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Rico Sta. Cruz edited this page Sep 20, 2010 · 7 revisions


This is a skeleton without anything but monk-glue and a new command, monk install. The goal is to have a skeleton that will let you create the skeleton you want, free from the restrictions of the default gems that most monk skeletons ship with.


First: install monk and rvm.

Add the nano skeleton.

monk add nano git://

Create a new app from this skeleton.

monk init myapp -s nano
cd myapp

Install a templating system. It's probably best to do this first!

monk install haml

Install an ORM if need one.

monk install ohm
# or: datamapper, datamapper-sqlite

Try a few more packages!

monk install contest
monk install rtopia
monk install less
monk install sinatra-minify
monk install jquery  # Even non-gems can work

Start it up!

monk start


When you do a monk install, it queries the GitHub repo to see if there is a recipe for the gem you want to install.

Some gems have recipes for them: for instance, the ohm gem will have a recipe to create the other necessary files such as configuration files and Rake tasks.

If a recipe doesn't exist for the gem, it'll simply be installed and vendored.

Have a look at the current recipes at the Nanomonk recipes index.

Tips and tricks

You can simulate the original Monk skeleton with:

monk install haml ohm
monk install quietbacktrace override spawn ffaker stories contest --test

And you can also add in some useful extras (most of there are used in the Sinefunc skeleton):

monk install sinatra-minify sinatra-helpers sinatra-i18n sinatra-security rtopia
monk install pagination less sinatra-minify jquery
monk install webrat --test

More tips are available at the Tips page.

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