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Artemis Rosman edited this page Jun 13, 2023 · 1 revision

Index of the Minecraft++ repository wiki.

What is mcpp?

Minecraft++ is a library designed to allow for manipulations inside a Minecraft world that are commonly only available with Java modding APIs, but this time in C++! It is based off of an instruction set initially designed for a Minecraft server running on a Raspberry Pi, though thankfully anything relating to the Pi has been eradicated💥. The command set used for the Pi was adapted to work with a plugin for the Spigot server to run on PC, and this library is based off of a Python library called mcpi that uses that instruction set with Spigot server or even a physical Pi. Overall a very convoluted chain of evolution!

How does it work?

mcpp communicates with an instance of the ELCI plugin on Spigot over a socket connection, sending correctly formatted API commands to the server. Commands come in the format prefix.command(arg1,arg2,arg3)\n, the specifics of which are lost to the sands of time (a.k.a. the Pi implementation). mcpp formats these commands for you and allows you to use the speed and inconvenience of C++ to process the data you gather from the world.

By default, MinecraftConnection will attempt to connect to a socket on localhost:4711, as that is the default port on which ELCI runs.

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