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Reverse engineering the Fanimation FanSync protocol / cloud configuration


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FanSync Cloud API

This is a reverse engineered version of the Fanimation FanSync API. It works as of now, but since this is undocumented, it's really up to them as to whether they'll break it. If it does break, feel free to send a patch.


I like their fans, and I use HA. It seems like peanut butter and chocolate that go together. I think their add-on controllers are ideally placed to smart-ify any dumb fan, especially light-fan combos that are only installed where a single conductor is available. These are common in bedrooms and are super problematic when you want a youngster to be able to have control of their own light and fan separately.

Author Notes: I write informally. Shoot me. I'm not super happy with formatting of this, but I'm trying to brain dump so that this information is at least out there. I'll be vague on some things, but hopefully nothing super important. I haven't explored all API's, but I'm focusing on the ones to enable basic on-off control of the features of a fan-light combo. Anything else comes after that.


  • Requires python 3 installed. Follow instructions to make that happen from
    • pip3 install websocket-client

Testing Challenges

There are some kind of limits in place for these API's. Because none of this is documented, it's a lot of trying to figure out and guess what's going on. During parts of my testing, I'm getting no response from the websocket login request. I'm able to get past it (sometimes) when needed, but it seems to crop up out of nowhere.

Additionally, the phone apps don't seem to be affected by this. There are still variances between the phone functionality, such as TLS and HTTP versions. Calling the API's in just the right order with the right timings (I don't suspect a variation on port knocking at this point in time)


As it stands, the protocol is split into https REST API's as well as secure websockets for "real time" command and control. Let's dig in.


TLS certificate trust need to be disabled for the connections. I didn't dig into this too much, but that's the lay of the land.


The following is a list of the API's discovered so far

HTTP Verb Auth? Description URL
GET No Retrieve progamatic logic for managing devices
OPTIONS No Pre-flight authorization setup to retrieve list of firmware for a given device. Not required?[] 1
GET No Retrieve list of firmware for a given device[] 1
OPTIONS No Part of the auth sequence. Seems to be something
used for pre-flight of the auth sequence. Not required?
GET Yes Part of the auth sequence. Used to validate token
POST No Part of the auth sequence. Used to retrieve token

UI / App related URL's

HTTP Verb Auth? Description URL
GET No Get navbar logo 2
GET No Get fanimation logo
GET No Get text values for various UI components 3

OPTIONS /api:1/session - Pre-flight of authorization request

This doesn't strictly seem to be required. I've not used this and also used it. It doesn't seem to make a difference.

Sniffed traffic:

        Header: :method: OPTIONS
        Header: :authority:
        Header: :scheme: https
        Header: :path: /api:1/session
        Header: accept: */*
        Header: access-control-request-method: GET
        Header: access-control-request-headers: authorization,content-type
        Header: origin: http://localhost
        Header: user-agent: <USER-AGENT>
        Header: sec-fetch-mode: cors
        Header: x-requested-with: com.fanimation.fanSyncW
        Header: sec-fetch-site: cross-site
        Header: sec-fetch-dest: empty
        Header: referer: http://localhost/
        Header: accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
        Header: accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9
        [Full request URI:]

POST /api:1/session - Getting Authentication Token

Basic Authentication

This deals with authenticating to the Fanimation / FanSync service itself. A plain old email address. Not w/ Facebook or anything else.
The login process appears to be a two-phase approach. First you fire off an OPTIONS request (although it doesn't appear to be strictly required) and then you POST a blob w/ your email/password and get back a token and an ID.

The ID does not appear to be used anywhere. It's not used on the websocket side of the house. When the websocket connects, the ID count starts at 1 and increments from there.


Request Body:

    "email": "<EMAIL>@<DOMAIN>.com",
    "password": "<PASSWORD-IN-APP>"


    "id": "12345",   // Numeric USER ID
    "token": "[BASE-64 JWT TOKEN]"
Sample Decoded Token

Appears to be a JSON Web Token. The fields should be referenced from the wiki, but I'll annotate interesting things. Note, the clients don't appear to introspect this token at all. Huh..

