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table of proposed coding projects

arorar edited this page Oct 20, 2015 · 164 revisions

Accepted students: before the GSOC mid-term evaluation deadline, you need to put your code in some public repository like github or R-Forge, then post a link to your code in the Results column.

Students Proposal Results Status Mentors Non-R languages?
Akash Tandon Test timings on Travis Rperform Completed TD Hocking, H Wickham git
Dinesh Convert Dowd's Code Dowd Brian Peterson, Peter Carl Matlab
Dongcan Jiang Subsetted and parallel computations in matrixStats matrixStats fork Henrik Bengtsson, Héctor Corrada Bravo C
Dootika Vats Cov Matrix Estimation for MCMC MultiMcmcse John Hughes, Charlie Geyer C++, Rcpp,git
Framartin (Martin Gubri) Predict methods for spatial econometrics spatial-pred-r fork Roger Bivand, Giovanni Millo C
Ishmael Belghazi Stochastic Average Gradient BigOptim John Nash, TD Hocking C
Jasmine Dumas GEO-analysis-with-Shiny GEO-AWS Garrett Dancik, Yuanbin Ru
Vinnie Monaco Multivariate Survival analysis frailtySurv completed Malka Gorfine, Li Hsu
Kerschke Improving mlr’s hyperparameter and tuning system for efficient model selection commits on mlr and ParamHelpers, as well as my forked repos of mlr and ParamHelpers started coding Bernd Bischl, Michel Lang no
Kevin Ferris Animint animint package on github started coding C Sievert, S VanderPlas, TD Hocking Javascript
Nafiz Hamid nlmeviz Eun-kyung Lee, Di Cook
Nick Michaud statistical algorithms in NIMBLE commits to NIMBLE repo and run-time comparison Perry de Valpine, Chris Paciorek, Duncan Temple Lang
Rohit Arora covariance matrix estimators covmat Completed Doug Martin
Roman Tsegelskyi pander merged commits, my fork and submitted code samples Completed Gergely Daroczi markdown, C++
Sangeetha Srinivasan factorAnalytics package factorAnalytics Eric Zivot
Tae Seung Kang markovchain markovchain Spedicato, Giorgio A, Christophe Dutang C++, Rcpp,git
Tong He Implement several ensemble SVMs in mlr SwarmSVM package on github Aydin Demircioglu, Bernd Bischl (co-mentor) no
Jun Cai (Tony Tsai) Animint animint package on github started coding C Sievert, S VanderPlas, TD Hocking Javascript
Vijay Barve Biodiversity SNS bdsns Javier Otegui, Robert Guralnick, Jorge Soberón
Wouter wrds package WRDS Guy Yollin
Xavier Valls Risk + Asset Allocation Meucci Peter Carl, Brian Peterson
Xingguo SDCA asdca started coding Daniel Vainsencher, tourzhao C
Yixuan Qiu Cpp Version of ARPACK and Integration with (Rcpp)Armadillo arpack-arma started coding Dirk Eddelbuettel, Ryan Curtin, Drew Schmidt (backup) C++
Zachary Jones Improving mlr’s visualisations merged commits and fork started coding Lars Kotthoff, Julia Schiffner, Bernd Bischl (if needed and other projects not selected) no

Other project ideas:

Mentors, please add your project proposal as a row in the table below, and COPY THIS Proposal Template. Each proposal will to need explain

  • how to contact the two mentors required for each student project,
  • why this particular project is of use to the community,
  • how it can be achieved in three months,
  • a review of related packages that address the same or similar problems, and a discussion how these packages are not sufficient to the task,
  • tests that students can do to demonstrate a minimum amount of interest and ability.


  • before submitting an application, please read the project proposals in the table below, email the mentors with whom you are interested in working, and add links to your completed tests on the relevant wiki pages.
Proposal Mentors Non-R languages?
COPY THIS Proposal Template
ggplotly M Corvellac, C Parmer
Extend Rcpp Dirk Eddelbuettel, other RcppCore members C++
Performance Analysis with pbdPAPI Drew Schmidt, Christian Heckendorf, Wei-Chen Chen
Rth: Parallel R Through Thrust Norm Matloff, Drew Schmidt C++
InFER: Inference For Epidemic-related Risk Chris Jewell, Barry Rowlingson C++, Makefile
plot.xts Integration Brian Peterson, Peter Carl, Ross Bennett
Natural language processing Islam Sediek HTML, Java, Database
ggenealogy Di Cook, Michelle Graham, Susan VanderPlas
sparsecon Sangkyun Lee