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Rust library for numerical integration based on GSL.



The easiest way to use cyphus-integration is through the builder pattern. To construct an integrator, use:

use cyphus_integration::prelude::*;
let gk = GaussKronrodIntegratorBuilder::default()
let f = |x:f64| x.ln() / (1.0 + 100.0 * x * x);
let result = gk.integrate(f, 0.0, f64::INFINITY);
let analytic = -0.36168922062077324062;
assert!((result.val - analytic).abs() < 1e-3);

In the above, we are setting the absolute tolerance to 0, the relative tolerance to 1e-3, the "key" to 1 (this instructs the integrator to use the 15pt Gauss-Krondrod rule) and then we build. To integrate a function, we simply pass the function, the lower bound and the upper bound. If one of the bounds should be infinite, use f64::INFINITY or f64::NEG_INFINITY.

This builder can also construct a integrator which will handle singularies. For example, suppose we want to integrate f(x)=x^3 ln(|(x^2-1)(x^2-2)|). This function is singular at x=1 and x=sqrt(2). To let the integrator know this, we use:

use cyphus_integration::prelude::*;
let gk = GaussKronrodIntegratorBuilder::default()
            .singular_points(vec![1f64, 2f64.sqrt()])
let f = |x:f64| x.powi(3) * ((x*x-1.0) * (x*x-2.0)).abs().ln();
let result = gk.integrate(f, 0.0, 3.0);
let analytic = 52.740748383471444993;
assert!((result.val - analytic).abs() < 1e-3);

Using GaussKronrodIntegrator

You can also just use the GaussKronrodIntegrator directly:

use cyphus_integration::prelude::*;
let gk = GaussKronrodIntegrator{
            epsabs: 0.0,
            epsrel: 1e-3,
            key: 1,
            singular_points: vec![1.0, 2f64.sqrt()],
            limit: 1000,
let f = |x:f64| x.powi(3) * ((x*x-1.0) * (x*x-2.0)).abs().ln();
let result = gk.integrate(f, 0.0, 3.0);
let analytic = 52.740748383471444993;
assert!((result.val - analytic).abs() < 1e-3);

Lower-level function

We also supply access to the lower level function: qag, qags, qagp and qagi:

use cyphus::integration::qagi;

let f = |x:f64| x.ln() / (1.0 + 100.0 * x * x);
// Signiture: func, a, b, epsabs, epsrel, limit, key
let result = qagi(f, 0.0, f64::INFINITY, 0.0, 1e-3, 1000, 1);
let analytic = -0.36168922062077324062;
assert!((result.val - analytic).abs() < 1e-3);


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