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Complete MERN Boilerplate With React Redux.

Getting Start With Create-React-App Redux React-Redux React-Router-Dom Node Express MongoDB All Together This is a complete template for React developers.

Setup Node React Environment is not easy and takes so much time. Especially when Redux adds, setting Action Reducer Redux-Thunk is a hard task. Also, a little mistake can waste lots of time. That’s why I build it, to help other React Developers.


At first, select a suitable position in your Hard-Disk to download this. You should use a Terminal or PowerShell or any command-line prompt. Then write this to your command prompt.

Download This Boilerplate

git clone

Now it saves in a Directory called R. Now go there

cd R

Now you have to install all npm module

npm install

After finish this, you have to go Client Directory. All kinds of front-end code we write here

cd client

Again you have to install all npm module which requires for the front-end

npm install

Available Scripts

To start the Backend development server, From the project directory, you can run:

npm run dev

Runs the Backend server in http://localhost:5000 Open to view it in the browser.

There are also other scripts available, for Heroku. You can simply see this in the package.json file

Now to run the Front-End Development server, at first, you have to go /client directory

cd client 
npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

Available NPM Modules


In client/public/index.js Bootstrap Semantic Ui and Font Awsome CDN already there. You can modify this as your wish.

In client/src/app.js I already put React Router.

In client/src/action/index.js, there will be your all Redux Action. I put 3 sample Actions there.

In the client/src/reducer directory, you will write your reducer code.

In the client/src/component directory, you will write your class and functional component.

In client/src/component/Home and client/src/component/Navbar, I write 2 demo class component with with Redux and React-Redux . You will easily understand when you see it.

And Lastly, the client/src/setUpProxy file will connect your development Front-End Server with the development Back-End Server.


In config/dev.env file, we will write all our secret key. Like bycrypt or hash key. Example,



We will use this key, in other file as



In the .gitignore file you must add the config folder. just add this to second-line /config

Or all your secret keys will publish.

Remove Existing Git Folder

It will be better to delete the existing git folder and install it again. Use

rm .git
rmdir .git
git init

You are fine now.

Happy Coding...


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Thank you for using and reading this.