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Enhanced Rdoc for Array#rindex and Array#[]= (#3204)
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* Enhanced Rdoc for Array#rindex and Array#[]=

* Enhanced Rdoc for Array#rindex and Array#[]=
  • Loading branch information
BurdetteLamar committed Jun 11, 2020
1 parent 2188d6d commit eb5ecc2
Showing 1 changed file with 189 additions and 57 deletions.
246 changes: 189 additions & 57 deletions array.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2003,11 +2003,11 @@ rb_ary_last(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* ---
* With the single argument +index+, returns the element at offset +index+:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', baz = 2]
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a.fetch(1) # => "bar"
* If +index+ is negative, counts from the end of the array:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', baz = 2]
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a.fetch(-1) # => 2
* a.fetch(-2) # => "bar"
Expand All @@ -2016,7 +2016,7 @@ rb_ary_last(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* With arguments +index+ and +default_value+,
* returns the element at offset +index+ if index is in range,
* otherwise returns +default_value+:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', baz = 2]
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a.fetch(1, nil) # => "bar"
* a.fetch(50, nil) # => nil
Expand All @@ -2026,19 +2026,19 @@ rb_ary_last(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* returns the element at offset +index+ if index is in range
* (and the block is not called); otherwise calls the block with index and returns its return value:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', baz = 2]
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a.fetch(1) { |index| raise 'Cannot happen' } # => "bar"
* a.fetch(50) { |index| "Value for #{index}" } # => "Value for 50"
* ---
* Raises an exception if +index+ is not an \Integer-convertible object.
* a = [:foo, 'bar', baz = 2]
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer):
* a.fetch(:foo)
* Raises an exception if +index+ is out of range and neither default_value nor a block given:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', baz = 2]
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* # Raises IndexError (index 50 outside of array bounds: -3...3):
* a.fetch(50)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2081,35 +2081,36 @@ rb_ary_fetch(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* array.find_index -> new_enumerator
* Array#index is an alias for Array#find_index.
* See also Array#rindex.
* ---
* When argument +object+ is given but no block,
* returns the index of the first element +element+
* for which <tt>object == element</tt>:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', baz = 2, 'bar']
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2, 'bar']
* a.index('bar') # => 1
* Returns +nil+ if no such element found:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', baz = 2]
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a.index(:nosuch) # => nil
* ---
* When both argument +object+ and a block are given,
* calls the block with each successive element;
* returns the index of the first element for which the block returns a truthy value:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', baz = 2, 'bar']
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2, 'bar']
* a.index { |element| element == 'bar' } # => 1
* Returns +nil+ if the block never returns a truthy value:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', baz = 2]
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a.index { |element| element == :X } # => nil
* ---
* When neither an argument nor a block is given, returns a new Enumerator:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', baz = 2]
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* e = a.index
* e # => #<Enumerator: [:foo, "bar", 2]:index>
* e.each { |element| element == 'bar' } # => 1
Expand All @@ -2118,7 +2119,7 @@ rb_ary_fetch(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* When both an argument and a block given, gives a warning (warning: given block not used)
* and ignores the block:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', baz = 2, 'bar']
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2, 'bar']
* index = a.index('bar') { raise 'Cannot happen' }
* index # => 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2153,26 +2154,50 @@ rb_ary_index(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)

* call-seq:
* ary.rindex(obj) -> int or nil
* ary.rindex {|item| block} -> int or nil
* ary.rindex -> Enumerator
* array.rindex(object) -> integer or nil
* array.rindex {|element| ... } -> integer or nil
* array.rindex -> new_enumerator
* Returns the index of the last element for which <tt>object == element</tt>.
* ---
* Returns the _index_ of the last object in +self+ <code>==</code> to +obj+.
* When argument +object+ is given but no block, returns the index of the last such element found:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2, 'bar']
* a.rindex('bar') # => 3
* If a block is given instead of an argument, returns the _index_ of the
* first object for which the block returns +true+, starting from the last
* object.
* Returns +nil+ if no such object found:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a.rindex(:nosuch) # => nil
* Returns +nil+ if no match is found.
* ---
* See also Array#index.
* When a block is given but no argument, calls the block with each successive element;
* returns the index of the last element for which the block returns a truthy value:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2, 'bar']
* a.rindex {|element| element == 'bar' } # => 3
* If neither block nor argument is given, an Enumerator is returned instead.
* Returns +nil+ if the block never returns a truthy value:
* a = [ "a", "b", "b", "b", "c" ]
* a.rindex("b") #=> 3
* a.rindex("z") #=> nil
* a.rindex {|x| x == "b"} #=> 3
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a.rindex {|element| element == :X } # => nil
* ---
* When neither an argument nor a block is given, returns a new \Enumerator:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2, 'bar']
* e = a.rindex
* e # => #<Enumerator: [:foo, "bar", 2, "bar"]:rindex>
* e.each { |element| element == 'bar' } # => 3
* ---
* When both an argument and a block given, gives a warning (warning: given block not used)
* and ignores the block:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2, 'bar']
* index = a.rindex('bar') { raise 'Cannot happen' }
* index # => 3

static VALUE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2351,37 +2376,144 @@ rb_ary_resize(VALUE ary, long len)

