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A tool for generating Protobuf v3 schemas and gRPC service definitions from OpenAPI specifications


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This tool will accept an OpenAPI/Swagger definition (yaml or JSON) and generate a Protobuf v3 schema and gRPC service definition from it.


To install, have Go installed with $GOPATH/bin on your $PATH and then:

go get -u


There are 2 CLI flags for using the tool:

  • -spec to point to the appropriate OpenAPI spec file
  • -yaml to specify the OpenAPI spec file format. (-yaml=false for JSON)
  • -options to include google.api.http options for grpc-gateway users. This is disabled by default.


  • Fields with scalar types that can also be "null" will get wrapped with one of the google.protobuf.*Value types.
  • Fields with that have more than 1 type and the second type is not "null" will be replaced with the google.protobuf.Any type.
  • Endpoints that respond with an array will be wrapped with a message type that has a single field, 'items', that contains the array.
  • Only "200" and "201" responses are inspected for determining the expected return value for RPC endpoints.
  • To prevent enum collisions and to match the protobuf style guide, enum values will be CAPITALS_WITH_UNDERSCORES and nested enum values and will have their parent types prepended.
  • To allow for more control over how your protobuf schema evolves, all parameters and property definitions will accept an optional extension parameter, x-proto-tag, that will overide the generated tag with the value supplied.


─➤  openapi2proto -spec books.json -yaml=false
syntax = "proto3";

import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";

package booksapi;

message GetListsformatRequest {
    // YYYY-MM-DD
    // The week-ending date for the sales reflected on list-name. Times best-seller lists are compiled using available book sale data. The bestsellers-date may be significantly earlier than published-date. For additional information, see the explanation at the bottom of any best-seller list page on (example: Hardcover Fiction, published Dec. 5 but reflecting sales to Nov. 29).
    string bestsellers_date = 1;
    // YYYY-MM-DD  The date the best-seller list was published on (compare bestsellers-date)
    string date = 2;
    enum GetListsformatRequest_Format {
    GetListsformatRequest_Format format = 3;
    // International Standard Book Number, 10 or 13 digits
    string isbn = 4;
    // The name of the Times best-seller list. To get valid values, use a list names request.
    // Be sure to replace spaces with hyphens (e.g., e-book-fiction or hardcover-fiction, not E-Book Fiction or Hardcover Fiction). (The parameter is not case sensitive.)
    string list = 5;
    // Sets the starting point of the result set
    int32 offset = 6;
    // YYYY-MM-DD
    // The date the best-seller list was published on (compare bestsellers-date)
    string published_date = 7;
    // The rank of the best seller on list-name as of bestsellers-date
    int32 rank = 8;
    // The rank of the best seller on list-name one week prior to bestsellers-date
    int32 rank_last_week = 9;
    // Sets the sort order of the result set
    enum GetListsformatRequest_Sort_order {
    GetListsformatRequest_Sort_order sort_order = 10;
    // The number of weeks that the best seller has been on list-name, as of bestsellers-date
    int32 weeks_on_list = 11;

message GetListsformatResponse {
    string copyright = 1;
    string last_modified = 2;
    int32 num_results = 3;
    message Result {
        string amazon_product_url = 1;
        int32 asterisk = 2;
        string bestsellers_date = 3;
        message Book_detail {
            string age_group = 1;
            string author = 2;
            string contributor = 3;
            string contributor_note = 4;
            string description = 5;
            int32 price = 6;
            string primary_isbn10 = 7;
            string primary_isbn13 = 8;
            string publisher = 9;
            string title = 10;
        repeated Book_detail book_details = 4;
        int32 dagger = 5;
        string display_name = 6;
        message Isbn {
            string isbn10 = 1;
            string isbn13 = 2;
        repeated Isbn isbns = 7;
        string list_name = 8;
        string published_date = 9;
        int32 rank = 10;
        int32 rank_last_week = 11;
        message Review {
            string article_chapter_link = 1;
            string book_review_link = 2;
            string first_chapter_link = 3;
            string sunday_review_link = 4;
        repeated Review reviews = 12;
        int32 weeks_on_list = 13;
    repeated Result results = 4;
    string status = 5;

