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ABQ 1.5.0

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@michaelglass michaelglass released this 07 Jun 09:22
· 27 commits to main since this release

ABQ 1.5.0 adds the ability to replay tests locally as well as a new strategy for test distribution.

Replaying Tests Locally

You can now replay exactly the tests run on a worker in CI in cloud mode. To achieve this, you should create a read-only personal access token and hook it into ABQ locally using abq login.

More docs here

Test Distribution Strategy

Previously, ABQ assigns the next available test to any worker. That behavior is still the default, but now, you can opt-in to a worker getting an entire file's tests. This ensures that expensive per-file shared setups or teardowns will run only once, on one worker, however it may cause tests to be less evenly distributed.

CLI Docs are here

What's Changed