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Nitro is a real-time 3D renderer built using C++ and OpenGL that aims to implement the latest rendering techniques such as:

  • Physically Based Rendering (PBR).
  • Ambient Occlusion.
  • Parallax Occlusion Mapping.
  • Normal Maping.
  • Environment Mapping.
  • Dynamic Shadow Mapping.
  • Atmospheric Scattering.
  • Bloom.
  • Volumetric lighting.
  • Deferred Rendering.

Also, another of the objectives of Nitro is to implement core aspects of a renderer from scratch (except model loading since we want to test the renderer with a number of models):

  • Virtual Camera: Movement and Rotation.
  • Light Sources: Point Lights, Directional Lights and SpotLights.
  • Primitives: Planes, Cubes and Spheres.
  • Event System.

How to build:

Clone the project:

git clone

Download and init project dependencies with the following command:

git submodule update --init --recursive  lib/

Create a build directory on the project root folder ../Nitro/build and change into that directory:

mkdir build && cd build

Type the following commands:

cmake ..
make && ./nitro

How to use:

Move through the scene by using WASD and your mouse as you like and exit by pressing ESC on your keyboard (artifacts appearing becuase of GIF format): alt text


Point Light Shadow Mapping:

alt text

Spot Light Shadow Mapping:

alt text

Parallax Occlussion Mapping:

Without Parallax vs Parallax alt text

Environment Mapping

To be uploaded ...

PBR pipeline implementation (Still in development)

alt text

To-Do list:

  • Dynamic Variance Shadow Mapping:
    • Gaussian Blur (Spotlights).
    • Implement Percentage-Closer Soft Shadows.
    • Cascade Shadow Mapping.
  • PBR:
    • Add PBR materials to Material struct.
    • Add PBR materials to Model loader.
    • Implement BRDF algorithm on shaders (Cook–Torrance? or Lambert or Brent Burley (Disney)).
  • Implement Deferred Rendering:
    • Implement G-buffer structure.
    • Implement G-buffer components (Diffuse, Normla, Depht, etc.).
    • Implement Light Volume.
  • Study and Implement Atmospheric Scattering.
  • Study and Implement Ambient Occlusion.
  • Study and Implement Bloom.
  • Study and Implement Volumetric Lighting.
  • Study and Implement Image-Based Lighting.