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Rownd bindings for React Native


You must be using React Native v0.61 or higher.


First, install the Rownd SDK for React Native.

npm install @rownd/react-native

Expo development

  1. Add @rownd/react-native as a plugin to your app.json file.
  "expo": {
    "plugins": ["@rownd/react-native"]
  1. Install Expo BuildProperties to set iOS/Android versions
npx expo install expo-build-properties
  1. Add expo-build-properties as a plugin to your app.json file. Ensure the Sdk versions match or are above provided iOS/Android versions.
  "expo": {
    "plugins": [
          "android": {
            "minSdkVersion": 26
          "ios": {
            "deploymentTarget": "14.0"
  1. (optional) Enable Apple sign-in for iOS in your app.json file.
  "expo": {
    "ios": {
      "usesAppleSignIn": true
  1. (optional) Enable Google sign-in for iOS. Add your Google IOS Client ID client as a URL Scheme in your app.json file.
  "expo": {
    "ios": {
      "infoPlist": {
        "CFBundleURLTypes": [
            "CFBundleURLSchemes": [


  1. Ensure the Sdk versions match or are above provided versions. File: android/build.gradle
ext {
  minSdkVersion = 26
  compileSdkVersion = 33
  targetSdkVersion = 31
  1. Install the Rownd library and dependencies.
cd android && ./gradlew build
  1. Check and update your ProGuard config using the rules from our Android SDK.

  2. Only required for Google Sign-in: Add a Rownd plugin initializer to your MainActivity file. File: *android/app/src/main/java/.../

import android.os.Bundle;
import com.reactnativerowndplugin.RowndPluginPackage;

public class MainActivity extends ReactActivity {
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


  1. Ensure iOS version is at least 14. File: ios/Podfile
platform :ios, '14.0'
  1. Install the Rownd pod and it's dependencies
cd ios && pod install


Enable deep linking

Rownd supports automatically signing-in users when they initially install your app or when they click a sign-in link when the app is already installed.


The Rownd SDK includes a context provider that will enable any component of your app to access authentication state and user data.

Before you can use the SDK, you'll need to obtain an App Key from the Rownd Dashboard.

import { RowndProvider } from '@rownd/react-native';

// ...

export default function Root() {
  return (
    <RowndProvider config={{ appKey: '<your app key>' }}>
      <App />

Later on within your app's components, you can use the Rownd hook to access the Rownd browser API:

import { View, Text, Pressable } from 'react-native';
import { useRownd } from '@rownd/react-native';

export default function MyProtectedComponent(props) {
  const { is_authenticated, user, requestSignIn, getAccessToken } = useRownd();

  // You can also request a sign in without a user pressing a button
  // by calling requestSignIn() from a useEffect callback.
  // useEffect(() => {
  //   if (!is_authenticated) {
  //     requestSignIn();
  //   }
  // }, [is_authenticated]);

  return (
      {is_authenticated ? (
          <Text>Welcome {}</Text>
          <Pressable onClick={() => getAccessToken()}>
            <Text>Get access token</Text>
      ) : (
          <Text>Please sign in to continue</Text>
          <Pressable onPress={() => requestSignIn()}>
            <Text>Sign in</Text>

Customizing the UI

Customizing the UI While most customizations are handled via the Rownd dashboard, there are a few things that have to be customized directly in the SDK.

The customization prop for RowndProvider allows specific customizations to be set:

  • sheetBackgroundHexColor: string (Hex color) Allows changing the background color underlaying the bottom sheet that appears when signing in, managing the user account, transferring encryption keys, etc.
  • loadingAnimation: string (JSON animation) Replace Rownd's use of the system default loading spinner with a custom animation. Any animation compatible with Lottie should work, but will be scaled to fit a 1:1 aspect ratio.
  • sheetCornerBorderRadius: string (Number) Modifies the curvature radius of the bottom sheet corners.
const loadingAnimation = require('../assets/loading.json');

export default function App() {
  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
        config={{ appKey: '######-####-####-####-#########' }}
          sheetBackgroundHexColor: '#ffffff',
          sheetCornerBorderRadius: '20',
          loadingAnimation: JSON.stringify(loadingAnimation),
        <Main />

API reference

Most API methods are made available via the Rownd Provider and its associated useRownd React hook. Unless otherwise noted, we're assuming that you're using hooks.


Trigger the Rownd sign in dialog

const { requestSignIn } = useRownd();



Sign out the user and clear their profile, returning them to a completely unauthenticated state.

const { signOut } = useRownd();


Retrieves the active, valid access token for the current user.

const { getAccessToken } = useRownd();

let accessToken = await getAccessToken();


Indicates whether the current user is signed in or not.

const { is_authenticated } = useRownd();

return (
    {is_authenticated && <ProtectedRoute />}
    {!is_authenticated && <PublicRoute />}


Represents the current access token for the user.

const { access_token } = useRownd();

useEffect(() => {
        method: 'post',
        url: '/api/sessions'
        headers: {
            authorization: `Bearer ${access_token}`
}, [access_token]);


Represents information about the current user, specifically their profile information. In the example below, we use the existing data to display the current value of first_name in a form field, update a local copy of that data as the user changes it, and then save the changes to Rownd once the user submits the form.

const { user } = useRownd();

return (
    <form onSubmit={() => user.set(profile)}>
        <Text>First name</Text>
        <Pressable onPress={}>Save</button>

Merge data into the user profile

const { user } = useRownd();
  first_name: 'Alice',
  last_name: 'Ranier',

Set a specific field in the user profile

const { user } = useRownd();
user.setValue('first_name', 'Alice');


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