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Lazy evaluation

Alex Zimin edited this page Aug 19, 2011 · 4 revisions

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Sometimes we know that a given expression will be evaluated only on some (maybe rare) computation paths. When it is just a simple operation we do not care about it - the more important fact for us is that declaring a variable initialized with this expression is making our code cleaner. But when computing a given expression is expensive in performance, we would like it to be evaluated only when needed.

This is one of the applications for lazy evaluation.

Basic example

using System;
using Nemerle;

class M
  static foo ([Lazy] x : int, y : bool) : void
    if (y)

  static SideEffect : int
      Console.WriteLine("somebody is fetching me");
  public static Main() : void
    def laz = lazy(SideEffect + 1);
    foo(laz, false);
    foo(laz, true);

will print

 somebody is fetching me

Infinite lists

Lazy evaluation allows us to implement infinite lists easily. The node of our list presented below has two fields - current value in Val and reference to the next element in Next. But the instance contained in Next is a lazy value, so it will be evaluated only when requested.

class InfList
  public Val  : int;
  public Next : LazyValue[InfList];

  public this(v : int)
    Val  = v;
    Next = lazy(InfList(v + 1)); 

Note that we can use InfList just like it was a standard list. We can iterate over it in a loop and everytime when Next is accessed, the new node is created and memoized.

mutable inflist = InfList(0);

repeat (10)
  Nemerle.IO.printf("%d ", inflist.Val);
  inflist = inflist.Next;


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