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MATLAB GraphQL Client

Connect to GraphQL API from MATLAB


How it works

Provided GraphQL class helps you to appropriately encode data, prepare query and call GraphQL endpoint via regular HTTP POST request under the hood according to official documentation.

How to install

Download GraphQL_Client.mltbx from releases page and open it to install toolbox.

How to embed in your project

If you want to make GraphQL Client a part of your project without installing toolbox just add GraphQL.m class to your project.


Example 1. Simple query

Basic GraphQL request with datetime decoding

% Define endpoint URL
url = '';
% Compose query
query = 'query{jobs{title,locationNames,postedAt}}';
% Create GraphQL object with predefined web options
g = GraphQL(url, 'Query', query);
% Execute query
res = g.execute();
% Extract data
jobs = struct2table(;
% Convert dates to datetime format
jobs.postedAt = GraphQL.datetime(jobs.postedAt);
head(jobs, 3)
title locationNames postedAt
1 'Senior Fullstack En... 'San Francisco' 2019-08-12T20:19:52....
2 'Full Stack JavaScri... 'Remote / Berlin' 2019-08-12T12:58:28....
3 'Senior Software Eng... 'London, United King... 2019-08-12T10:47:47....

Example 2. Encoding data

How to encode MATLAB structure to query string

% Define endpoint URL
url = '';
% Create filter structure
filter = struct('filter', struct('area_gt', 1e7));
% Encode filter structure to string
filterstr = GraphQL.encode(filter);
% Compose query with filter argument
query = sprintf('query{Country(%s){name,area,population}}', filterstr);
% Create GraphQL object
g = GraphQL(url, 'Query', query);
% Execute query
res = g.execute();
% Extract data
Fields name area population
1 'Antarctica' 14000000 1000
2 'Russian Federation' 17124442 146599183

Example 3. Add API key (change request options)

How to modify HTTP request options

% Define endpoint URL
url = '';
% Define your API key
apiKey = 'your_api_key';
% Create weboptions object (builtin in MATLAB) with specified header fields
opts = weboptions('HeaderFields', {'apiKey' apiKey});
% Optionally increase request timeout (usefull for heavy requests)
opts.Timeout = 10;
% Compose query
query = 'query{jobs{title,locationNames,postedAt}}';
% Create GraphQL object with predefined web options
g = GraphQL(url, 'Query', query, 'WebOptions', opts);
% Execute query
res = g.execute();

2020, Pavel Roslovets