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trans edited this page Jan 7, 2013 · 4 revisions

Run Modes

The library system can operate in different run modes. The locked-down "production" mode is the default. This mode will always utilize a cached list of available libraries. This means that whenever the configuration changes, e.g. $RUBY_LIBRARY is modified, or when $GEM_PATH is in $RUBY_LIBRARY and a new library has been installed via gem install, then the locked list must be re-synced. If your system as setup as instructed in System Setup, this can be done by re-running the .bash/ script.

    . ~/.bash/

Continually having to re-sync can be inconvenient is some situations, to get around this you can set the $RUBY_LIBRARY_LIVE variable to "true".

    export RUBY_LIBRARY_LIVE="true"

In live mode the library ledger will be reconstructed every time ruby runs. This mode is much slower than the locked mode. It also does not suffice if the $PATH environment variable needs to be updated. In that case, you must still re-sync the ledger.

There is a another modality called "development" mode. We will discuss this mode in the Dependency Isolation section.

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