* call-seq:
* ary[index] = obj -> obj
* ary[start, length] = obj or other_ary or nil -> obj or other_ary or nil
* ary[range] = obj or other_ary or nil -> obj or other_ary or nil
* Element Assignment --- Sets the element at +index+, or replaces a subarray
* from the +start+ index for +length+ elements, or replaces a subarray
* specified by the +range+ of indices.
* If indices are greater than the current capacity of the array, the array
* grows automatically. Elements are inserted into the array at +start+ if
* +length+ is zero.
* Negative indices will count backward from the end of the array. For
* +start+ and +range+ cases the starting index is just before an element.
* An IndexError is raised if a negative index points past the beginning of
* the array.
* See also Array#push, and Array#unshift.
* a =
* a[4] = "4"; #=> [nil, nil, nil, nil, "4"]
* a[0, 3] = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] #=> ["a", "b", "c", nil, "4"]
* a[1..2] = [ 1, 2 ] #=> ["a", 1, 2, nil, "4"]
* a[0, 2] = "?" #=> ["?", 2, nil, "4"]
* a[0..2] = "A" #=> ["A", "4"]
* a[-1] = "Z" #=> ["A", "Z"]
* a[1..-1] = nil #=> ["A", nil]
* a[1..-1] = [] #=> ["A"]
* a[0, 0] = [ 1, 2 ] #=> [1, 2, "A"]
* a[3, 0] = "B" #=> [1, 2, "A", "B"]
* array[index] = object -> object
* array[start, length] = object -> object
* array[range] = object -> object
* Assigns elements in +self+; returns the given +object+.
* - Arguments +index+, +start+, and +length+, if given, must be
* {Integer-convertible objects}[doc/implicit_conversion_rdoc.html#label-Integer-Convertible+Objects].
* - Argument +range+, if given, must be a \Range object.
* - If +object+ is an
* {Array-convertible object}[doc/implicit_conversion_rdoc.html#label-Array-Convertible+Objects]
* it will be converted to an \Array.
* ---
* When +index+ is given, assigns +object+ to an element in +self+.
* If +index+ is non-negative, assigns +object+ the element at offset +index+:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[0] = 'foo' # => "foo"
* a # => ["foo", "bar", 2]
* If +index+ is greater than <tt>self.length</tt>, extends the array:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[7] = 'foo' # => "foo"
* a # => [:foo, "bar", 2, nil, nil, nil, nil, "foo"]
* If +index+ is negative, counts backward from the end of the array:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[-1] = 'two' # => "two"
* a # => [:foo, "bar", "two"]
* ---
* When +start+ and +length+ are given and +object+ is not an Array-convertible object,
* removes <tt>length - 1</tt> elements beginning at offset +start+,
* and assigns +object+ at offset +start+:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[0, 2] = 'foo' # => "foo"
* a # => ["foo", 2]
* If +start+ is negative, counts backward from the end of the array:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[-2, 2] = 'foo' # => "foo"
* a # => [:foo, "foo"]
* If +start+ is non-negative and outside the array (<tt> >= self.size</tt>),
* extends the array with +nil+, assigns +object+ at offset +start+,
* and ignores +length+:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[6, 50] = 'foo' # => "foo"
* a # => [:foo, "bar", 2, nil, nil, nil, "foo"]
* If +length+ is zero, shifts elements at and following offset +start+
* and assigns +object+ at offset +start+:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[1, 0] = 'foo' # => "foo"
* a # => [:foo, "foo", "bar", 2]
* If +length+ is too large for the existing array, does not extend the array:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[1, 5] = 'foo' # => "foo"
* a # => [:foo, "foo"]
* ---
* When +range+ is given and +object+ is an \Array-convertible object,
* removes <tt>length - 1</tt> elements beginning at offset +start+,
* and assigns +object+ at offset +start+:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[0..1] = 'foo' # => "foo"
* a # => ["foo", 2]
* if <tt>range.begin</tt> is negative, counts backward from the end of the array:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[-2..2] = 'foo' # => "foo"
* a # => [:foo, "foo"]
* If the array length is less than <tt>range.begin</tt>,
* assigns +object+ at offset <tt>range.begin</tt>, and ignores +length+:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[6..50] = 'foo' # => "foo"
* a # => [:foo, "bar", 2, nil, nil, nil, "foo"]
* If <tt>range.end</tt> is zero, shifts elements at and following offset +start+
* and assigns +object+ at offset +start+:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[1..0] = 'foo' # => "foo"
* a # => [:foo, "foo", "bar", 2]
* If <tt>range.end</tt> is negative, assigns +object+ at offset +start+,
* retains <tt>range.end.abs -1</tt> elements past that, and removes those beyond:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[1..-1] = 'foo' # => "foo"
* a # => [:foo, "foo"]
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[1..-2] = 'foo' # => "foo"
* a # => [:foo, "foo", 2]
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[1..-3] = 'foo' # => "foo"
* a # => [:foo, "foo", "bar", 2]
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* If <tt>range.end</tt> is too large for the existing array,
* replaces array elements, but does not extend the array with +nil+ values:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* a[1..5] = 'foo' # => "foo"
* a # => [:foo, "foo"]
* ---
* Raises an exception if given a single argument
* that is not an \Integer-convertible object or a \Range:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer):
* a[:nosuch] = 'two'
* Raises an exception if given two arguments that are not both \Integer-convertible objects:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer):
* a[:nosuch, 2] = 'two'
* # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer):
* a[0, :nosuch] = 'two'
* Raises an exception if a negative +index+ is out of range:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* # Raises IndexError (index -4 too small for array; minimum: -3):
* a[-4] = 'two'
* Raises an exception if +start+ is too small for the array:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* # Raises IndexError (index -5 too small for array; minimum: -3):
* a[-5, 2] = 'foo'
* Raises an exception if +length+ is negative:
* a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
* # Raises IndexError (negative length (-1)):
* a[1, -1] = 'foo'

static VALUE
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