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Error out of layout calculation if a non-last struct field is unsized
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Fixes an ICE that occurs when a struct with an unsized field
at a non-last position is const evaluated.
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gurry committed Apr 4, 2024
1 parent 3d5528c commit 3137143
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Showing 3 changed files with 222 additions and 1 deletion.
38 changes: 37 additions & 1 deletion compiler/rustc_ty_utils/src/
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ use rustc_middle::ty::layout::{
IntegerExt, LayoutCx, LayoutError, LayoutOf, TyAndLayout, MAX_SIMD_LANES,
use rustc_middle::ty::print::with_no_trimmed_paths;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, AdtDef, EarlyBinder, GenericArgsRef, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeVisitableExt};
use rustc_middle::ty::{
self, AdtDef, EarlyBinder, FieldDef, GenericArgsRef, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeVisitableExt,
use rustc_session::{DataTypeKind, FieldInfo, FieldKind, SizeKind, VariantInfo};
use rustc_span::sym;
use rustc_span::symbol::Symbol;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -506,6 +508,40 @@ fn layout_of_uncached<'tcx>(

let err_if_unsized = |field: &FieldDef, err_msg: &str| {
let field_ty = tcx.type_of(field.did);
let is_unsized = tcx
.try_instantiate_and_normalize_erasing_regions(args, cx.param_env, field_ty)
.map(|f| !f.is_sized(tcx, cx.param_env))
.map_err(|e| {
LayoutError::NormalizationFailure(field_ty.instantiate_identity(), e),

if is_unsized {
cx.tcx.dcx().span_delayed_bug(tcx.def_span(def.did()), err_msg.to_owned());
Err(error(cx, LayoutError::Unknown(ty)))
} else {

if def.is_struct() {
if let Some((_, fields_except_last)) =
for f in fields_except_last {
err_if_unsized(f, "only the last field of a struct can be unsized")?;
} else {
for f in def.all_fields() {
err_if_unsized(f, &format!("{}s cannot have unsized fields", def.descr()))?;

let get_discriminant_type =
|min, max| Integer::repr_discr(tcx, ty, &def.repr(), min, max);

Expand Down
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions tests/ui/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
// Regression test for #121473
// Checks that no ICE occurs when `size_of`
// is applied to a struct that has an unsized
// field which is not its last field

use std::mem::size_of;

pub struct BadStruct {
pub field1: i32,
pub field2: str, // Unsized field that is not the last field
//~^ ERROR the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time
pub field3: [u8; 16],

enum BadEnum1 {
Variant1 {
field1: i32,
field2: str, // Unsized
//~^ ERROR the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time
field3: [u8; 16],

enum BadEnum2 {
str, // Unsized
//~^ ERROR the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time
[u8; 16]

enum BadEnumMultiVariant {
Variant2 {
field1: i32,
field2: str, // Unsized
//~^ ERROR the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time
field3: [u8; 16],

union BadUnion {
field1: i32,
field2: str, // Unsized
//~^ ERROR the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time
//~| ERROR field must implement `Copy` or be wrapped in `ManuallyDrop<...>` to be used in a union
field3: [u8; 16],

// Used to test that projection type fields that normalize
// to a sized type do not cause problems
struct StructWithProjections<'a>
field1: <&'a [i32] as IntoIterator>::IntoIter,
field2: i32

pub fn main() {
let _a = &size_of::<BadStruct>();
assert_eq!(size_of::<BadStruct>(), 21);

let _a = &size_of::<BadEnum1>();
assert_eq!(size_of::<BadEnum1>(), 21);

let _a = &size_of::<BadEnum2>();
assert_eq!(size_of::<BadEnum2>(), 21);

let _a = &size_of::<BadEnumMultiVariant>();
assert_eq!(size_of::<BadEnumMultiVariant>(), 21);

let _a = &size_of::<BadUnion>();
assert_eq!(size_of::<BadUnion>(), 21);

let _a = &size_of::<StructWithProjections>();
assert_eq!(size_of::<StructWithProjections>(), 21);
let _a = StructWithProjections { field1: [1, 3].iter(), field2: 3 };
106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions tests/ui/layout/ice-non-last-unsized-field-issue-121473.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
error[E0277]: the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time
--> $DIR/
LL | pub field2: str, // Unsized field that is not the last field
| ^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
= help: the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `str`
= note: only the last field of a struct may have a dynamically sized type
= help: change the field's type to have a statically known size
help: borrowed types always have a statically known size
LL | pub field2: &str, // Unsized field that is not the last field
| +
help: the `Box` type always has a statically known size and allocates its contents in the heap
LL | pub field2: Box<str>, // Unsized field that is not the last field
| ++++ +

error[E0277]: the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time
--> $DIR/
LL | field2: str, // Unsized
| ^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
= help: the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `str`
= note: no field of an enum variant may have a dynamically sized type
= help: change the field's type to have a statically known size
help: borrowed types always have a statically known size
LL | field2: &str, // Unsized
| +
help: the `Box` type always has a statically known size and allocates its contents in the heap
LL | field2: Box<str>, // Unsized
| ++++ +

error[E0277]: the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time
--> $DIR/
LL | str, // Unsized
| ^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
= help: the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `str`
= note: no field of an enum variant may have a dynamically sized type
= help: change the field's type to have a statically known size
help: borrowed types always have a statically known size
LL | &str, // Unsized
| +
help: the `Box` type always has a statically known size and allocates its contents in the heap
LL | Box<str>, // Unsized
| ++++ +

error[E0277]: the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time
--> $DIR/
LL | field2: str, // Unsized
| ^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
= help: the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `str`
= note: no field of an enum variant may have a dynamically sized type
= help: change the field's type to have a statically known size
help: borrowed types always have a statically known size
LL | field2: &str, // Unsized
| +
help: the `Box` type always has a statically known size and allocates its contents in the heap
LL | field2: Box<str>, // Unsized
| ++++ +

error[E0277]: the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time
--> $DIR/
LL | field2: str, // Unsized
| ^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
= help: the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `str`
= note: no field of a union may have a dynamically sized type
= help: change the field's type to have a statically known size
help: borrowed types always have a statically known size
LL | field2: &str, // Unsized
| +
help: the `Box` type always has a statically known size and allocates its contents in the heap
LL | field2: Box<str>, // Unsized
| ++++ +

error[E0740]: field must implement `Copy` or be wrapped in `ManuallyDrop<...>` to be used in a union
--> $DIR/
LL | field2: str, // Unsized
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: union fields must not have drop side-effects, which is currently enforced via either `Copy` or `ManuallyDrop<...>`
help: wrap the field type in `ManuallyDrop<...>`
LL | field2: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<str>, // Unsized
| +++++++++++++++++++++++ +

error: aborting due to 6 previous errors

Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0740.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.

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