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a small application that generates a CSV file with all transactions happened inside Sovryn / RSK

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  1. create a file in ~/.gradle/ with something like:

com.rsk.apiKey=/your covalenthq api key/

com.rsk.wallet=/your rsk wallet address/

The api key should look like: ckey_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, get it by registering yourself in the second one your wallet address starting with 0x

  1. Download the internal transactions of your wallet from RSK explorer. When the popup from RSK explore comes up, select as Json, and Field listed All. You will have to adapt the json a bit so that it is a valid container format. Insert a '[' at the beginning of the text file, and a ']' at the end of it. Insert a ',' at the end of every line, except in the last one. Save this file in src/main/resources/transactions/<wallet_addr>-internal.json You can look at some examples that I have left there already, to see how it should look like.

  2. go in the cmd line to the directory where you cloned the repo and run "./gradlew :run", or if you are in Windows simply "gradlew :run"

    note: if you are developing locally I suggest you run instead: ./gradlew run --args="<wallet_addr> --classpath" so that you are not querying covalenthq API every time. Instead, the files from src/main/resources/transactions/< wallet_addr>-<page_number>.json will be used, where <wallet_addr> is your RSk wallet address, and is an incremental integer. You can go in your browser to:<your_wallet_addr>>/transactions_v2/?key=ckey_docs&page-number=0 and store the output in such files. Increment the last argument number, until in the response you get data.pagination.has-more == false

  3. you will have the output in a new file "ctc_report.csv". This file is compatible with If you want to customize it for other taxes proogram, you should customize CTCReportGenerator accordingly (feel free to create a new pull request if it is a known one).

  4. Check in the console output, that you do not have any "UnknownTransactionReport". If you do, check them out manually, and let me know a transaction id, to automatize it here.


a small application that generates a CSV file with all transactions happened inside Sovryn / RSK






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