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mole99 edited this page May 23, 2018 · 6 revisions

Configuration folder

By default the game will look for the configuration file in the following directory:

  • Linux and BSD: ~/.config/OpenRW/openrw.ini
  • macOS: ~/Library/Preferences/OpenRW/openrw.ini
  • Windows and anything else: openrw.ini in the current directory (usually where the rwgame executable is)

Configuration contents

The contents of the file should look like:

; Game data path
path=/opt/games/Grand Theft Auto 3/
; Game language

; Invert mouse-look camera Y

; Size of the window
; Start in fullscreen

(Eventually the game will write this for you, but currently it must be done by hand)



  • path: The path must point to the directory where "gta3.exe" is located. This must be an existing installation of the game. See this guide to find out how to extract the necessary data from your game discs if you don't have an existing installation.

  • language: Typically available languages are: american, french, german, italian and spanish. The language file must exist in your games text folder. You must specify the name without the .gxt suffix.


  • invert_y: Setting this to any other value than zero will invert the vertical mouse axis.
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