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Feature Suggestions

mmay edited this page Jan 1, 2012 · 5 revisions

This wiki page should serve as a common area to dump early ideas for features and fixes that we want, before they are flushed out enough to create GH Issues. Feel free to contribute, comment, etc.


Integrate with ical, Google calendar, etc.

  • In /courses/show be able to add to user's google calendar with 1 click.
  • This is the area I'm talking about


Add a calendar when updating class profile

  • Enables the user to look and pick for a date quickly, without using an outside calendar
  • e.g. Use something like Datepicker


Set default location based on IP

  • Instead of using Austin as a default location, parse the IP of the user to set location.
  • Possibly use the geokit gem


Instant photo upload/preview

  • Start uploading a photo immediately after a user submits the file instead of on after manually submitting the form
  • Show a preview of the photo next to the uploader before form submission


Legal Disclaimer so Hourschool can not get sued

  • I don't know if we have one or not, maybe make a user agree to one upon account creation.
  • Motivation for this:
  • e.g. I teach a class on car repair. Bob takes my class. Bob tries to fix his car. Bob gets injured fixing his car. Bob blames Hourschool. Legal battles ensue.


Forward Heroku logs to some external logger


Consider storing social network data to enhance suggestions/search/recommend to friends etc.

  • Consider using native graph stores ( > Performance, Schema-Less natural queries, Integrates w/ RoR)
  • Neo4J is supported on Heroku!
