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Introduction of Happy Eyeballs Version 2 (RFC8305) in Socket.tcp (#9374)
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* Introduction of Happy Eyeballs Version 2 (RFC8305) in Socket.tcp

This is an implementation of Happy Eyeballs version 2 (RFC 8305) in Socket.tcp.

Currently, `Socket.tcp` synchronously resolves names and makes connection attempts with `Addrinfo::foreach.`
This implementation has the following two problems.

1. In name resolution, the program stops until the DNS server responds to all DNS queries.
2. In a connection attempt, while an IP address is trying to connect to the destination host and is taking time, the program stops, and other resolved IP addresses cannot try to connect.

"Happy Eyeballs" ([RFC 8305]( is an algorithm to solve this kind of problem. It avoids delays to the user whenever possible and also uses IPv6 preferentially.

I implemented it into `Socket.tcp` by using `Addrinfo.getaddrinfo` in each thread spawned per address family to resolve the hostname asynchronously, and using `Socket::connect_nonblock` to try to connect with multiple addrinfo in parallel.


This change eliminates a fatal defect in the following cases.

Case 1. One of the A or AAAA DNS queries does not return

require 'socket'

class Addrinfo
  class << self
    # Current Socket.tcp depends on foreach
    def foreach(nodename, service, family=nil, socktype=nil, protocol=nil, flags=nil, timeout: nil, &block)
      getaddrinfo(nodename, service, Socket::AF_INET6, socktype, protocol, flags, timeout: timeout)
        .concat(getaddrinfo(nodename, service, Socket::AF_INET, socktype, protocol, flags, timeout: timeout))

    def getaddrinfo(_, _, family, *_)
      case family
      when Socket::AF_INET6 then sleep
      when Socket::AF_INET then [Addrinfo.tcp("", 4567)]

Socket.tcp("localhost", 4567)

Because the current `Socket.tcp` cannot resolve IPv6 names, the program stops in this case. It cannot start to connect with IPv4 address.
Though `Socket.tcp` with HEv2 can promptly start a connection attempt with IPv4 address in this case.

 Case 2. Server does not promptly return ack for syn of either IPv4 / IPv6 address family

require 'socket'

fork do
  socket =, :STREAM)
  socket.setsockopt(:SOCKET, :REUSEADDR, true)
  socket.bind(Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(4567, '::1'))
  connection, _ = socket.accept

fork do
  socket =, :STREAM)
  socket.setsockopt(:SOCKET, :REUSEADDR, true)
  socket.bind(Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(4567, ''))
  connection, _ = socket.accept

Socket.tcp("localhost", 4567)

The current `Socket.tcp` tries to connect serially, so when its first name resolves an IPv6 address and initiates a connection to an IPv6 server, this server does not return an ACK, and the program stops.
Though `Socket.tcp` with HEv2 starts to connect sequentially and in parallel so a connection can be established promptly at the socket that attempted to connect to the IPv4 server.

In exchange, the performance of `Socket.tcp` with HEv2 will be degraded.

100.times { Socket.tcp("", 80) }

This is due to the addition of the creation of IO objects, Thread objects, etc., and calls to `IO::select` in the implementation.

* Avoid NameError of Socket::EAI_ADDRFAMILY in MinGW

* Support Windows with SO_CONNECT_TIME

* Improve performance

I have additionally implemented the following patterns:

- If the host is single-stack, name resolution is performed in the main thread. This reduces the cost of creating threads.
- If an IP address is specified, name resolution is performed in the main thread. This also reduces the cost of creating threads.
- If only one IP address is resolved, connect is executed in blocking mode. This reduces the cost of calling IO::select.

Also, I have added a fast_fallback option for users who wish not to use HE.
Here are the results of each performance test.

require 'socket'
require 'benchmark'

PORT = 80

ai = Addrinfo.tcp(HOSTNAME, PORT)

Benchmark.bmbm do |x|"Domain name") do
    30.times { Socket.tcp(HOSTNAME, PORT).close }
  end"IP Address") do
    30.times { Socket.tcp(ai.ip_address, PORT).close }
  end"fast_fallback: false") do
    30.times { Socket.tcp(HOSTNAME, PORT, fast_fallback: false).close }

                           user     system      total        real
Domain name            0.015567   0.032511   0.048078 (  0.325284)
IP Address             0.004458   0.014219   0.018677 (  0.284361)
fast_fallback: false   0.005869   0.021511   0.027380 (  0.321891)

And this is the measurement result when executed in a single stack environment.

                           user     system      total        real
Domain name            0.007062   0.019276   0.026338 (  1.905775)
IP Address             0.004527   0.012176   0.016703 (  3.051192)
fast_fallback: false   0.005546   0.019426   0.024972 (  1.775798)

The following is the result of the run on Ruby 3.3.0.

(on Dual stack environment)

                 user     system      total        real
Ruby 3.3.0   0.007271   0.027410   0.034681 (  0.472510)

(on Single stack environment)

                 user     system      total        real
Ruby 3.3.0  0.005353   0.018898   0.024251 (  1.774535)

* Do not cache `Socket.ip_address_list`

As mentioned in the comment at #9374 (comment), caching Socket.ip_address_list does not follow changes in network configuration.
But if we stop caching, it becomes necessary to check every time `Socket.tcp` is called whether it's a single stack or not, which could further degrade performance in the case of a dual stack.
From this, I've changed the approach so that when a domain name is passed, it doesn't check whether it's a single stack or not and resolves names in parallel each time.

The performance measurement results are as follows.

require 'socket'
require 'benchmark'

PORT = 80

ai = Addrinfo.tcp(HOSTNAME, PORT)

Benchmark.bmbm do |x|"Domain name") do
    30.times { Socket.tcp(HOSTNAME, PORT).close }
  end"IP Address") do
    30.times { Socket.tcp(ai.ip_address, PORT).close }
  end"fast_fallback: false") do
    30.times { Socket.tcp(HOSTNAME, PORT, fast_fallback: false).close }

                           user     system      total        real
Domain name            0.004085   0.011873   0.015958 (  0.330097)
IP Address             0.000993   0.004400   0.005393 (  0.257286)
fast_fallback: false   0.001348   0.008266   0.009614 (  0.298626)

* Wait forever if fallback addresses are unresolved, unless resolv_timeout

Changed from waiting only 3 seconds for name resolution when there is no fallback address available, to waiting as long as there is no resolv_timeout.
This is in accordance with the current `Socket.tcp` specification.

* Use exact pattern to match IPv6 address format for specify address family
  • Loading branch information
shioimm committed Feb 26, 2024
1 parent 616b414 commit 9ec342e
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