message GetListsBestSellersHistoryRequest {
    // The target age group for the best seller.
    string age_group = 1;
    // The author of the best seller. The author field does not include additional contributors (see Data Structure for more details about the author and contributor fields).
    // When searching the author field, you can specify any combination of first, middle and last names.
    // When sort-by is set to author, the results will be sorted by author's first name.
    string author = 2;
    // The author of the best seller, as well as other contributors such as the illustrator (to search or sort by author name only, use author instead).
    // When searching, you can specify any combination of first, middle and last names of any of the contributors.
    // When sort-by is set to contributor, the results will be sorted by the first name of the first contributor listed.
    string contributor = 3;
    // International Standard Book Number, 10 or 13 digits
    // A best seller may have both 10-digit and 13-digit ISBNs, and may have multiple ISBNs of each type. To search on multiple ISBNs, separate the ISBNs with semicolons (example: 9780446579933;0061374229).
    string isbn = 4;
    // The publisher's list price of the best seller, including decimal point
    string price = 5;
    // The standardized name of the publisher
    string publisher = 6;
    // The title of the best seller
    // When searching, you can specify a portion of a title or a full title.
    string title = 7;

message GetListsBestSellersHistoryResponse {
    string copyright = 1;
    int32 num_results = 2;
    message Result {
        string age_group = 1;
        string author = 2;
        string contributor = 3;
        string contributor_note = 4;
        string description = 5;
        message Isbn {
            string isbn10 = 1;
            string isbn13 = 2;
        repeated Isbn isbns = 6;
        int32 price = 7;
        string publisher = 8;
        message Ranks_history {
            int32 asterisk = 1;
            string bestsellers_date = 2;
            int32 dagger = 3;
            string display_name = 4;
            string list_name = 5;
            string primary_isbn10 = 6;
            string primary_isbn13 = 7;
            string published_date = 8;
            int32 rank = 9;
            google.protobuf.NullValue ranks_last_week = 10;
            int32 weeks_on_list = 11;
        repeated Ranks_history ranks_history = 9;
        message Review {
            string article_chapter_link = 1;
            string book_review_link = 2;
            string first_chapter_link = 3;
            string sunday_review_link = 4;
        repeated Review reviews = 10;
        string title = 11;
    repeated Result results = 3;
    string status = 4;

message GetListsNamesformatRequest {
    string api_key = 1;
    enum GetListsNamesformatRequest_Format {
    GetListsNamesformatRequest_Format format = 2;

message GetListsNamesformatResponse {
    string copyright = 1;
    int32 num_results = 2;
    message Result {
        string display_name = 1;
        string list_name = 2;
        string list_name_encoded = 3;
        string newest_published_date = 4;
        string oldest_published_date = 5;
        string updated = 6;
    repeated Result results = 3;
    string status = 4;

message GetListsOverviewformatRequest {
    string api_key = 1;
    enum GetListsOverviewformatRequest_Format {
    GetListsOverviewformatRequest_Format format = 2;
    // The best-seller list publication date. YYYY-MM-DD
    // You do not have to specify the exact date the list was published. The service will search forward (into the future) for the closest publication date to the date you specify. For example, a request for lists/overview/2013-05-22 will retrieve the list that was published on 05-26.
    // If you do not include a published_date, the current week's best-sellers lists will be returned.
    string published_date = 3;

message GetListsOverviewformatResponse {
    string copyright = 1;
    int32 num_results = 2;
    message Results {
        string bestsellers_date = 1;
        message List {
            message Book {
                string age_group = 1;
                string author = 2;
                string contributor = 3;
                string contributor_note = 4;
                string created_date = 5;
                string description = 6;
                int32 price = 7;
                string primary_isbn10 = 8;
                string primary_isbn13 = 9;
                string publisher = 10;
                int32 rank = 11;
                string title = 12;
                string updated_date = 13;
            repeated Book books = 1;
            string display_name = 2;
            int32 list_id = 3;
            string list_image = 4;
            string list_name = 5;
            string updated = 6;
        repeated List lists = 2;
        string published_date = 3;
    Results results = 3;
    string status = 4;

