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Add setinputbs2 app
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wch committed Nov 21, 2014
1 parent 53cdba3 commit 93d5738
Showing 1 changed file with 191 additions and 0 deletions.
191 changes: 191 additions & 0 deletions setinputbs2/app.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
ui <- pageWithSidebar(
headerPanel("Setting inputs"),
sliderInput("controller", "This slider controls other inputs:",
min = 1, max = 20, value = 15),

textInput("inText", "Text input:", value="starting value"),
textInput("inText2", "Text input 2:", value="starting value"),

numericInput("inNumber", "Number input:",
min = 1, max = 20, value = 5, step = 0.5),
numericInput("inNumber2", "Number input 2:",
min = 1, max = 20, value = 5, step = 0.5),

sliderInput("inSlider", "Slider input:",
min = 1, max = 20, value = 15),
sliderInput("inSlider2", "Slider input 2:",
min = 1, max = 20, value = c(5, 15)),
sliderInput("inSlider3", "Slider input 3:",
min = 1, max = 20, value = c(5, 15)),

dateInput("inDate", "Date input:"),

dateRangeInput("inDateRange", "Date range input:"),

checkboxInput("inCheckbox", "Checkbox input:", value = FALSE),

checkboxGroupInput("inCheckboxGroup", "Checkbox group input:",
c("label 1" = "option1",
"label 2" = "option2")),
checkboxGroupInput("inCheckboxGroup2", "Checkbox group input 2:",
c("label 1" = "option1",
"label 2" = "option2")),

radioButtons("inRadio", "Radio buttons:",
c("label 1" = "option1",
"label 2" = "option2")),
radioButtons("inRadio2", "Radio buttons 2:",
c("label 1" = "option1",
"label 2" = "option2")),

selectInput("inSelect", "Select input:",
c("label 1" = "option1",
"label 2" = "option2")),
selectInput("inSelect2", "Select input 2:", multiple = TRUE,
c("label 1" = "option1",
"label 2" = "option2"))
tabsetPanel(id = "inTabset",
tabPanel("panel1", h2("This is the first panel.")),
tabPanel("panel2", h2("This is the second panel."))

server <- function(input, output, clientData, session) {

# We'll use the input$controller variable multiple times, so save it as x
# for convenience.
x <- input$controller

# TRUE if x is even, FALSE otherwise. Will be used below
x_even <- x %% 2 == 0

# Text ============================================================
# This will change the value of input$inText, based on x
updateTextInput(session, "inText", value = paste("New text", x))

# Can also set the label, this time for input$inText2
updateTextInput(session, "inText2",
label = paste("New label", x),
value = paste("New text", x))

# Number ==========================================================
# Number inputs have more settable parameters
updateNumericInput(session, "inNumber", value = x)

updateNumericInput(session, "inNumber2",
label = paste("Number label ", x),
value = x, min = x-10, max = x+10, step = 5)

# Slider input ====================================================
# Similar to number and text. only label and value can be set for slider
updateSliderInput(session, "inSlider",
label = paste("Slider label", x),
value = x)

# Slider range input ==============================================
# For sliders that pick out a range, pass in a vector of 2 values.
updateSliderInput(session, "inSlider2", value = c(x-1, x+1))

# An NA means to not change that value (the low or high one)
updateSliderInput(session, "inSlider3", value = c(NA, x+2))

# Date input ====================================================
# Similar to number and text. only label and value can be set for slider
updateDateInput(session, "inDate",
label = paste("Date label", x),
value = paste("2013-04-", x, sep=""))

# Date range input ================================================
# Similar to number and text. only label and value can be set for slider
updateDateRangeInput(session, "inDateRange",
label = paste("Date range label", x),
start = paste("2013-01-", x, sep=""),
end = paste("2013-12-", x, sep=""),
min = paste("2001-01-", x, sep=""),
max = paste("2030-12-", x, sep="")

# Checkbox ========================================================
updateCheckboxInput(session, "inCheckbox",
label = paste("Checkbox label", x), value = x_even)

# Checkbox group ==================================================
# Create a list of new options, where the name of the items is something
# like 'option label x 1', and the values are 'option-x-1'.
cb_options <- list()
cb_options[[sprintf("option label %d 1", x)]] <- sprintf("option-%d-1", x)
cb_options[[sprintf("option label %d 2", x)]] <- sprintf("option-%d-2", x)

# Change values for input$inCheckboxGroup
updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "inCheckboxGroup", choices = cb_options)

# Can also set the label and select items
updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "inCheckboxGroup2",
label = paste("checkboxgroup label", x),
choices = cb_options,
selected = sprintf("option-%d-2", x)

# Radio group =====================================================
# Create a list of new options, where the name of the items is something
# like 'option label x 1', and the values are 'option-x-1'.
r_options <- list()
r_options[[sprintf("option label %d 1", x)]] <- sprintf("option-%d-1", x)
r_options[[sprintf("option label %d 2", x)]] <- sprintf("option-%d-2", x)

# Change values for input$inRadio
updateRadioButtons(session, "inRadio", choices = r_options)

# Can also set the label and select an item
updateRadioButtons(session, "inRadio2",
label = paste("Radio label", x),
choices = r_options,
selected = sprintf("option-%d-2", x)

# Select input ====================================================
# Create a list of new options, where the name of the items is something
# like 'option label x 1', and the values are 'option-x-1'.
s_options <- list()
s_options[[sprintf("option label %d 1", x)]] <- sprintf("option-%d-1", x)
s_options[[sprintf("option label %d 2", x)]] <- sprintf("option-%d-2", x)

# Change values for input$inSelect
updateSelectInput(session, "inSelect", choices = s_options)

# Can also set the label and select an item (or more than one if it's a
# multi-select)
updateSelectInput(session, "inSelect2",
label = paste("Select label", x),
choices = s_options,
selected = sprintf("option-%d-2", x)

# Tabset input ==========================================================
# Change the selected tab.
# The tabsetPanel must have been created with an 'id' argument
if (x_even) {
updateTabsetPanel(session, "inTabset", selected = "panel2")
} else {
updateTabsetPanel(session, "inTabset", selected = "panel1")

shinyApp(ui, server)

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