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Usage: prsam [init|config|add|import|remove|ls|sync|clean]

The PRS Annotation Manager (prsam) manages a library of PDF files for you to
annotate on your PRS-T1 reader.  When you add a file to the library, prsam
will copy it over to your reader.  If you desire, it can "dice" the PDF file,
splitting each page into several for better reading. (This is particularly
useful for multi-column PDFs.)  After you annotate the file on your reader,
prsam will, when your run the "sync" command, copy the annotated file back to
your computer, placing it next to the original.  prsam consists of a group of
subcommands, listed above.  For more information on any of them, run 'prsam
<subcommand> --help'.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --version   show program's version number and exit

prsam init

Usage: prsam init [options] <mount>

Initialize a library for a reader mounted at <mount>.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f, --force           initialize a new library even if one already exists
  --infix=INFIX         annotated PDFs are named filename.INFIX.pdf
  --readerdir=DIR       directory on reader to store PDFs
  --gs                  run PDFs through Ghostscript before loading on reader
  --no-gs               don't run PDFs through Ghostscript
  --fake-highlight-on   fake highlight annotations.  (For Evince and family.)
  --fake-highlight-off  use real highlight annotations

prsam config

Usage: prsam config [options]

Set the configuration options for the library.  With no options specified,
display the current configuration.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m DIR, --mount=DIR   the mount point of the reader
  --infix=INFIX         annotated PDFs are named filename.INFIX.pdf
  --readerdir=DIR       directory on reader to store PDFs
  --gs                  run PDFs through Ghostscript before loading on reader
  --no-gs               don't run PDFs through Ghostscript
  --update-mount        update the stored mount point to that specified by
  --fake-highlight-on   fake highlight annotations.  (For Evince and family.)
  --fake-highlight-off  use real highlight annotations

prsam add

Usage: prsam add [options] <file>

Add the specified file to the library.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m DIR, --mount=DIR   the mount point of the reader
  -d DICE, --dice=DICE  instructions on dicing the PDF into subpages.  Should
                        be in the form "<c>x<r>[+<o>]" for <c> columns and <r>
                        rows.  The overlap <o> is in percentage of the page
                        size, and may be of the form "<h>x<v>" for different
                        horizontal and vertical overlaps.
  -c CROP, --crop=CROP  crop this amount off of the page.  Should be of the
                        form <crop>[<unit>], where <crop> is a single number,
                        the crop amount on all sides, of the form <h>x<v>, for
                        different horizontal and vertical crops, or of the
                        form <l>x<b>x<r>x<t>, specifying all four amounts.
                        <unit> should be one of mm, cm, pt, in.  If not
                        specified, the unit is Postscript points.
  -t TITLE, --title=TITLE
                        the title of the PDF
  -a AUTHOR, --author=AUTHOR
                        the author of the PDF
  -f, --force           add this file even if it already exists in the library
  -p, --preview         preview the file, instead of adding it to the reader
  --infix=INFIX         annotated PDFs are named filename.INFIX.pdf
  --readerdir=DIR       directory on reader to store PDFs
  --gs                  run PDFs through Ghostscript before loading on reader
  --no-gs               don't run PDFs through Ghostscript

prsam import

Usage: prsam import [options] <reader file> <path on computer>
   or: prsam import [options] --all <directory on computer>

Add the file on the reader to the library, syncing to the specified path on
the computer.

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -m DIR, --mount=DIR  the mount point of the reader
  --infix=INFIX        annotated PDFs are named filename.INFIX.pdf
  -c, --copy           copy the un-annotated PDF to the computer
  -a, --all            import all annotated PDFs on the reader.  Do not
                       specify <reader path>.

prsam remove

Usage: prsam remove [options] <file>

Remove the specified file from the library.  Either the file on the computer
or on the reader may be specified.  A file on the reader may be specified with
its path from the mount point.

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -m DIR, --mount=DIR  the mount point of the reader
  -d, --delete         delete file from reader

prsam ls

Usage: prsam ls

List the files on the reader currently in the library.

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -m DIR, --mount=DIR  the mount point of the reader

prsam sync

Usage: prsam sync [options]

Update all annotated PDFs.

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -m DIR, --mount=DIR  the mount point of the reader
  -c, --clean          clean files from library
  -q, --quiet          don't notify when sync is finished
  -v, --verbose        output the file names as sync occurs.
  -l, --list           list the files that would have been synced, but don't

prsam clean

Usage: prsam clean

Remove files from the library that are no longer on the reader.

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -m DIR, --mount=DIR  the mount point of the reader