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Releases: rstudio/blogdown

blogdown 0.21

11 Oct 07:22
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  • The Knit button in RStudio finally works with blogdown now. My apologies to those who have desperately clicked the Knit button or pressed Ctrl + Shift + K in vain over the years. I completely underestimated the power of your muscle memory.

  • Added a global R option blogdown.knit.on_save to control whether to knit R Markdown documents on save. By default, it is TRUE. If you do not want to knit a document as you save it, you may set options(blogdown.knit.on_save = FALSE) in your .Rprofile. If this option is not set initially, it will be set to FALSE after you click the Knit button in RStudio.

  • blogdown::build_site() no longer recompiles R Markdown files by default, because it may be expensive and often undesirable to compile Rmd files that have been compiled before. If you do want to recompile Rmd files, you may use blogdown::build_site(build_rmd = TRUE). See the help page ?blogdown::build_site for more information.

  • Added a helper function blogdown::bundle_site() to move post files into leaf bundles in a website, e.g., from content/foo/bar/hello-world.Rmd to content/foo/bar/hello-world/index.Rmd.

  • Exported the (previously internal) function blogdown::md5sum_filter function (#341). See its potential application on the help page ?blogdown::build_site.

  • Similarly, the function blogdown::timestamp_filter() has been exported and documented.

  • If a theme contains Hugo modules (e.g., the former hugo-academic theme), the modules will be resolved at the time when a theme is installed, which means users will not need to install Go or GIT to work with themes that contain Hugo modules.

  • Added a new function hugo_available() to check if Hugo with a minimal version is available.

  • Added functions read_toml() and write_toml() to read/write TOML data, and functions toml2yaml() and yaml2toml() to convert data between TOML and YAML. See their help pages for details.

  • Added the keep_md argument to blogdown::html_page() (thanks, @lazappi, #445).


  • When creating a new site with blogdown::new_site(), the theme gcushen/hugo-academic is automatically redirected to wowchemy/starter-academic, because the original Github repo has moved and become a repo of Hugo modules.

  • The default value of the global option blogdown.new_bundle was changed from FALSE to TRUE if the site is built through Hugo >= v0.32. This means new posts will be created as leaf bundles, i.e., of the form path/post-filename/ instead of path/ (the extension .md may also be .Rmd or .Rmarkdown). If you are not familiar with Hugo's page bundles, please see the documentation at: Using page bundles makes it much easier to manage resources like images. Without page bundles, these resources have to be placed under the static/ directory, and cannot live together with posts under the content/ directory. If you do not like this change, you may still set options(blogdown.new_bundle = FALSE) in your .Rprofile. If you do like page bundles and want to convert old posts into bundles, the function blogdown::bundle_site() may be helpful.

  • For page bundles, the index_files/ and index_cache/ folders are no longer moved to the static/ directory (for other types of posts, these folders are still moved). Consequently, you should not ignore "_files$" in the ignoreFiles field in your config.toml or config.yaml any more.

  • When opening a blogdown project in RStudio, blogdown::serve_site() will be automatically called, so you will get the preview of the site immediately. If you do not like this behavior, you may set options(blogdown.serve_site.startup = FALSE) in your .Rprofile.

  • The global option blogdown.generator.server has been deprecated. Now blogdown::serve_site() always use the Hugo server (which corresponds to options(blogdown.generator.server = TRUE) in previous version of blogdown), instead of the server created via the servr package (which corresponds to the default options(blogdown.generator.server = FALSE) before). The Hugo server is much faster, and also supports navigating to the output web page of which you are currently editing the source document. Note that the option blogdown.hugo.server is still supported (for setting command-line arguments for hugo server), and its default value is c('-D', '-F', '--navigateToChanged'). Also note that using Hugo's server means the website is not rendered to disk (i.e., it will not generate the public/ folder) by default but served directly from memory. If you need the public/ folder, you have to build the site explicitly via blogdown::build_site(), or if you use RStudio, press Ctrl + Shift + B or Cmd + Shift + B to build the website project (#495).


  • The command-line argument --navigateToChanged is passed to hugo server by default now if the Hugo version is not older than 0.25. If you start a Hugo server to serve and watch the site, it will automatically navigate to the page corresponding to the changed file.

  • Images tn.png and screenshot.png under the images/ directory of a theme will be deleted in blogdown::install_theme() because these are screenshots of a theme and don't affect the theme's function.

blogdown 0.20

23 Jun 19:57
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  • Now blogdown::install_theme() downloads Hugo themes (from Github by default) as tarballs instead of zip archives, because unzip() is unable to extract files for certain themes (thanks, @jimvine, #433).

  • Disallow running blogdown::serve_site() multiple times in the same R session due to an RStudio IDE issue (thanks, @jennybc @daczarne @denizCvrl @lopierra, #404).

blogdown 0.19

22 May 21:59
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  • The "Filename" field in the "New Post" addin in RStudio will use the "Slug" value (if provided) to create the base filename (thanks, @maelle, #448).

  • For blogdown::build_site(method = 'html', run_hugo =TRUE), if the R script R/build2.R exists, it will be executed after Hugo has built the site. This can be useful if you want to post-process the site (thanks, @Chrisjake, #458).

  • Added functions shortcode_open() and shortcode_close() so users can write the opening and closing shortcodes separately from the inner content, and the inner content can be processed by Pandoc (thanks, @tcwilkinson, #449).


  • blogdown no longer renders .Rmd documents within a packrat / renv library folder, for blog posts whose associated R libraries are managed by these packages (thanks, @kevinushey, #451).

  • The "Language" field in the "New Post" addin in RStudio now shows up regardless of the capitalization of the defaultContentLanguage parameter in config.toml (thanks @mpaulacaldas, #442).

  • Correctly identifies "Windows X.Y x64" as a 64bit operating system, so the extended version of Hugo can be installed (thanks, @anna-doizy, #461).

blogdown 0.18

04 Mar 23:33
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  • The "New Post" addin in RStudio uses the whoami package (if installed) to figure out the author name, in addition to using the global option getOption(''). The "Subdirectory" field is now a select input instead of a text input, so you can choose one item from a full list of subdirectories instead of manually typing the directory path (thanks, @maelle @gadenbuie, #432).

blogdown 0.17

13 Nov 19:06
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blogdown 0.16

01 Oct 21:15
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  • Added tests for some utility functions (thanks, @novica, #405).

blogdown 0.15

21 Aug 14:09
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blogdown 0.14

13 Jul 23:22
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  • new_site() and install_theme() will check the minimal Hugo version specified by the theme, and automatically update Hugo if the current installed version of Hugo is not sufficient (thanks, @apreshill, #391).

blogdown 0.13

11 Jun 19:09
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  • Added a global option blogdown.hugo.args, which should be a character vector with additional flags to be passed to the hugo system command via hugo_build(). For example, options(blogdown.hugo.args = '--minify') will use minification on the final rendered output. More available flags in the hugo documentation (thanks, @jozefhajnala, #382).

blogdown 0.12

01 May 21:06
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  • When creating a post with a date in the future, a warning will be issued by default. To turn off this warning (if you are aware of the consequences of future dates), set options(blogdown.warn.future = FALSE) (thanks, @chucheria on Twitter, #377).