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Book Store Project - Backend with Microservices Style


Microservices Style

Struktur Package

  • account: user, authorization and authentication
  • catalog: product, favourite and category
  • shipment: shipment
  • transaction: cart, transaction, report
  • configglobal: swagger, minio, pagination, websecurity


  1. Register, Login, Logout (done)
  2. HomePage
  3. List Buku
  4. Search
  5. Add to Favorite (done)
  6. Detail Buku (done)
  7. Add to Cart (done)
  8. Checkout (done)
  9. Payment via Wallet
  10. Konfirmasi Pembelian Page (done)
  11. Status Pembelian Page


  1. Register, Login, Logout
  2. CRUD Buku/Product (done)
  3. CRUD kategori (done)
  4. CRUD Daftar Pembelian
  5. Status Pendapatan

HTTP Header

Content-Type : [{"key":"Content-Type","value":"application/json","description":"","type":"text","enabled":true}]

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJyb3N5aWQiLCJpYXQiOjE1ODgxMjExMzIsImV4cCI6MTU4ODEyMTEzN30.foHbKUF5Edw3eCfB1wsmGIz1t-GGpG2zU2LaBZJ9HGa0BoXnRqgmQpvkyzTISB7nZLbHREcvcqOjtEijjW-VoQ

Resources Naming

API Name HTTP Method Path Status Code Desciption
1 GET Products GET /api/v1/products 200 OK All product resources are fetched
2 POST Products POST /api/v1/products 201 Created A new product resource is created
3 GET Products GET /api/v1/products/{id} 200 OK One product resource is fetched
4 PUT/PATCH Products PUT/PATCH /api/v1/products/{id} 200 OK Product resource is updated
5 DELETE Products DELETE /api/v1/products/{id} 204 No Content Product resource is deleted


Update Data

  • CreatedBy and CreatedAt are not changed
  • Id cannot changed

Insert Examples

Admin Page

Create new product

# 2 Sample
  "categoryId": 1,
  "description": "Buku rekomendasi buat Anda",
  "name": "Belajar Java",
  "photoId": 0,
  "price": 120000,
  "productCategoryId": { "id": 1  },
  "productStatus": "FOR_SELL",
  "quantity": 10,
  "slug": "belajar-java",
    "productVisibility": "VISIBLE"
  "categoryId": 1,
  "description": "Buku rekomendasi buat Anda",
  "name": "Belajar PHP",
  "photoId": 0,
  "price": 124000,
  "productCategoryId": { "id": 1  },
  "productStatus": "OUT_OF_STOCK",
  "quantity": 5,
  "slug": "belajar-php",
    "productVisibility": "VISIBLE"

productVisibility": "VISIBLE" merupakan fitur untuk aktif dan menon-aktikan product. Karena terkadang pengguna tidak ingin menghapus tapi hanya menon-aktifkan product.

Value of productStatus:

  • FOR_SELL : Button is actived and it's available for selling.
  • OUT_OF_STOCK : Disable button.
  • HIDDEN : Product price is not visible.

Langkah Persiapan

  • Download / Clone melalui GitHub
  • Buat Database
  • Sesuaikan konfigurasi Databasenya: Edit file

Buat Akun

  "username": "rosyidgrobogan",
  "email": "",
  "fullName": "Rosyid Grobogan",
  "password": "rahasia",
  "role": [
    "ADMIN", "USER"

Key "role" bernilai array, misal

  • ["USER]
  • ["ADMIN", "USER"]

Dapatkan Token

  • Silakan SigIn dengan username dan password yang sudah didaftarkan


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