance compatibility in 5.8. It is recommended for users utilizing multiple instances of bud (using bud.make)



15 May 22:30
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Fixes an error in 5.8 which can cause nested extensions to not be instantiated. Recommended for all users of 5.8.x.


Also includes version bumps for a large number of dependencies. Review what changed between v5.8.1 and v5.8.2 here.


11 May 23:13
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11 May 10:26
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Release notes also available on the website.

Heads up


There is an upstream issue (with eslint-webpack-plugin) which causes the linter to show no errors after the initial compilation, regardless of any violations.

Until this is resolved, you should use memory caching. You can enable this with:


This issue is present in earlier versions of bud.js.


The typings for the Bud object in bud.js have been consolidated under a single interface/namespace: Bud.
If you are using @roots/bud-typescript, please update your config file and any type declarations to use Bud instead of Framework.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Consider it a trade for much improved intellisense.

Flexible extensions

It is now possible, in extensions which support it, to utilize user-defined dependencies over built-in ones (if they are present in the project package.json).

This means that you can now use Vue 2 instead of Vue 3, if desired. This is done by installing the Vue 2 compatible packages directly. These versions are the ones we currently run integration tests for:

  "devDependencies": {
    "@roots/bud": "latest",
    "@roots/bud-vue": "latest"
  "dependencies": {
    "vue": "^2.6.14",
    "vue-template-compiler": "^2.6.14",
    "vue-loader": "^15.9.4"

Check out the vue legacy example for a working example of Vue 2 being used with bud.js.

In the future, additional extensions will follow suit. Some may already have support (it's simply not being advertised since this is a new feature).

Note that by utilizing custom versions of packages you are opting in to increased responsibility for your project. We only support what ships with bud.js by default.

bud.proxy url replacements

You can now substitute in or amend the existing string replacements for proxy responses. See the updated documentation for more details: bud.proxy.


You can glob for files with bud.glob. There is a sync version available as well: bud.globSync.

--editor flag

Pass the --editor flag to the build command to open errors in your preferred editor. It's required for you to have set your preferred editor with either the EDITOR or VISUAL environment variables.

If VISUAL is set, it will preferred over EDITOR.

--browser flag

Pass the --browser flag to the build command to open the built site in your browser.


bud.useTailwindColors now supports nested color groups. So, you can do stuff like this:

  blue: {
    shade: {
      hue: {
        '50': '#add8e6',
    group: {
      sky: '#87ceeb',
  tomato: '#ff4500',


This extension got a big overhaul in v5.8.0. Including unit tests! Check out the updated docs.


This release is mainly focused on the [@roots/bud-extensions] API. Extensions can now be registered using ES6 classes. But, they can also be passed around as plain objects, as before.

Documentation is still a work-in-progress but has been largely updated to reflect the new API.

More information

Big shoutout to everyone who contributed to this release. We're so happy to have you here!

For more information:


25 Mar 12:13
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Read the release post on for additional details

🛼 Improvements

  • improve: client dev scripts (#1293)
  • improve: bud.config (#1287)

🩹 Fixes

Upgrade guide

If you were using bud.serve to set SSL options, you'll need to update that call as the function's API has changed slightly:

  url: '',
  key: '/path/to/site.key',
  cert: '/path/to/site.crt',


bud.serve('', {
  key: '/path/to/site.key',
  cert: '/path/to/site.crt',

You may pass any other node server options you want or need to using the second parameter.

👀 More information


16 Mar 18:31
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This small update is recommended for all users of 5.6.x.

  • 🩹 fix: bud config w/ typescript in #1241


16 Mar 18:28
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This small update is recommended for all users of 5.6.x.

  • 🩹 fix: theme.json generator in #1240


16 Mar 01:11
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bud is now about 30% faster 🎉.

There is a new CLI flag --flush which will force a full recompilation if you feel like something is goofy. It's also recommended to run bud clean after installing an update.


MacOS notification center notices are fixed. If you don't want them run the cli command with the --no-notify flag.

bud.path and bud.setPath

TLDR: Way less clunky to work with.

  • bud.path() can be called with no parameters will now resolve to the project root.

  • bud.path('relative/path') now returns an absolute path from a project relative one.

  • bud.path('/absolute/path') is recognized as an absolute path and will not be interpolated.

  • There are several reserved strings referencing key directories: @src, @dist, @storage, @modules. The @ prefix is now being used to make it clearer that this is not a normal path.

  • You can use bud.setPath to define additional directory aliases:

bud.setPath({'@config': 'app/config/directory'})

// => [root]/app/config/directory/config-file.json
  • This only applies to the first segment and only when the @ symbol is prefixed. app/@alias/example will not work.

  • This does not automatically make webpack aliases from a path. To use the same convention in your client scripts you still need to use bud.alias.

⚠️ Upgrade guide

  • Any calls which referenced 'project' as the first parameter should have that parameter removed. Examples:

    • bud.path('project') becomes bud.path().
    • bud.path('project', 'directory') becomes bud.path('directory').
  • Any calls which used src, dist, storage or modules as the first parameter should be updated to use the @ prefix. Examples:

    • bud.path('src', 'some-file.js') becomes bud.path('@src', 'some-file.js').
    • Or, just bud.path('@src/some-file.js').
  • Any calls to bud.setPath which referenced those magic strings also needs to be updated. Example:

    • bud.setPath('src', 'js') becomes bud.setPath('@src', 'js')

Defining modules is a lot easier

Want to add support to bud for some arcane syntax? Great news, the API for loaders, items and rules just got a nice upgrade.

Here's typescript.
  .setLoader('ts', 'ts-loader')
  .setItem('ts', {loader: 'ts', options: {}})
  .setRule('ts', {test: /\.tsx?/, use: [`babel`, `ts`]})

If you just want to modify an existing rule, there is lots for you in this update:

app.bulid.rule.ts.setUse([`babel`, `ts`])`alternate-ts-loader`){...options})

Extension authors should take advantage of how all properties for loader, item, and rule definitions can be expressed with a callback. This means if someone changes their source path later your rule will still be pointed in the right direction.

More information


Full Changelog: v5.5.0...v5.6.0


05 Mar 00:37
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For more information read the 5.5.0 release post.



Full Changelog: v5.4.0...v5.5.0