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Past ideas (~2020) Ideas for Celluloid

Koichi Sasada edited this page Feb 19, 2021 · 1 revision

After >60 million downloads to the main gem, the Celluloid suite needs an overhaul to reach 0.5.0.

The majority of these downloads are from Ruby on Rails and serving its community, with >17 million on 0.17.4 alone. But the landmark gem is unmaintained now.

It was its own GSoC organization in the past, with an extensive Ideas List:

These ideas are all eligible for mentoring by @digitalextremist, but ideally, you will propose an overhaul to bring the gem back to life. Celluloid was one of the most pioneering and language-enhancing gems in all of Ruby and still can be, if it gets some special attention:

Overhaul Celluloid

  • Estimated Difficulty: Medium / Hard
  • Mentor Available: @digitalextremist

The process of reaching 0.18.0 got stalled mid-way through, and there are deprecation warnings and other difficulties which prevent Celluloid from functioning smoothly for all dependent gems.

  • Test for language compatibility after changes took place in Ruby over the past 3-5 years.
  • Audit all outstanding tickets, and the Ideas List above, and determine what issues can remove the maximum "pain" for people still dependent on Celluloid.
  • Update the test suite to resolve outstanding issues there, and provide more certainty in the code.

The goal is to get Celluloid to a place where it can skip 0.18.0 and be within reach of 1.0, and possibly attract a new maintainer to take over from the previous maintainer to take the gem further.