message GetListsDateListRequest {
    // YYYY-MM-DD
    // The week-ending date for the sales reflected on list-name. Times best-seller lists are compiled using available book sale data. The bestsellers-date may be significantly earlier than published-date. For additional information, see the explanation at the bottom of any best-seller list page on (example: Hardcover Fiction, published Dec. 5 but reflecting sales to Nov. 29).
    string bestsellers_date = 1;
    string date = 2;
    // International Standard Book Number, 10 or 13 digits
    int32 isbn = 3;
    // Name of the Best Sellers List. You can get the full list from /lists/names.json
    string list = 4;
    // The name of the Times best-seller list. To get valid values, use a list names request.
    // Be sure to replace spaces with hyphens (e.g., e-book-fiction or hardcover-fiction, not E-Book Fiction or Hardcover Fiction). (The parameter is not case sensitive.)
    string list_name = 5;
    // Sets the starting point of the result set
    int32 offset = 6;
    // YYYY-MM-DD
    // The date the best-seller list was published on (compare bestsellers-date)
    string published_date = 7;
    // The rank of the best seller on list-name as of bestsellers-date
    string rank = 8;
    // The rank of the best seller on list-name one week prior to bestsellers-date
    int32 rank_last_week = 9;
    // The default is ASC (ascending). The sort-order parameter is used with the sort-by parameter — for details, see each request type.
    enum GetListsDateListRequest_Sort_order {
    GetListsDateListRequest_Sort_order sort_order = 10;
    // The number of weeks that the best seller has been on list-name, as of bestsellers-date
    int32 weeks_on_list = 11;

message GetListsDateListResponse {
    string copyright = 1;
    string last_modified = 2;
    int32 num_results = 3;
    message Results {
        string bestsellers_date = 1;
        message Book {
            string age_group = 1;
            string amazon_product_url = 2;
            string article_chapter_link = 3;
            int32 asterisk = 4;
            string author = 5;
            string book_image = 6;
            string book_review_link = 7;
            string contributor = 8;
            string contributor_note = 9;
            int32 dagger = 10;
            string description = 11;
            string first_chapter_link = 12;
            message Isbn {
                string isbn10 = 1;
                string isbn13 = 2;
            repeated Isbn isbns = 13;
            int32 price = 14;
            string primary_isbn10 = 15;
            string primary_isbn13 = 16;
            string publisher = 17;
            int32 rank = 18;
            int32 rank_last_week = 19;
            string sunday_review_link = 20;
            string title = 21;
            int32 weeks_on_list = 22;
        repeated Book books = 2;
        message Correction {
        repeated Correction corrections = 3;
        string display_name = 4;
        string list_name = 5;
        int32 normal_list_ends_at = 6;
        string published_date = 7;
        string updated = 8;
    Results results = 4;
    string status = 5;

message GetReviewsformatRequest {
    string api_key = 1;
    // You’ll need to enter the author’s first and last name, separated by a space. This space will be converted into the characters %20.
    string author = 2;
    enum GetReviewsformatRequest_Format {
    GetReviewsformatRequest_Format format = 3;
    // Searching by ISBN is the recommended method. You can enter 10- or 13-digit ISBNs.
    int32 isbn = 4;
    // You’ll need to enter the full title of the book. Spaces in the title will be converted into the characters %20.
    string title = 5;

message GetReviewsformatResponse {
    string copyright = 1;
    int32 num_results = 2;
    message Result {
        string book_author = 1;
        string book_title = 2;
        string byline = 3;
        repeated string isbn13 = 4;
        string publication_dt = 5;
        string summary = 6;
        string url = 7;
    repeated Result results = 3;
    string status = 4;

service BooksAPIService {
    // Best Seller List
    rpc GetListsformat(GetListsformatRequest) returns (GetListsformatResponse) {}
    // Best Seller History List
    rpc GetListsBestSellersHistory(GetListsBestSellersHistoryRequest) returns (GetListsBestSellersHistoryResponse) {}
    // Best Seller List Names
    rpc GetListsNamesformat(GetListsNamesformatRequest) returns (GetListsNamesformatResponse) {}
    // Best Seller List Overview
    rpc GetListsOverviewformat(GetListsOverviewformatRequest) returns (GetListsOverviewformatResponse) {}
    // Best Seller List by Date
    rpc GetListsDateList(GetListsDateListRequest) returns (GetListsDateListResponse) {}
    // Reviews
    rpc GetReviewsformat(GetReviewsformatRequest) returns (GetReviewsformatResponse) {}


A tool for generating Protobuf v3 schemas and gRPC service definitions from OpenAPI specifications







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  • Protocol Buffer 70.5%
  • Go 29.5%