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This repository is a collection of papers and research material that students need to be aware of when they are getting started with research in the lab

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Recommended reading materials to start research at RVL

A curated collection of papers and research materials that students need to be aware of when they are getting started with research in the lab. Students are not expected to read all of them, only the resources that are most related to their work. They are categorized here in terms of topics:

Robotics and ML Seminar Series

UofT Robotics Institute Seminar Series

MIT Robotics Seminars

Robotics Today

MIT Embodied Intelligence

CMU Robotics Seminars

CMU AI Seminars

Montreal Robotics

UPenn GRASP Lab Seminars

ETH Zurich Autonomy Talks

Vector Institute Visitor Talks

Control meets learning seminar series

RL Theory Seminars, virtual

Fields Institute ML Seminars 21'-22'

Fields Institute ML Seminars 20'-21'


Motion Planning

Week 5, Motion Planning, from Florian's CSC477

Steve Lavalle's book is the go-to reference in this field.


Sidd Srinivasa's talk

Informed RRT*


Task and Motion Planning

Hierarchical TAMP in the now

Logic Geometric Programming and differentiable modes


Control theory and learning

Week 3, PID Control, from Florian's CSC477

Week 4, LQR, from Florian's CSC477

Lecture 2 on LQR, iterative LQR, and model-based RL, from Florian's grad course

An introduction to trajectory optimization

Underactuated robotics course at MIT, 2020 version, from Russ Tedrake. Also check out his online book on the same topic.

All of Steve Brunton's videos on learning for control are interesting, but the following playlists in particular are worth understanding:

Jean Jacques Slotine's grad course on nonlinear control. It covers stability and convergence of nonlinear systems, adaptive control, system identification, and when can you approximate a nonlinear system by a linear system.

Nikolai Matni's grad course on learning and control

Advanced dynamics course from Zac Manchester

AA 203: Optimal and Learning-Based Control

Control meets learning seminar series and the associated Youtube channel

gradSim (differentiable physics and rendering) for system identification

Manipulation Robotics

Robotic Manipulation, Russ Tedrake

Topics in Advanced Robotic Manipulation, Jeannette Bohg

Advanced Robotic Manipulation, Oussama Khatib

Learning for Adaptive and Reactive Robot Control: A Dynamical Systems Approach, by Aude Billard, Sina Mirrazavi, Nadia Figueroa

Imitation learning

Florian's imitation learning seminar course. Look at the slides.

Yisong Yue's imitation learning talk

Reinforcement learning

RL course at UCL, by David Silver. Check out the slides and youtube videos. This course is good for discrete RL in games like chess and Go, so definitely not tailored to robotics.

Deep RL course at Berkeley, by Sergey Levine. Check out the youtube videos. This course is good for both discrete and continuous state and action RL, so it is applicable to robotics.

What is a good state representation/encoding for RL? See these papers and their related works to get started:

Exploration strategies in deep RL

Monotonic improvement in model-based RL: see and

RL Theory Seminars, virtual

Lessons from AlphaZero for Optimal, Model-Predictive, and Adaptive Control (Bertsekas)

Learning to plan/search

These courses are about having controllers/policies/planning algorithms that get better over time, as they solve more problems. These two courses are unique in the world and very much bleeding edge.

David Duvenaud's seminar course. Combining Monte Carlo Tree Search with neural networks, learning from expensive algorithms.

Yisong Yue's seminar course. Learning for branch and bound optimizers, learning A* heuristics. Lots of good stuff here.

Safety considerations in learning for control

Scaling probabilistically safe imitation learning, Scott Niekum, online talk, which can also be found here.

Safe Learning MPC, by Melanie Zeilinger, online talk

Safety-critical continuous and discrete-continuous systems, by Aaron Ames, online talk

Backwards reachability for control, via the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation survey paper and tutorial. Note that these approaches do not scale in more than 10-15 dimensions.

Introduction to reachability for linear systems, a tutorial.

How should a robot assess risk? Towards an axiomatic theory of risk in robotics, by Anirudha Majumdar. paper

A survey paper on safe RL

Constrained Policy Optimization paper

Conservative Safety Critics for Exploration

Active learning and information gathering behaviors

Roger Grosse's seminar course on uncertainty modeling and active learning

VIME: Variational Information Maximizing Exploration


Physics-based animation

All of these course are about physics-based animation, how to simulate realistic motion, and how to handle contacts, deformable objects.

To understand some of the material in these courses you will need to understand classical physics and mechanics. A good resource is

DiffTaichi: Differentiable Programming for Physical Simulation

Awesome multibody dynamics simulation

Sim-to-real and real-to-sim transfer

The frontier of simulation-based inference

BayesSim: adaptive domain randomization via probabilistic inference for robotics simulators

Domain randomization blog post

Neural ODEs

Differentiable rendering

NeRF: neural radiance fields

3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering

Learning to Predict 3D Objects with an Interpolation-based Differentiable Renderer

Soft Rasterizer: A Differentiable Renderer for Image-based 3D Reasoning


Mitsuba2: A Retargetable Forward and Inverse Renderer paper

Scene representation

Scene representation networks

Neural scene representation and rendering

Neural point based graphics

SCALOR: Generative World Models with Scalable Object Representations

Generative Hierarchical Models for Parts, Objects, and Scenes

SPACE: Unsupervised Object-Oriented Scene Representation via Spatial Attention and Decomposition

Animesh Garg's graduate seminar course on 3D and Geometric Deep Learning


Merging LiDAR pointclouds and RGB image representations

Joint 3D Proposal Generation and Object Detection from View Aggregation

Multi-View 3D Object Detection Network for Autonomous Driving

Pointcloud representations

PointFlow: 3D Point Cloud Generation with Continuous Normalizing Flows

PointNetVLAD: Deep Point Cloud Based Retrieval for Large-Scale Place Recognition

SE(3)-Transformers: 3D Roto-Translation Equivariant Attention Networks

Contrastive representation learning and similarity search

One-Shot Informed Robotic Visual Search in the Wild. See the related works section.

A Metric Learning Reality Check

A Theoretical Analysis of Contrastive Unsupervised Representation Learning

Understanding Contrastive Representation Learning through Alignment and Uniformity on the Hypersphere

Unsupervised object discovery, detection, and tracking

SCALOR: Generative World Models with Scalable Object Representations


State Estimation for Robotics, by Tim Barfoot, Professor, University of Toronto

Bayesian Filtering and Smoothing, by Simo Sarkka, Professor, Aalto University

Factor Graphs for Robotic Perception, by Profs. Frank Dellaert and Michael Kaess


Variational Inference: a Review for Statisticians

Tutorials on Variational Autoencoders (VAEs): and

Deep Learning Book

Deep Generative Modelling

What are diffusion models?



The art of writing effectively, by Larry McEnerney, Director of the University of Chicago's Writing Program

Writing beyond the Academy, by Larry McEnerney, Director of the University of Chicago's Writing Program

ADVICE FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS (& their supervisors)

Eight lessons learned in two years of PhD, by Muhammad Khalifa, PhD student, U. Michigan

Principles for productive group meetings, by Jacob Steinhardt, Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley

How I read research papers, by Aaditya Ramdas, Assistant Professor, CMU

Principles for a PhD program, by Seong Joon Oh, group leader, U. of Tuebingen

How to achieve success in a machine learning PhD, by Patrick Kidger, PhD student, Oxford.


This repository is a collection of papers and research material that students need to be aware of when they are getting started with research in the lab






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