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Student Application

Saroj Maharjan edited this page Mar 16, 2023 · 10 revisions

Watch ‘Introduction to GSoC’ video to see a quick overview of the program and video on GSoC Contributor tips. Read through our contributor guide for important tips from past participants on preparing your proposal, what to think about if you wish to apply for the program, and everything you wanted to know about the program.

Student/Contributor application for Ruby GSOC

  1. Contact information. Please provide your email address, GitHub username, and general physical location.

  2. What project do you want to work on? This can be a project that you came up with yourself, a project that you collaborated with a project maintainer or possible GSoC mentor with, or a project that you chose from the ideas list.

  3. Why do you like Ruby, and why do you want to work on a Ruby project in GSoC?

  4. Describe your experience with the following: Ruby, C, other languages. (No experience is okay! We use this to evaluate projects and mentors for a good fit.)

  5. Describe your educational background, including school, degree plan, major, and (if any) past degrees, research area, publications, etc.

  6. Have you sent pull requests to any Ruby open source projects? Code or documentation patches are both useful! Please provide links.

  7. What other commitments do you have this summer aside from GSoC? What obstacles do you foresee this summer as far as contributing the full forty hours per week during the GSoC period?

  8. Are you planning any vacations or trips for fun this summer?

  9. How many classes are you taking this summer?

  10. Do you have any other employment this summer?

  11. If you've participated in GSoC before, tell us about the project(s) you have done. Please include a way to reach your previous mentor(s).

  12. Please propose a project you would like to work on. Successful proposals will require advanced planning, communication with the project administrators and mentors, and likely a great deal of research on specific methods for achieving your project goals (e.g., what algorithms will you use? What frameworks?). A good place to start is the Ideas Page. You should also consider lurking in our Slack instance, which you can join at You can also join the Google Groups mailing list for Ruby GSoC at!members/rubygsoc.

  13. Please provide your expected timeline for your project, from application until pencils-down. What milestones will you set for yourself? The greater the detail on this question, the better.

  14. What are your hobbies, aside from coding? Tell us a little about yourself that isn't reflected in the rest of your application. What do you want to do with your life (if you have any idea)?

  15. What else do you think we should have asked but didn't? Propose a question of your own and answer it here.

  16. Bonus question: How do you think we can get more women interested in open source software development and science? How can we get more people from underrepresented groups involved?