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s3-upload-cleaner - abort stale S3 multipart uploads


var s3UploadCleaner = require('s3-upload-cleaner');
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');

var config = {
        bucket_location_match: ".*",
        bucket_name_match: ".*",
        key_match: ".*",
        dry_run: false,
	threshold_date: new Date(new Date() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7),

var s3Client = new AWS.S3({ region: 'eu-west-1' });
var ispyContext = new s3UploadCleaner.IspyContextLite();
var cleaner = new s3UploadCleaner.AccountCleaner(s3Client, config, ispyContext);;

The problem

To upload data to AWS S3, several methods are possible, one of which is Multipart Uploads:

To perform a Multipart Upload, the client initiates the upload, then adds one or more parts, then completes the upload. Or, an initiated upload can be aborted. Completing the upload takes the parts and uses them to create the desired object in S3; aborting the upload discards the parts.

The problem is that it's very easy to forget (e.g. due to a crash) to ever complete or abort a multipart upload; and there is no timeout. That is, incomplete multipart uploads remain incomplete forever, until complete or abort is called.

Storage for data uploaded to a not-yet-complete multipart upload is billable.

The solution

The S3 Upload Cleaner finds incomplete multipart uploads in each of your S3 buckets, and aborts any which are "stale" - that is, those which were started a long time ago. (In example/minimal.js, the threshold for this is 1 week).

Therefore, periodically running the S3 Upload Cleaner on your account can save you money.

In general, any errors encountered will cause the cleaner to abort. For example, if an AWS permissions error is encountered, then some multipart uploads might not be cleaned.


The config object (see above) recognises a number of keys:

  • bucket_name_match: a regular expression string; only buckets whose names match this will be included.

  • bucket_location_match: a regular expression string; only buckets whose locations (aka region) match this will be searched.

  • key_match: a regular expression string; only multipart uploads going to keys that match this will be included.

  • threshold_date: a Date object; multipart uploads initiated after this date will be ignored.

  • dry_run: boolean; if true, then don't actually abort the uploads (but do find the upload and emit the relevant iSpy events).

iSpy events

The cleaner emits "iSpy events" (an event is basically a String/String map) for each multipart upload. In example/minimal.js, these are logged to the console in json form. Supply your own "sink" to IspyContextLite to change this behaviour; see ispy-context-lite.js.

IspyContextLite is a (hopefully temporary) placeholder for the full IspyContext module, which should hopefully be open sourced soon.


Unit testing is incomplete.

Proxy and other settings should be (but aren't) propagated from the initial S3 client, to the client created for each S3 location.


Rachel Evans (


Abort stale S3 multipart uploads







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