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table of proposed coding projects

tourzhao edited this page Apr 16, 2019 · 64 revisions

Mentors, please edit this wiki page, and add your ideas to the table below.

Students, please look for a project that interests you in the table below. Before emailing project mentors, please do at least one project Test and post a link to your solution on the proposal’s wiki page.

Proposal Status Mentors Non-R languages?
MENTORS: Copy this template!
PRIMAL: PaRametric sImplex Method for spArse Learning Potential Student Found Xingguo Li, Tuo Zhao C++
sentometrics Potential student S. Borms, D. Ardia, K. Bluteau C++
Adding changes in second order structure to changepoint package. Potential student R Killick, J-L Chapman C
Neural Network package validation multiple potential students P Kiener, C Dutang
Animated interactive ggplots need students TD Hocking, F Khan JavaScript
RBerkeley need students B Rudis, J Ryan, TD Hocking C/C++
iregnet on CRAN need students TD Hocking, A Khare C++
Segmentor3IsBack need students TD Hocking, G Rigaill C++
data.table need students Matt Dowle C
xgboost loss functions need students P Cho, TD Hocking C++
RcppMLPACK need students James Balamuta, Ryan Curtin, Dirk Eddelbuettel R, C++
highfrequency Potential student Kris Boudt, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Scott Payseur R, C++
Fuzz testing need students A Groce, J Hester C++
Optimal Partitioning Algorithm for changepoint detection need students TD Hocking, G Rigaill C++
COIN-OR Bridge and Solver need students H. W. Borchers, tbd. C/C++, Python, Julia
Translator from ggplot2 to Vega Lite need students Haley Jeppson, Ian Lyttle, Heike Hofmann JavaScript (?), Python (?)
R Code Optimizer complete N. Wolovick, Yihui Xie Maybe C
ellipsenm: Grinnellian ecological niches and ellipsoids in R Potential student Luis Osorio-Olvera, Vijay Barve, Narayani Barve
ARPM (Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management) Project Potential student Erol Biceroglu Python, Matlab
Enhancing Visualizations for Biodiversity Data need students Thiloshon Nagarajah, Vijay Barve, Tomer Gueta JavaScript
Developing a QA framework for the bdverse need students Tomer Gueta, Thiloshon Nagarajah, Vijay Barve
sgdnet: efficient regularized GLMs for big data potential student Michael Weylandt, Johan Larsson C++
Adding algo TCA and Market Impact models to the blotter package multiple interested students Jasen Mackie, Brian Peterson
Multiple plotting engines for PerformanceAnalytics needs students Peter Carl, Brian Peterson, Justin Shea
Optimization solver additions for PortfolioAnalytics needs students Brian Peterson, Peter Carl, Ross Bennett
Geometric sampling,-volume and optimization Potential students Vissarion Fysikopoulos, Elias Tsigaridas, Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos C++
clustRviz: Dynamic Visualization and Fast Computation for Convex Clustering Students needed Michael Weylandt, Genevera Allen RcppEigen / Plotly (JS)
Data Driven Exploration of the R Community Potential student Claudia Vitolo, Rick Pack, H.W. Borchers HTML, Javascript
gravitas: exploring probability distributions for bivariate temporal granularities, in large spatiotemporal sensor data Potential student Di Cook, Antony Unwin R
Implementing biodiversity data checks for the bdchecks package need students Tomer Gueta, Thiloshon Nagarajah, Vijay Barve
Add Subsampling to Aster Models needs students Charles J. Geyer and Ruth G. Shaw C
MoMA: Modern Multivariate Analysis in R Potential student Michael Weylandt, Genevera Allen Rcpp / Shiny
Parallel Coordinate Plots in ggplot2 needs student Heike Hofmann, Di Cook
tCNN a deep learning R package potential students found Jun Chen and Li Chen python & R
mlr3viz: Visualization Extension for machine learning package mlr3 potential students Bernd Bischl and Lars Kotthoff
cpVis: Interactive visualization for change point exploration and labeling potential Student found Alex Gibberd and Benjamin Bach JavaScript/D3

Project ideas have a ‘Status’ column which describes the current status of mentor and student interest. Project ideas where no student has yet contacted mentors should be listed as ‘needs students’. Project ideas where one or more potential students are communicating with mentors should have a status of ‘potential student’ or ‘two[three,etc] potential students. You can still communicate your interest to mentors to apply to projects with status “potential student” – that implies that there is another student who has already shown some capability for that project (see below for more details on how we evaluate applications). Projects that need to identify another mentor (e.g. to find a mentor with a specific skill, or from a different institution) should be marked with a status of ‘need mentor’ and the idea page should provide details in the ‘Mentors’ section.

All student applications will be discussed by the R mentor community, and proposals will be ranked considering factors such as quality, difficulty, and impact for the R community. Slots are a finite resource granted to R by Google, and only the best proposals will get chosen. In prior years, R has received 4-5 times more applications than slots, so application quality is key.

Students, if you have an idea for an R package coding project that is not listed above, please try to find mentors by posting a description of your project idea on the r-gsoc google group. If you find mentors, feel free to add your project idea to this wiki. You should NOT submit any project applications to Google without finding 2 mentors for your project proposal.

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