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tagyoureit edited this page Apr 29, 2024 · 3 revisions

Generic Devices are used to convert device feed information into usable values. For instance, temperature, pressure, and 4-20mA signals are often in the form of raw digital values that require algorithms to make them usable.

10k Temperature Probes

Temperature information can be read from a variety of Analog to Digital converters. The input values can be in the form of a Raw ADC value with a linear range based upon the number of bits read such as that output from an ADS1x15 chip or a 0-10v input that converts to an ADC voltage range, or a resistance reading that is provided from devices such as the Sequent I/O cards. A properly configured 10k Temperature probe can convert any of these signals into temperature.


To add a new 10k Temperature probe, navigate to the Generic Devices tab in REM. Then click the + symbol on the Devices list. In the Add a new Generic Device dialog select 10k Temperature Probe from the dropdown. The screen will change to options relating to the probe.

Step 1: You should first name the device with a catchy name that will signifies what the probe is for. In our case we are creating an Air Temp Probe. Step 2: Enter the input type. The choice here is dependent on what the 10k probe is attached to.

Analog to Digital Converters: If you are using an analog to digital converter such as ADS11x5 then choose Raw Value. Make sure you choose the proper bitness for the raw value. For instance, if you are using a 10-bit ADC set the bitness to 10-bit Input.

Sequent MEGA-BAS: Sequent MEGA-BAS outputs its information in kOhms of resistance. So select the Input Type as Resistance and the Units as kohm.

0-10v Inputs: If you are using a voltage divider then select the Input Type as Voltage. You must provide the reference voltage in the Vcc Ref field. This determines how the voltage offset translates to the temperature value.

Other Resistance: For other resistance based inputs, select the Resistance input type and be sure to set whether the units are supplied in Ohms or kOhms.


Once you have completed setting up the 10k Temperature probe press the save button and it will be added to the Generic Devices list. However, you should not be seeing temperature readings yet on the probe until you set up a feed to feed this new probe.

RasPi CPU Temp

You can add a device to automatically monitor the CPU temperature. This is useful for controlling enclosure fans, for example.


Feeding CPU Temp to a Relay

You can further feed the CPU temp to a relay and have it control the relay state when a certain condition is true (eg temp > 90).
