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[User Story] Plus 1 ticketing

rubyku edited this page Jan 15, 2013 · 1 revision

Ruby selects 2 tickets on course page

  • Add drop down to course page

Ruby buys 2 tickets to the class

  • To create a role we need a valid user
    • We have no email, or any identifying info
    • class User def invitee? self.status == "invitee" end
    • Change all validations to use unless: :invitee?

Class now has 2 new students (Ruby + guest)

  • Add logic to current Role#create controller to create 2 roles, one for invitee and one for use,
    • Add inviter_id to role

Site confirms 2 tickets have been bought

  • email confirmation to inviter
  • course#show shows Ruby + # of guest

If person purchased multiple tickets => New Controller (User::Invite#new)

  • shows a form so Ruby has the option to invite a friend by entering their name and email (1 form per guest ticket)
    • @roles.each do |role| <%= form_for role.user ...

If Ruby enters guest's emails and names

  • User::Invite#create with names and emails of people
  • Users from the database get updated with name and email
  • We need a new controller/views to send out emails
  • We have a user with an invite token
  • Invited user gets email with link
  • Emails need to have token
  • User.where(:status => "invite", :invite_token => params[:invite_token])
  • Invited person gets CUSTOM LANDING PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

When user comes claim the ticket:

  1. if new user: User signs up with new password, needs to update user record (change status from invitee to claimed)
  2. if already logged in, needs to update the role on course page to point to the correct user and delete the temp user
  3. existing user but not already logged in, they log in and goto #2

Send Invited person to page showing their course: Course#show add text saying "YAY!!!!!!! U ROCKS TOTALLY"

Inviter gets email telling them that user /users/23 has accepted (link to user account)

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