Header {"typ":"JWT","alg":"HS256"}


  "sub": 12345, // Numeric USER ID
  "iss":"http://sphinx-usm:4070/api/v1/user/login", // Some internal URL?
  "iat":1691960382, // unix epoch time in seconds
  "exp":1694552382, // unix epoch time in seconds
  "nbf":1691960382, // unix epoch time in seconds


This is kept for clarity. I omitted this, because it has sensitive info. This appeared to be binary data, which makes sense for what the spec says it is.

SSO Authentication

There is the ability to login using Facebook, Google, and other auth providers. I haven't explored how to do this yet.


List of known values for request field in JSON

id C/R/U/D Description
provision_token Update Looks like it's used at some points right after login
get_me Read TBD
config TBD TBD
set Update Set device field values
get READ Get device information
calendar TBD TBD
add_user Create? TBD
add_user_verify TBD TBD
add_user TBD TBD
rem_user TBD TBD
lst_user TBD TBD
lst_device Read List all devices in the account
set_properties TBD TBD
del_properties TBD TBD
del_device TBD TBD
set_group TBD TBD
get_group TBD TBD
del_group TBD TBD
lst_group Read List device groups?
set_user_data TBD TBD
del_user_data TBD TBD
get_user_data TBD TBD

Note on Request ID's

Request id's are monotonically updated for each request, and the corresponding response has the request id reflected in it. This does allow for multi-threaded apps to be able to tie a given request-response pair, but it really feels cumbersome. IDK. I think a likely takeaway is "don't issue too many commands at a time".


It's a request. You give it an id in the request the type of request it is, and then any data required. Look at the models for the code that documents this better.


The response will have the id and the type of response it was. It will finally have a status (of which, I've only observed ok)


When a change is requested from client -> server, the response to the request is given (as shown above). In addition to this, a server-side event is also fired (presumably to all connected clients) to allow them to update their client-side views with the up-to-date data. Evidence of this can be seen in the phone app, where a change is made (in my case, often setting the fan to 100%), and then the fan "jumping" back to some other "maximum" value (such as 87%). The first change is the client locally updating the view to the data sent in the set request, and the latter is the server-side update event actually reflecting 'reality'.


  "data": {
      "changes": {
          // These appear to be mapped differently per device, so you'll need to translate these
          "status": {




Auth required No

Description This API appears to be used to describe the capabilities of each of their networked products in a JSON format. IMHO, this is pretty clever, as it allows them to launch a new product with new abilities, without having to launch a new phone app.

I haven't decoded this extensively, but first glance has it have some REGEX like expressions that you can run against the model numbers in your account in order to figure out what JSON blob belongs with your device. Like I said, pretty slick.

Decoding this in a basic manner will open up control of all FanSync hardware.

Edit 1 - Good grief, it's Javascript based

Edit 2 - There is no god.

Sample Output

RAW Notes

# Not needed?

# We need this

# FanSync group configs?  IDK, I don't use it.  Boring...

# Get info about the user.  Again, boring from a HA perspective

# Big yawn-fest too.  Personal data. Config stuff for Alexa and IFTTT, but boring
# for HA to use

lst_device response:

This appears to return a list of all the devices in the account. This would then be used as input to the get request

  "status": "ok",
  "response": "lst_device",
  "data": [
      "owner": "<owner_email_addr>",
      "device": "<device_id>",
      "properties": {
        "displayName": "<Fan Display Name In App>",
        "deviceHasBeenConfigured": true,
        "ignoreUpdateVersion": "1.7.1"
      "role": "owner"
  "id": 3


  1. For example:[\"OdynCustom-FDR1L2\"] 2

  2. Not functional at time of writing

  3. Total speculation - This could be internationalization enabled via accept-language header?


Reverse engineering the Fanimation FanSync protocol / cloud configuration







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